Comments 177

Re: Street Fighter's Critically-Panned Animated TV Series Is Getting A Blu-Ray Release


I never watched the Darkstalkers cartoon so I can't comment on that.
Regarding the Street Fighter cartoon; tbh, even without the other (more superior) SF animations in mind, I always found this show to be one of the more weaker 90's cartoons back then.
Nowadays I mostly remember/watch it for the memes and the 'funny bad' bits.

@Tasuki : You are right, they did have a Final Fight-based episode.

Re: Anniversary: Street Fighter's Live-Action Movie Is 30 Years Old Today


Happy 30th anniversary SF '94 film!๐ŸŽ‰
I remember feeling a long time ago how the movie was one of my "guilty pleasures" but I wouldn't admit it out loud, nowadays I'm proud to say its one of my absolute favorites, video game-related or otherwise.

One of my favorites is the "change the channel" moment with Zangief, I feel like thats one of the more underrated funny moments in the movie.

Re: Crush 40 Singer Suing Sega Over Ownership Of Sonic Adventure 2's 'Live & Learn'


@KitsuneNight : I mean sure, that is obviously the case here but even that feels suspicious as Gioeli is known (atleast to most people within the Sonic community) as a chill guy, doing gigs for little to no compensation. I know that you could never be truly aware of people's true nature but for him to take up legal action like this so suddenly, and right before the Sonic 3 movie was released, is uncharacteristic of him.

But I wait until we hear something directly from Gioeli himself before fully forming an opinion.

Re: Monster Hunter, Mortal Kombat And Resident Evil Director Paul W.S. Anderson Is Making A House Of The Dead Movie


I know this isn't the first time HoTD gets the movie treatment but boy, another upcoming Sega IP-based live-action movie huh. How many does that make now, six? (not counting Sonic as that has already been an active thing for awhile now).
Can't they atleast try focusing on just one planned movie at a time?

In any case, HoTD is surely right up Anderson's alley considering his previous work. The real question is which role Jovovich will play this time lol.