Comments 19

Re: Would You Just Look At This Tiny Bubble Bobble Arcade Machine


@mr_benn I've been hoping for Rainbow Islands to be released on Arcade Archives for ages! One of my childhood favourites. The Puzzle Bobble games are on there so we know that Taito are willing to release their games in this format.

I have a feeling Bubble Bobble won't come to Arcade Archives as they'd prefer people to buy Bubble Bobble 4, but I'm not paying £35.99 for that, are you mad Taito...

Re: The PocketGo S30 Is Basically A SNES Pad That Plays Retro Games


The screen is too small for my liking. If I ever get an emulation handheld I'll probably get a Retroid Pocket 2. It looks gorgeous and you can connect if to the TV and play with a wireless controller too.

Having said that I'm also tempted by the PiBoy DMG as it apparently emulates Dreamcast better than the Retroid... However it looks less comfortable to hold (I prefer horizontal handhelds to vertical) so IDK...

Has anyone tried either of them?