Even though I own a mint condition, barely played copy of this game, I have no moral quandaries in regards to flashcarts / ODEs / emulation. Let the foolish collector's waste their money on overpriced old games.
If Nintendo isn't doing hardware backwards compatibility, then its usually going to suck. Their software emulation is laggy, buggy, unpolished, and generally worse off than fan-made emulation.
Fortunately Xbox 360 has both Goldeneye and Perfect Dark remakes easily accessible with a JTAG or RGH, no need to faf about with this sloppy mess, while having to pay for the privilege to access it.
Lame but not unexpected, I actually enjoy playing as Norimaro, he's a comical character like Dan, but he's not gimp. I love that he's in the game, and its too bad he'll likely never make a return. The Japanese arcade and Saturn port of MSH vs. SF will never be topped.
Even though I liked the game, this would have been lame, so I'm glad that they held back, it would have been way too edgey and try-hard for no worthwhile reason, and would be hated on even more than it currently is. The soundtrack is fantastic, though.
This was the period where Ubisoft tried to make Prince of Persia edgey as well with part 2, the whole story, the sex appeal of nearly-nude women the Avenge Sevenfold music during the credits. Yeah, it was cringey, thankfully Ubisoft scaled it back for part 3.
Let's not forget Capcom making Final Fight Streetwise, yeah edginess was all around during the mid-2000's.
@somnambulance An ODE such as Fenrir, Satiator, or Saroo is the best way to play Saturn games these days on original hardware. Look them up and dive into that library as I have!
I actually beat this game a few years back. I didn't spend money to play it, just use my Everdrive, but of course I paid the price with wasting many hours of my lifespan.
Without hyperbole, it is the worst game I've ever beaten. The level of rage I felt while playing it is still unmatched to this day, and will likely remain unchallenged for as long as I live.
Perhaps fittingly, the guides for this turdfest on GameFAQs (of which there are two) are both poorly written and filled with sloppy explanations.
The game has an endless list of flaws and issues, but by far the number one biggest complaint I have is that none of the indoor levels (half of the game) have any checkpoints. The crazy part is that checkpoints are programmed into the game, and can randomly activate for the easier outdoor levels, but the developers in their infinite stupidity chose not to add checkpoints for the indoor levels.
Don't get me started on the final level, there are simply no words to describe how much I despise it.
Every time someone brings this garbage game up, my PTSD flares back again. So thanks for reminding me about the torture I put myself through like an idiot!
@Grackler I read it somewhere, but I can't remember where. It could be an old post or out-dated information by now. Wish I could find the post or article where I read it, but alas!
They're not even real cartridges, but then again since the games and emulators can be patched, they need to be re-writable so they have to be SD cards.
SD cards are so cheap, especially if bought in bulk by companies. One side of me feels like they're being stingy, but then again, apparently Blaze hasn't made a profit off the Evercade line yet, even after 4 years on the market. So I don't blame them, upping the price.
How good are these books, and how good are their translations into English? Is it just the same ol' same ol' stuff that's been discussed many times already? Or is this some genuinely interesting information for long time Nintendo fans?
Its hard to gain consumer trust, it takes years of effort, and countless great games running on solid hardware.
However, its extremely easy to burn consumer trust, and get them to turn away from you and into the arms of someone else. That is what caused Sega's downfall, burning their fanbase and sending them to Nintendo and Sony who were all too eager to accept them.
Sega CD was an overpriced commercial flop (yeah, it has some great games, but many of them were just Genesis ports or crappy FMV games).
32x (which I bought recently) was a disaster.
Saturn was given up on way too quickly. Instead of throwing in the towel, SEGA should have FOCUSED on it more, released more good games for it, translated more third party games to the platform. Sega believed that the 'giant reset' when a new console generation begins would have helped them, but instead it only hurt them. It was the final straw for many gamers after the Sega CD, 32x, and Saturn abandonment, they simply didn't want to trust Sega anymore.
Even though I was a stalwart fan of Sega (and Nintendo) back then, I don't blame them. They did it to themselves.
She's the most iconic video game character with boobs, sure. But overall? No. As others have said, Mario, Sonic, Pikachu, Link, maybe even Cloud Strife would out-rank her.
Interesting idea for a video, I'll watch the whole thing over the course of a few days. Thanks for sharing.
As for back in the day, I was never a SEGA vs. Nintendo kid, since I was lucky enough to own and enjoy both. Only kids who couldn't have both wasted their time arguing over such unnecessary trivialities.
A few years back I was searching the web for any mods / hacks for Smackdown 1 and 2 and was disappointed in not finding any. So this is pretty cool to learn about! Hopefully this new season mode will have the annoying life meters removed in order to spare us the waiting period.
Neat, but with so many Wii consoles out there, with built in WIFI and cheap ethernet adapter options, is there a reason to use this, other than simply because someone wants to power on their GCN? Is there some aspect that requires the use of the GCN hardware?
Uh... well... I greatly dislike the terrible Marvel Cinematic Universe so I'm not expecting much here, and the first Sonic movie was barely average, but let's hope Pac-Man at least meets that bar.
If its as good as the second Sonic movie, then yeah, looking forward to it!
@GhaleonUnlimited I actually did lift one of the pins on my NES to fix the blinking red light, but it didn't help much, still get the red light often. I also still have to push the cartridge down to make the game work. This is after I fully boiled the pin connector, so it should be completely clean.
Before clicking on the article, I wondered to myself "How bad could these names be?"
And hot damn, were they horrible! Clearly created by a bunch of milquetoast, boring, out-of-touch, suits from ad firms that have no idea what to do, but gladly accepted money for a subject they had no knowledge or credentials in.
Out of all those names, the only one that isn't completely terrible is "MARZ", but only barely. None of them deserved payment for their "work".
This is the dumbest waste of money I can think of. A useless micro arcade cabinet, for the price of a dedicated handheld, or over half the price of a PS5? And they have the audacity to not even combine both games into this overpriced toy?
As fun as the games are, this is a silly novelty that'll wear out fast, and there are far superior ways of playing these games, including buying the actual arcade machines themselves being a better value for the money.
RockerGaming is a legit N64 fan, and not just some company trying to peddle knock-off junk on AliExpress and eBay. Because of that I am highly interested in what he ends up making.
My 1996 N64 controller that I have played for thousands of hours is somewhat loose, but still operates perfectly fine. I also have the Raphnet adapter to use my GCN controller on N64 and its pretty damn awesome for some games, as well. Nintendo quality and all that it brings.
I also own a few modern controllers like the Brawler 64 which I rather like, except for the build quality being pretty poor. After only a couple of years of usage I've experienced at least 3 build quality problems. But still, when they work, they're good.
I really liked all the new additions to the game, glad he didn't listen to fools back then. And look now, Konami is remaking this game, to cash in on all the great ideas Kojima and his crew put into it!
Unlike most people, I actually rented and completed the PS2 version of this game. It has, to this day the best BMX game mechanics, which is kind of sad when you think about it.
A lot of people criticize the game for this reason or that reason, but in reality the game's major flaw was that its yet another unpolished, and buggy mess Acclaim game. It needed 6 more months to actually finish the game properly (which can be said about all of Acclaim's games), and it could have been a decent title.
Alas, it was not meant to be. Acclaim cared more about marketing than game quality, and that's why they're long gone now. This game, among many other Acclaim games, had potential that was never met due to having their priorities wrong.
If you want a more polished BMX game, you can play Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2, but the mechanics are less interesting than BMX XXX, and the final stage of that game is a terrible first person shooter with forced inverted controls. Yes really — which to me is an even bigger offense than anything BMX XXX did.
Glad to see this product exist, but I have no interest in purchasing it.
Last year I bought a Core Engine from Japan, which wasn't that expensive, and this year I bought Krikzz's Turbo Everdrive Pro and EDFX. I also picked up Genesis HD Retrovision cables, and now I'm set to play the entire library on original hardware on my CRTs at component video quality.
I'd only consider an Analogue product if they allowed us to play games off its own internal SD card. But having to purchase these expensive FPGA consoles + a flashcart, makes me go the original hardware route.
Can someone please explain how to purchase these outside of Japan? Many of us missed our chance the first time around, and don't want to miss this chance again.
Comments 82
Re: Random: Used Book Retailer Half Price Books Is Selling Zelda: Minish Cap For $400
Even though I own a mint condition, barely played copy of this game, I have no moral quandaries in regards to flashcarts / ODEs / emulation. Let the foolish collector's waste their money on overpriced old games.
Re: "It's The Worst" - Perfect Dark Expert Delivers Withering Verdict Of Nintendo Switch Port
If Nintendo isn't doing hardware backwards compatibility, then its usually going to suck. Their software emulation is laggy, buggy, unpolished, and generally worse off than fan-made emulation.
Fortunately Xbox 360 has both Goldeneye and Perfect Dark remakes easily accessible with a JTAG or RGH, no need to faf about with this sloppy mess, while having to pay for the privilege to access it.
Re: This $30 PS2 HDMI Module Is Mod-Free And Lag-Free
@WaveBoy ditch CRTs, and what about light gun games? One of my favorite genres.
Re: Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection Won't Include Yoshiki Okamoto's Most Hated Character
Lame but not unexpected, I actually enjoy playing as Norimaro, he's a comical character like Dan, but he's not gimp. I love that he's in the game, and its too bad he'll likely never make a return. The Japanese arcade and Saturn port of MSH vs. SF will never be topped.
Re: New Short Film Shows How Video Games Can Connect Us Across Generations
@Sketcz Never heard of those stories before, so I'll look them up, and perhaps keep some tissues near by.
Re: Shadow The Hedgehog Almost Became A F***-Filled Swearfest
Even though I liked the game, this would have been lame, so I'm glad that they held back, it would have been way too edgey and try-hard for no worthwhile reason, and would be hated on even more than it currently is. The soundtrack is fantastic, though.
This was the period where Ubisoft tried to make Prince of Persia edgey as well with part 2, the whole story, the sex appeal of nearly-nude women the Avenge Sevenfold music during the credits. Yeah, it was cringey, thankfully Ubisoft scaled it back for part 3.
Let's not forget Capcom making Final Fight Streetwise, yeah edginess was all around during the mid-2000's.
Re: We Never Got A Panzer Dragoon Saturn Console, But This Is The Next Best Thing
@somnambulance An ODE such as Fenrir, Satiator, or Saroo is the best way to play Saturn games these days on original hardware. Look them up and dive into that library as I have!
Re: Anniversary: 25 Years Ago, One Of The Worst Video Games Of All Time Hit The N64
I actually beat this game a few years back. I didn't spend money to play it, just use my Everdrive, but of course I paid the price with wasting many hours of my lifespan.
Without hyperbole, it is the worst game I've ever beaten. The level of rage I felt while playing it is still unmatched to this day, and will likely remain unchallenged for as long as I live.
Perhaps fittingly, the guides for this turdfest on GameFAQs (of which there are two) are both poorly written and filled with sloppy explanations.
The game has an endless list of flaws and issues, but by far the number one biggest complaint I have is that none of the indoor levels (half of the game) have any checkpoints. The crazy part is that checkpoints are programmed into the game, and can randomly activate for the easier outdoor levels, but the developers in their infinite stupidity chose not to add checkpoints for the indoor levels.
Don't get me started on the final level, there are simply no words to describe how much I despise it.
Every time someone brings this garbage game up, my PTSD flares back again. So thanks for reminding me about the torture I put myself through like an idiot!
Re: Anbernic's GBA SP-Style RG35XXSP Is Cheaper Than You Think
Seems like a missed opportunity not to include analog sticks if its capable of playing 3D console games.
Re: We're Getting A Final Fight Comic This July
@Andee Yeah, and you can pick between 3 characters unlike on SNES. All it needed was a two player CO-OP mode.
Re: The Making Of: BMX XXX - "We Were Building This Beautiful Skate Park And Ended Up With A Strip Club"
@Lanmanna Watch this video starting at 5:03. Its awful, and they committed the cardinal sin of having only inverted aiming, why?! Who does that?
Re: We're Getting A Final Fight Comic This July
Poor Mighty Final Fight being forgotten, when its actually better than I expected it to be.
Re: Evercade Is Getting New "Giga Carts" To Allow For Bigger Games
@Grackler I read it somewhere, but I can't remember where. It could be an old post or out-dated information by now. Wish I could find the post or article where I read it, but alas!
Re: Evercade Is Getting New "Giga Carts" To Allow For Bigger Games
They're not even real cartridges, but then again since the games and emulators can be patched, they need to be re-writable so they have to be SD cards.
SD cards are so cheap, especially if bought in bulk by companies. One side of me feels like they're being stingy, but then again, apparently Blaze hasn't made a profit off the Evercade line yet, even after 4 years on the market. So I don't blame them, upping the price.
Re: Missing 'History Of Nintendo' Books Finally Being Published In English
How good are these books, and how good are their translations into English? Is it just the same ol' same ol' stuff that's been discussed many times already? Or is this some genuinely interesting information for long time Nintendo fans?
Re: The Reason Sega Lost The 32-Bit War? The 32X, Says Yosuke Okunari
Its hard to gain consumer trust, it takes years of effort, and countless great games running on solid hardware.
However, its extremely easy to burn consumer trust, and get them to turn away from you and into the arms of someone else. That is what caused Sega's downfall, burning their fanbase and sending them to Nintendo and Sony who were all too eager to accept them.
Sega CD was an overpriced commercial flop (yeah, it has some great games, but many of them were just Genesis ports or crappy FMV games).
32x (which I bought recently) was a disaster.
Saturn was given up on way too quickly. Instead of throwing in the towel, SEGA should have FOCUSED on it more, released more good games for it, translated more third party games to the platform. Sega believed that the 'giant reset' when a new console generation begins would have helped them, but instead it only hurt them. It was the final straw for many gamers after the Sega CD, 32x, and Saturn abandonment, they simply didn't want to trust Sega anymore.
Even though I was a stalwart fan of Sega (and Nintendo) back then, I don't blame them. They did it to themselves.
Re: Musician Behind VGL's Zelda Medley Hints That Tommy Tallarico Is Selling Arrangements He Doesn't Own
"Veteran video game composer"
That seems to be debunked at this point. He's NOT a composer, its Joey Kuras, its ALWAYS Joey!
Re: BAFTA Poll Declares Lara Croft The Most Iconic Video Game Character
She's the most iconic video game character with boobs, sure. But overall? No. As others have said, Mario, Sonic, Pikachu, Link, maybe even Cloud Strife would out-rank her.
Re: We Have Yuji Naka To Thank For One Of The Coolest Genesis Intros Of All Time
Naka often gets a bad rap, but he's always been an amazing programmer.
Re: This Video Might Just Trigger The 'Sega vs Nintendo' Console War All Over Again
Interesting idea for a video, I'll watch the whole thing over the course of a few days. Thanks for sharing.
As for back in the day, I was never a SEGA vs. Nintendo kid, since I was lucky enough to own and enjoy both. Only kids who couldn't have both wasted their time arguing over such unnecessary trivialities.
Re: This New Smackdown! 2 PS1 Mod Is A Love Letter To Classic ECW
A few years back I was searching the web for any mods / hacks for Smackdown 1 and 2 and was disappointed in not finding any. So this is pretty cool to learn about! Hopefully this new season mode will have the annoying life meters removed in order to spare us the waiting period.
Re: This $15 Device Takes GameCube Online So You Can Play Mario Kart And Zelda With Other People
Neat, but with so many Wii consoles out there, with built in WIFI and cheap ethernet adapter options, is there a reason to use this, other than simply because someone wants to power on their GCN? Is there some aspect that requires the use of the GCN hardware?
Re: Mandalorian, Thor And Cowboy Bebop Writer Behind Upcoming Live-Action Pac-Man Movie
Uh... well... I greatly dislike the terrible Marvel Cinematic Universe so I'm not expecting much here, and the first Sonic movie was barely average, but let's hope Pac-Man at least meets that bar.
If its as good as the second Sonic movie, then yeah, looking forward to it!
Re: NES Modders Fix The "Sin" Committed By Nintendo 39 Years Ago
I actually did lift one of the pins on my NES to fix the blinking red light, but it didn't help much, still get the red light often. I also still have to push the cartridge down to make the game work. This is after I fully boiled the pin connector, so it should be completely clean.
Re: Flashback: Xbox Got Its Name Because The Other Suggestions Were "F**cking Appalling"
Before clicking on the article, I wondered to myself "How bad could these names be?"
And hot damn, were they horrible! Clearly created by a bunch of milquetoast, boring, out-of-touch, suits from ad firms that have no idea what to do, but gladly accepted money for a subject they had no knowledge or credentials in.
Out of all those names, the only one that isn't completely terrible is "MARZ", but only barely. None of them deserved payment for their "work".
Re: Konami's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Joins The 'Quarter Arcades' Series
This is the dumbest waste of money I can think of. A useless micro arcade cabinet, for the price of a dedicated handheld, or over half the price of a PS5? And they have the audacity to not even combine both games into this overpriced toy?
As fun as the games are, this is a silly novelty that'll wear out fast, and there are far superior ways of playing these games, including buying the actual arcade machines themselves being a better value for the money.
Re: New Project Aims To Replicate N64 Stick "As Close As Possible"
RockerGaming is a legit N64 fan, and not just some company trying to peddle knock-off junk on AliExpress and eBay. Because of that I am highly interested in what he ends up making.
My 1996 N64 controller that I have played for thousands of hours is somewhat loose, but still operates perfectly fine. I also have the Raphnet adapter to use my GCN controller on N64 and its pretty damn awesome for some games, as well. Nintendo quality and all that it brings.
I also own a few modern controllers like the Brawler 64 which I rather like, except for the build quality being pretty poor. After only a couple of years of usage I've experienced at least 3 build quality problems. But still, when they work, they're good.
Re: Hideo Kojima Claims Konami Wanted Metal Gear Solid 3 To Be More "Normal"
I really liked all the new additions to the game, glad he didn't listen to fools back then. And look now, Konami is remaking this game, to cash in on all the great ideas Kojima and his crew put into it!
The irony of it all.
Re: The Making Of: BMX XXX - "We Were Building This Beautiful Skate Park And Ended Up With A Strip Club"
Unlike most people, I actually rented and completed the PS2 version of this game. It has, to this day the best BMX game mechanics, which is kind of sad when you think about it.
A lot of people criticize the game for this reason or that reason, but in reality the game's major flaw was that its yet another unpolished, and buggy mess Acclaim game. It needed 6 more months to actually finish the game properly (which can be said about all of Acclaim's games), and it could have been a decent title.
Alas, it was not meant to be. Acclaim cared more about marketing than game quality, and that's why they're long gone now. This game, among many other Acclaim games, had potential that was never met due to having their priorities wrong.
If you want a more polished BMX game, you can play Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2, but the mechanics are less interesting than BMX XXX, and the final stage of that game is a terrible first person shooter with forced inverted controls. Yes really — which to me is an even bigger offense than anything BMX XXX did.
Re: Review: RetroTINK 5X Pro - RetroTINK 4K's Cheaper Sibling Is Still Worth A Look
A great device for sure, but I'll actually pick up the RT4K in the future.
Any plans to do a write up on the GBS-C device? There isn't as much coverage for that compared to the OSSC and Retrotink line of products.
Re: Review: Analogue Duo - The Best Way To Enjoy The Entire PC Engine / TG16 Library
Glad to see this product exist, but I have no interest in purchasing it.
Last year I bought a Core Engine from Japan, which wasn't that expensive, and this year I bought Krikzz's Turbo Everdrive Pro and EDFX. I also picked up Genesis HD Retrovision cables, and now I'm set to play the entire library on original hardware on my CRTs at component video quality.
I'd only consider an Analogue product if they allowed us to play games off its own internal SD card. But having to purchase these expensive FPGA consoles + a flashcart, makes me go the original hardware route.
Re: Tanita's PS4 'Virtual-On' Twin-Stick Controller Is Going Back Into Production
Can someone please explain how to purchase these outside of Japan? Many of us missed our chance the first time around, and don't want to miss this chance again.