Comments 5

Re: We're Getting A New Shining Force Game, But Of Course There's A Catch


It makes sense. If they released right to consoles it would have a dedicated but tiny following, most people probably don't know or don't remember this series and wouldn't throw down $50 for what will undoubtedly be called a Fire Emblem ripoff. The mobile market can be used to build an audience and potentially serve as an eventual gateway to a console series revival. Also all that Fire Emblem Heroes money is surely hard to ignore.

Re: After Months Of Silence, Polymega Insists Pre-Orders Are Shipping Soon


Does this thing still run on software emulation? If so, the typical smug "lol my PC/phone can emulate lmao" attitude is correct, if annoying. If the polymega is just doing software emulation, what's the point of using your authentic games? For those that care about accurate emulation, MISTer or Analogue is the way to go not that the latter is any easier to buy lately.

Re: The PocketGo S30 Is Basically A SNES Pad That Plays Retro Games


@StevenG Nintendo already sold retro games once. If they had sold well Nintendo surely would have continued the virtual console. The market you speak of is laughably small compared to the masses buying Animal Crossing - and anyone who is interested in a shoddy trinket like this either already owns a Switch or was never going to buy one anyway because they're a freeloader.