Comments 71

Re: The Genesis Just "Broke Another Myth" By Replicating Classic Castlevania Tunes


For all the great music in Genesis games, people who dunk on the sound chip mostly bring up the worst of the worst, and act like those examples are the standard for what the console could produce.

I'd like to think this tug of war for which great system is greater ends in everybody enjoying that era for being amazing instead of trying to knock one part of it down to prop the other one up.

Maybe I'm just naive...

Re: Koei Once Created A $250 Handheld Console, And You're Forgiven For Not Knowing About It


something I noticed when exploring those "every game for X system" videos on youtube is that there are usually multiple majong games and at least one Go title on every console released in Japan.

Never realized Go was popular enough to warrant it's own cartridge based handheld. Bet hardcore Go players didn't have a problem with the price, if they thought a portable version seemed like an awesome thing to have.

Re: The Making Of: Steel Battalion, The Ultimate Hardcore Mecha Experience


Kouno writes game proposals the same way I approached game purchases as a kid. I'd be in the back of the car, reading the manual, and playing the game out in my imagination on the way home.

That's probably the only way to make a game like Steel Battalion. You can't design a control scheme like that without having a vision for what the overall experience should feel like first.

Re: Classic Pokémon Games Get 'Ported' To SNES By Industrious Fan


I've got fond memories of playing Pokemon Yellow on both the Super Gameboy, and n64 transfer pak. Because I'm an avid fan of unnecessary, yet extremely cool projects like this, I might have to man up and learn to solder myself.

I wanna make Donkey Kong '94 into an SNES cart. That game lives rent free in my head because I didn't expect it to be what it was when I first played it back in the day.

Re: Ultimate Guide: Nuon, The DVD Player That Tried To Be A Games Console


First of all, How is there not a definitive Tempest compilation on Steam yet? Everything people bring this series up, it's about 2000 or 3000. I think there's clearly a demand...

Aside from the n64 controller, I think this thing had a lot of positive things going for it when you look at the games themselves. Nuon had classic stuff casuals can play like Space Invaders and Tetris, as well as a unique title in Freefall.

Bust-A-Move is always a good time, so that one being cancelled hurt me even though I've never even seen a Nuon before today.

Of the obscure failed consoles, I'd say this is one that should have been a success. Hindsight is what it is...They could have partnered with an established 3rd party developer and maybe they would have avoided going bankrupt so soon.

Man...Bet that Shin Chan game goes hard. Why else would they try to keep it exclusive to a particular Korean DVD player? Also, why are there 15 Shin Chan games, but none for the Ronin Warriors? Time line is weirdsville.

Re: The Puzzling Legacy of Panel de Pon And Puzzle League


eSports will never be legitimate till there's an active Tetris Attack scene. That game is on my Mt Rushmore of puzzlers, and everybody should go and play it.

I don't care if they put pokemon art on it. It doesn't matter if it's the OG Japanese version. Find this game, and put your friends in a headlock till they agree to play it with you. It's that gosh darn good!

Re: The Sega Channel Revival Project Is Coming To An End


Just looked him up on Romhacking net.

He's done a lot of SRAM hacks for stuff like Road Rash and Contra: Hard Corps.That's pretty cool!

But the whole SEGA Channel thing is huge. I could never grasp the significance of this service as a child. I might have assumed it was a VHS tape that had clips like some in-store kiosk or something.

He is now my favorite person of the decade for taking on such a wild project.

Re: I'm Just Joking When I Tell Valve To Make Portal 3, Says Series Co-Writer


Capcom used to be 3 shy with the Street Fighter series. I have faith in Valve growing out of this at some point. A ton of people want another Portal. I don't get how the cost of doing business wouldn't be compensated by the consumer supporting the series they actually enjoy playing. This is like Nintendo making up excuses for why they don't wanna make more F-Zero games.

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