Comments 177

Re: Anniversary: The Game Boy Is 35 Years Old Today


Happy 35th birthday Game Boy!
I only owned the Color version but that was more then enough for a lifetime of precious memories.😊 It was also the origin of my interest in handheld gaming.
First game, as far as I can remember, was Pokemon Red.

Re: Anniversary: Super Metroid Is 30


@F-ZeroX : Yeah, I fully expect Prime 4 on Switch's successor as well.

"I do wonder if when they announced Prime 4 they had even started work on the title."

I dunno how far the previous dev team at the time (forgot who it was) got on MP4 but appearently it was far enough that Nintendo could look at things and, by their standards, be so let down that they get Retro to take over and restart everything.
I'm sure Retro will do a great job with MP4 but I do hope one day someone of the previous team will post some concept art and images of the game's original direction, would love to see it.

Re: Why Infernal Machine's Director Put A Stop To Indiana Jones's Womanizing


I mean, Jones (and the women he's been with mentioned in the article) was never married or in a known serious relationship right? Atleast not during that point at the time I presume, been a long time since I followed anything with the Indy franchise.

I mean, good for Barwood for being loyal and all but he should be aware there is a difference between being a 'cheater' and being an adult single who has had several consensual "fun" relationships with other adult singles.