Comments 6

Re: 10 Years Ago, Tech Giant Panasonic Almost Took On The Nintendo 3DS


Honestly didn't remember it, but would probably have gotten myself one back then if it was released. I always try everything out, with varying degrees of success lol
Even if it was meant to be a failure, it's always nice when others try to break the current hegemony of the Nintendo/Sony/MS trinity. Competition and options are often beneficial to the consumer.

Re: Atari's Attempt To Relaunch The VCS Has Just Hit Another Brick Wall


I honestly don't believe today's "big 3" console manufacturers have anything to worry about coming from company's who "retired" from the business in the 90's.
I mean, even if the VCS launch goes smoothly (when/if it ever happens) and if it is as powerful and as rich in content as the other 3, it'll still have a hard time competing. It's a highly recognizable brand for sure, but from that to actually gain momentum against the others better structured and solid business plans is not an easy feat to accomplish.