

*muffled ayy lmao in the distance*

Comments 2

Re: Feature: What If The SNES PlayStation Had Actually Happened?


@PaperMario64 Cool down on the language man (not like I can tell half of what you said due to auto censor) also you're making yourself sound like a fanboy. Seriously, and this go for everybody that hates a certain console, what is wrong with having diversity? I never will get the people that say "I can't way till x company dies and works for x company," or, "I can't wait till x company die.

Re: Feature: What If The SNES PlayStation Had Actually Happened?


@MightyKrypto Is that an insult, because when a person wrong they're just wrong. Don't go all, "B-but Nintendo," on people when you're just plain out wrong about something.

Anyway, I think it good Nintendo never gone through with the deal. The gaming community would be as big as it is today. Sony brought something
new to the gaming world and we should be thankful because of it.