Comments 82

Re: Three Years Later, And Hyperkin's PC Engine / TurboGrafx-16 Clone Is Finally Coming Out


Useless devices if it doesn't support Everdrives or play games from SD card / USB drive.

The games are too expensive, and anyone who has a collection would already own the original hardware. So who is this for?

People who want to get into the system for the first time? No.

Long time fans, with a large collection of HuCards / TurboChips? No.

Those that want to play CD games? No.

Those who want to play ROM dumps? No.

Those who want a perfect experience with zero gameplay errors, or input lag? No.

This is for practically no one, other than super fans that will buy anything TG-16 / PC-E branded and just have it sit on their shelf.

Re: Random: Distributor Koch Appears To Think The Intellivision Amico Is Still Coming


You have always given these liars and scammers too much credit. Dec 31st is a placeholder (fake) date, don't call it a hint, its objective fact that Amico Entertainment has no money, their 'business operations address' is a UPS store next door to a frozen yogurt place.

They stole nearly $17,000,000 dollars from people, its okay to be honest and harsh towards these guys. They are deserving of nothing but our ire.

Re: Square Enix Ends Support For Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles iOS Following Unfixable Bug


@BulkSlash A lot of good iOS and Android games have been lost to time because of the lack of updates, Metal Gear Solid: Touch, Mirror's Edge (the mobile game is actually great), and plenty more.

I bought an iPad 3 a few years ago, and hacked it in order to play those long delisted abandonware games. Its sad that it has to come to this even though iOS is still around. This should have never happened in the first place.

Re: The Making Of: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2's Surprisingly Stellar GBA Port


Nice interview, I'm a huge THPS fan, and I also love the GBA, so this was a great read for me. I had no idea that they actually used PSone code on a GBA, I just assumed they built the game from scratch, but it makes sense now, seeing as how well the games control, compared to the awful Robomodo games which were built from scratch and played terribly.

THPS 2 was an amazing GBA launch game, and the main system seller for me, THPS 3 was also great, THPS 4 was good too, but it was starting to feel stale by then (not on consoles, but on GBA with its more limited game design).

Fortunately for me, at that point PSP had launched with THUG 2 Remix, now the GBA games had lost their luster and charm. I finally had a 'true 3D' THPS game to play on the go. So I stopped buying the GBA games from then on. However I recently went back to play them via emulation just to see what I had missed.

THUG GBA was horrible, they completely ruined it, THUG 2 GBA was okay, but that feeling of staleness was certainly increasing, THAW GBA is similar to THUG 2, but worse with some stupid goals that aren't well explained to the player. Overall the games were going downhill in quality after THPS 4.

The last game, Downhill Jam on GBA was extremely impressive for the hardware, can you imagine what it would have been like to see a game like that on GBA's launch? It would have been insane! Perhaps you should interview someone who worked on that game? Also Downhill Jam on DS is amazing, and is well worth a try.

Re: 25 Years After It Changed Gaming Forever, Sega Staff Reveal Shenmue Almost Came To PS2 And Xbox


Shenmue 1 and 2 really should have been multiplatform, the idea of keeping Shenmue 1 on Dreamcast and making the sequel an Xbox exclusive was flat out stupid.

The PS2 user base was massive, there is no reason not to port your games to that system! Sega is truly their own worst enemy. As for lisencing issues, they could just change the textures and words, which is something they already did for the Shenmue 1 port on Dreamcast outside of Japan. Seems like a flimsy excuse.

Re: To The Shock Of Absolutely Nobody, Sega Is Trying To Shut Down The SuperSega FPGA Project


If you pre-ordered this obvious scam from the start then you are a fool who makes poor financial decisions. How could you support this moron knowing that he's using SEGA's name without permission, it was obvious lawyers were going to get involved. Stop blindly giving grifters your money, stop pre-order the next stupid thing some idiot is peddling.

Same thing with the Amico, why are people so willingly throwing their money away when the product doesn't even exist?

Wait for it to be finished, be patient, hold onto your money, watch video reviews then come to an informed decision. Or just give it to me instead of idiots like Tommy Tallerico and Alejandro MartĂ­n.

Re: Confusion Reigns As SuperSega Pre-Orders Get Charged For The Full Amount


One of two things are happening here.

1) This is a scam, and they're cashing out on retro-fools, who don't care about wasting money on vaporware or junk, ASAP.

2) They're using the pre-order money to help complete their project. Which is not a good sign, it would mean they were never truly prepared to deliver this product without "crowd funding", and this was their idea of crowd funding, which of course is quite misleading.

There's also a chance that the money won't be enough, it'll run out, and the product never gets completed and shipped out.

Just like the Amico, which leads back to point #1, its a scam.

Re: "The Project Is A Complete Scam" - The Internet Isn't Convinced By The SuperSega FPGA Console


@Steel76 I always prefer original hardware when at home. Emulation or FPGA is okay when going for portable gaming.

Though there are some Genesis, SNES, and Saturn games that are bugged on certain hardware models. An example would be Super Turrican bugged on SNES 1 chip models, or Sega's initial print run of SEGA AGES for the Saturn, which won't work on model 2, until they later reprinted the games with a fix.

Re: "Ours Will Be The Translation Worth Playing" - Team Behind Decade-Old Princess Crown Localisation Speak Out


Translators do this work for free, and they don't owe us anything, but I don't like this attitude from them.

They gave us the silent treatment for too long, making us question if the translation was still going on or not, they knew this was the case but continued to remain silent. I suppose their plan was to "surprise us" when it was finally completed.

Instead it backfired and they ended up being surprised by someone else not remaining silent. Don't blame eadmaster for making this translation, blame yourselves for not making it clear that the translation process was still continuing.

I'll happily play CyberWarriorX's translation, but I'm glad that eadmaster lit a fire within him to actually be more vocal about it, that's all we really wanted from him.

Re: After The Epic Failure Of The Intellivision Amico, Tommy Tallarico's New Goal Is Becoming A Backgammon Legend


I'm flabbergasted that there are buffoons still supporting Tommy even after all these years of lying, stealing, scamming, and overall being a bad person.

Tommy is the lowest of the low, he uses his father's death as a shield from criticism, and he's never apologized for his actions. He's a sociopath, and deserves zero leniency or compassion after what he's done.

Re: "The Wrong Console Won" - Dreamcast Is Getting Its Own Rave Event "To Correct The Record"


I love my Dreamcast, it was the first time I ever got a console on launch day. I have so many memories playing it, and will keep playing it until I die, but this "wrong console won" narrative is complete nonsense.

Dreamcast deserved better, yes, but its not like PlayStation 2 cheated for a victory, it earned its place in history because it was absolutely amazing, packed with so many high quality masterpieces. Yeah it has its issues such as muddy video output, but it doesn't matter when the games are so good and plentiful.

Promoting, and loving the Dreamcast is awesome, but having to hate on another console to do so is ignorant and childish. It reminds me of people who insult one woman's appearance in order to praise another woman's appearance. Shameful and unnecessary.

Re: Yes, You Can Buy Virtual Boy Merch At The Nintendo Museum


I was pleasantly surprised to see Virtual Boy within 3DS Badge Arcade. They were a hard set of badges to collect!

This article reminds me to go back and play more VB on my 3DS, and finally beat Wario Land.

Also I wanted to point out that the "3DS StreetPass" link highlighted above does not work anymore. Can someone fix it?

Re: Anniversary: Tekken Is Now 30 Years Old


I remember renting this game back in 1996 and being blown away by the visuals. It looked very close to the arcade version. The sequel which I pre-ordered (before I even bought a PSone!), also blew me away. Then a third time with Tekken 3, a game I poured a lot of time into, and really enjoyed it. NAMCO really hit it out of the park 3 times in a row, and offered more content, and fun CGI endings that SEGA wasn't giving us on the Saturn unfortunately.

Re: Please Stop Buying Unofficial "Saturn Mini" Consoles


Hmm, I can see both sides to this. On one hand, its good if they're taking broken Saturns, and giving them second life, I like this. On the other hand, the issue is that hypothetically if this continues long term then eventually 'traditional Saturns' will be harder to come by in the future.

This doesn't affect me personally since I own 4 Saturns (2 US, 2 JP), and I have a Fenrir, so I'm set. But if you think of the worst case scenario, this could sort of be an issue. But then again, if they aren't making a lot of these, then it could be nothing in the end.

As the years go on, I can see many people using FPGA replacements instead of original hardware. I myself am heavily considering the upcoming portable MiSTer device, where I can play Saturn on the go.

Re: Anbernic Reveals Another Game Boy-Style Handheld, The RG406V


Yet another one, and their quality is always spotty at best (from any of the companies). The naming scheme is also terrible and impossible to figure out which is what unless if you perform web searches and deep dive.

I think I'll wait to see what Taki Udon's portable MiSTer is like before deciding on any classic gaming focused handheld.

Re: This Tiny Piece Of Plastic Could Save Your N64's Analogue Stick


@Sketcz I bought my N64 on Dec. 26th 1996, and while the controller's analog stick that I've spent thousands of hours of playtime with is a bit loose, it still works fine, even gentle tilts. Maybe I'm lucky, but no sticks have died on me, and I've played that system more than most with endless hours of Goldeneye, Mario Kart, Zelda, and more!

There was some powder from the grinding, but nothing major, I'm currently using Retro Fighters Brawler 64, which while it works great, is also poorly built, with it breaking down fairly quickly. My personal experience is that the Nintendo controllers for N64 are actually well made.

I should also mention that I never did the "palm circular motion" for Mario Party games. I never even knew that was a thing until many years later. I just used my thumb and did normal rotations for those mini games.

Re: The "Best" Dreamcast Component Cables Are Almost Here


FINALLY! I use HD Retrovision on:

RGB modded AV Famicom
Super Famicom
RGB modded Ultra 64
Sega Genesis / 32x
PC-Engine with Krikzz RGB add-on
Sega Saturn
PlayStation 1
PlayStation 2

Dreamcast has been the final piece of the puzzle. They've been working on it for an extremely long time, My Life In Gaming Courey and Marc have had pre-production DC cables since around 2018, maybe. Its been 6 years!

Re: Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection Will Include Yoshiki Okamoto's Most Hated Character After All


Good news, Norimaro is back! No missing characters, happy to hear it!

Mech Gouki was unlockable in the Saturn version of MSH vs. SF, you had to beat Survival mode, which is extremely challenging for me, but I've done it twice. The secret is to just use Blackheart, he's the cheapest character against the CPU opponents.

The only potential issue left is emulation input lag. I'm assuming they're using emulation here, not native ports.

Re: FlippyBird Connects Four WaveBirds To Your GameCube At Once


But does it have terrible signal connection quality like the original Wavebird receivers? I've own a Wavebird since launch, and that thing barely worked with constant signal drop-outs. Tried changing the "frequency channels" but it didn't help. I eventually gave up and went back to wired controllers. No other wireless controller afterwards (360 / PS3 / Wii) ever gave me problems like that.

Re: Sega Forever, Sega's Dedicated Retro Channel, Appears To Be Dead


@Sketcz Wow, good memory and good find, what a strange and silly error, no idea how that made it through. I think its also odd how the reader asked if this would be for left-handed gamers, as if that's what we want, NO WAY! I'm also left-handed and wouldn't dare use a swapped position controller like that.

Internet Archive, quick link for those who want to see it for themselves.

Re: Konami Butchered This SNES Classic, So We Fixed It


Interesting article, thanks for sharing. I have a love / hate relationship with Buster Busts Loose.

I bought the game right when it came out, it has great visuals, music, controls, and fun level concepts. It should have been a winner, but there's a strange problem with the game. I could never beat the second stage (Wild West) on Normal difficulty, and it wasn't for a lack of skills, but the game just wouldn't let me jump onto the flying logs on the train section.

I spent months, and countless attempts to beat the game, but never could, and I truly believe it was some type of error in the programming, it drove me crazy, and I eventually gave up. So I looked at the cheat codes in Nintendo Power, only to be extremely disappointed that it forced on Kids difficulty, which didn't allow me to play the full game. What garbage nonsense!

So much potential down the toilet over Konami USA meddling. Thanks for making this patch, its the only way I'd ever dare to attempt to play the game at this point ever again.

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