@HoyeBoye Pretty sure the CPU in the DE-10 Nano boards can't come close to emulating the Dreamcast at a playable speed, it can't even do MT-32 emulation at any decent level which is why typically you connect a Raspberry Pi to it to off-load MT-32 emulation to it, and you only need a Pi3 or Zero2 to do it.
So unless this guy is planning to build his own PCB that just uses the same Cyclone V FPGA as the DE-10 Nano used in the MiSTer does but with a much more powerful ARM processor in it, even software Dreamcast emulation isn't happening with this plan.
@Martin_H That's exactly the point of the MiSTeX project, it's to make the MiSTer cores easily portable across different FPGA platforms.
Also, FPGAs have architectures too, like CPUs. Like how most code written for Windows XP likely can still run today on Windows 11 because it's the same CPU architecture (And mostly same OS/APIs), you wouldn't have to completely rewrite the core to run it on newer FPGA of the same artitecture.
Can't believe they would do that, I have been on the Vogons forums and don't recall seeing any harassment, but I also have only posted sparingly there. Is that site known to have elitists or toxic members? Since this is the first I am hearing of that. I've seen others that seem to be confused about it too since when I searched for posts about the MT-32 there they were mostly positive, though I suppose it could have happened through e-mails or private messages.
@Gillig He didn't "Steal Terasic's design". Terasic made a dev board with Intel's Cyclone V FPGA and several other off-the-shelf parts. The FPGA doesn't belong to Terasic, it belongs to Intel. Then early 2021 Terasic started to massively spike up the price. There was a lot of talk that Terasic was actually still giving you a deal because FPGAs are expensive and the board was subsidized and all that, but now I am not so sure how true that was.
Both QM and Taki are getting their Cyclone V chips from Intel just like Terasic is, they didn't clone the chip or anything. It's like saying that somebody stole Dell's design if they design a mini-PC using an Intel CPU. They just made a board that is designed with MiSTer in mind, both of their boards are actually missing components from Terasic's board that would be useless for MiSTer usage and had changes made to them to make them more useful as a MiSTer board than as a generic FPGA development board.
Wait, if no emulator can replicate it then how does Majora's Mask work on them? Game-specific hacks in the emulator? I wonder if it would work on a MiSTer.
Also, DK64 was planned from the start to use the Expsnsion Pak, that story about it using it just to aboid crashes was disproven by the devs themselves.
Also, that's an extra level of insanity that they are basically saying they will ignore SEGA's cease and desist and continue anyway unless SEGA abides by THEIR demands. Talk about asking to get sued.
@KingMike From what I heard, I think that is what's going on. The translator felt that kuso had to translate to ***** and felt otherwise was censorship.
@HammerGalladeBro I was thinking that too. I assume this is one of those things where it slowly and quietly got retconned as the Bombermen just being a species that looks like that instead of humans in huge suits.
"Oh, the board only looks empty because it's not finished, it still actually functions somehow"
"You can't see many traces because they are all in the internal layers, we just happened to leave practically no traces on the top or bottom"
"What Front usb port clearly wired to the back?"
"What HDMI port that clearly had it's pins shorted together?"
"We can't show more details because what if Analogue steals it and makes a clone despite how this would destroy their reputation and open them to a lawsuit if easily found out!?!?"
... these guys are not very good liars.
"We are not rich guys... despite making a video showing me driving up in a (obviously rental) Lamborghini"
@sdelfin I did, though I got the news that the find print included that from Video Game Esoterica's video about the subject. I too am surprised they were brazen enough to charge the full amount already. Even if this is fully intended to be a scam you would think they would wait until they had a few more suckers signed up, that is, unless the preorders had already stopped and they decided to cash out right now.
@UK_Kev On top of that Kickstarter also has an all-or-nothing model, where if the project does not meet it's goal then it's cancelled and nobody gets charged. Indiegogo has the option to do "flex funding" where basically ANY amount that gets pledged they will get it, even if it's a laughably small fraction of the goal amount.
Don't forget that the $3 money down for the pre-order isn't just giving them $3 either, it's giving them permission to auto-charge the rest several hundred of it at any time without your imtervention.
You would have to be insane to pre-order this thing.
Yes, their translation looks much better. It's further along, better designed, and from what I can assume has less to no crashing bugs. Problem is, where is it? The comment in the video says "No, we aren't releasing a beta now, and no, we can't make promises about when we'll finish.".
So, are we supposed to wait another 12 years? Sure, I would love to play Cyber/Sam's current version over ead's current version, but they dragged it out for 12 years, ghosted everyone for the last two, and ONLY re-emerged once another person took their unfinished work and tried to finish it, stealing all their thunder.
Fact of the matter is currently we have a buggy and unfinished but PLAYABLE translation, and a far less buggy and more finished translation that other than this one video we have seen nothing of (not counting the original screenshots from years ago that were basically from the same version as ead's) and for all we know can take another 12 years or even more, with possibly yet again hearing nothing from the team for years.
Perfecting a product is pointless if said product never sees the light of day.
I honestly thought this was an article on some 2nd gen style console like an Atari or Colecovision when I just saw the thumbnail image before I read the title.
I'll believe this is real when I actually see people playing Dreamcast games on it and confirming it's not just doing it in software emulation, there are far too many red flags right now to trust them on their own word, or on their shodilly edited videos.
@UK_Kev Does the terrible app that they put out as a replacement for the console that had like five Newgrounds-quality games which required a second phone to use as the controller to play count as the system having been released?
That's kind of crappy, yeah. A random update out of nowhere to replace the original assets of an old PC port of a GameCube game with AI ones with no option to revert back? At least give people the option to use the original assets, or even make it a separate download for those that don't want to waste the disk space on AI upscaled assets on what is basically a retro game.
@nocdaes It's 0.3 not 0.2, and it's not even clear what "0.3" means because that might not even be the original translator's version numbering but the new person's. If you look at the releases tab in the repo there was a version 0.1 and 0.2 released within days of each other, I think those versions are the new translator's work, in which case they would have nothing to do with the original translator's versioning.
But like my long-winded post said, I agree, 10 years and nothing, over two years of silence since the last communication, and they only reappeared after someone used their old open-source code that under GPL anyone can use to actually release something to complain and insist it should be taken down.
I'm siding with eadmaster on this one. I remember being excited for that original project and keeping track of it, but CyberWarriorX slowly kept taking longer and longer to respond to anything before essentially disappearing like the story said, the admins when they locked the thread even said that they would re-open it on request of the original translator, and as the time of this comment it's still locked.
CyberWarriorX's last post was actually more than a year ago, it was in early 2022, and the last post before that was in 2019 where they claimed it was about "two months" away from completion. Looking at their account, there was only one more post made after 2022, in August of 2024 to say they were sad to see RHDN close. They had basically stopped even logging into their account.
The code eadmaster used was publicly released as open source under the GPL license, which means anyone can fork and contribute to it, you don't need the original owner's permission. eadmaster in no way attempted to claim ownership of the project either, they credited both CyberWarriorX and SamIAm and said they did most of the work.
Now CyberWarriorX is claiming that the code was "stolen" (It was not, it was posted under GPL), that they changed the license later so that should retroactively apply (It does not, open source would be useless if that was the case), and are basically demanding that eadmaster take down the translation while insisting that they have a much further along version, and when asked when this would be finished (Again they claimed back in 2019, five years ago now, that it was a few months ago) they refused to answer and just said "When it's done"
Sorry but it was clearly dead at this point. A person should not be allowed to eternally call dibs on a translation and hold it hostage for over a decade (the thread was started in 2012, 12 years ago). They claimed it was almost done in 2019, posted one more "Still alive!" post in 2022 and then stopped even logging into their account to the point where the admins locked the thread because even they thought it was dead, with the condition that CyberWarriorX could request it be unlocked if it was not, and they never did. Even at the time of this comment that thread is still locked, and CyberWarriorX only re-emerged once news broke out that someone else was patching up their old GPL open source code and releasing it. Their account on SegaXtreme had not had a post since 2017 until this news broke out, and all it was used for was to claim the code was "stolen", insist ed close their repo down, and refuse to give an answer to a possible release date for their supposedly far more complete version.
Can't say I feel sympathy for CyberWarriorX when they released code as open source GPL and then seemingly abandoned the project, only to get angry that someone took their old open-source code and is actually doing something with it now. I am not saying we needed detailed monthly progress reports, but just a simple "No, it's not dead, we are still working on it" every 6 months or even once a year isn't too much to ask.
@thedoppelganger I feel the same. Had it been an actual FPGA device like the Analogue consoles or the MiSTer then it would be pretty great, but as it stands it's quite literally a very very low-end PC (I believe it uses a low-end Pentium?) with very expensive accessories that just simply act as USB adapters for your controllers and as a cartridge dumper. It doesn't even run the games off the carts (Pretty sure that's actually impossible to do with software emulation). You can literally get the same experience on just about any PC with a cartridge dumper like Sanni's and getting USB adapters for your controllers, and it would be cheaper.
I understand that the likely reason for the color screen is because that might be the only screen that could have sourced or that a black and white one would have been so specialized it would be even more expensive, but the MP3 player just seems like unnecessary fluff and I would rather they didn't waste time and money on something like that. Who would even use that over their phone or even a dedicated MP3 player for somebody who prefers a dedicated player? I can't imagine anyone who wants a dedicated music player to use a VMU over the hundreds of better options, many of which would be cheaper.
@flamepanther But the Sega Genesis wasn't the only system to rely on how the blurryness of the signal and scanlines would effect the way the image looked.
Isn't this not really an effect of the CRT itself, but the low fidelity RF or composite connections? CRT screens could be pretty sharp (look at monitors) and while I know that CRT TVs were interlaced while CRT monitors made around this time no longer were, they could still produce a rather sharp picture with a good quality input (like those videos of people modifying old CRT TVs to have RGB inputs)
@Daniel36 Ok, that's just ridiculous. I at least understand the novelty of the NFC card things even if they are not for me, but this seems incredibly pointless, especially since you have to spend the time and effort to burn a CD for each that would be useless for anything else. Feels like a waste of a CD and a lot of effort just to halfway-pretend you are loading a game off a disk.
So then if I am understanding this right, it's not actually running the game off the cd but just verifying what CD is inserted then running the matching iso? Feels rather pointless, when I read the title I assumed it was actually running off the disk.
@Sketcz Problem with that is you know they aren't going to sell them at much cheaper prices, they are going to try to get close to the current prices for them. If they did sell them for laughably cheap prices I would be all for it.
Also: "Would you get out your microscope to check the DPI printing in the fake manual, just to be authentic?" You know very well that the very kinds of people that drove collecting retro games to such absurd prices would do exactly that, look at the nonsense with Wata grading.
I could have sworn blank black disks existed back in the 90s in limited special quantities.
Regardless, like the article mentioned, these will not boot in an unmodified PS1 anyway. So they won't fool anyone who takes even just 10 seconds to see if they will boot in an unmodded system.
Feels like Nintendo was mostly ashamed of the Virtual Boy outside of Japan. I remember how in your trophy room in Smash Brothers Melee a Virtual Boy would only appear in the background with all the other consoles if the language was set to Japanese, otherwise I think either a flower or blank shelf was in it's place.
Personally, was hoping this would allow you to keep the disk drive, The DC is about the only console from Sony/Nintendo/Sega to not have an ODE option that lets you keep the disk drive, which is a shame considering it's unique disk format.
It's neat but very expensive. I know that it's doing quite a bit more than that PlayStation and GameCube Memcard Pro, but those things are less than half the price of this. I wasn't expecting it to be over $100 US.
I'm going to wait and see the features and price of the 8BitMods version, while I know it's definitely going to cost more than their previous cards, I expect it will be cheaper than this.
@Sketcz Did you use the download link at the bottom of the article? That's the old link from when the article was originally written about a month ago that only supports the Japanese version.
The article was updated on August 16 to mention the new version that supports the English ROM, that one is in the Google Drive link in the tweet talking about the update.
I know, it took me a bit to realize which was the updated link too.
Would the SuperFX 3 benefit the game that much over just using the FX chip though? From my understanding the reason Star Fox ran so poorly was that it used some sort of older/beta variant of the SuperFX called the Mario Chip that ran at half the speed, and all the SuperFX2 did was support ROMs up to 16Mbit while the FX1 topped out at 8Mbit, but otherwise performed the same.
I remember running into all this when looking up how to make a custom Star Fox 2 cart and finding out you didn't need a doner cart with a FX2 chip (which are a lot rarer and more expensive to get than FX1 carets, especially in the US). I think the initial reason people thought you needed a FX2 was because the early attempts used a Star Fox cart as the doner... which of course ran at a much slower speed (And I think SF2 was originally advertised as using the FX2, likely just due to it being more cost-effective not to produce FX1 chips anymore).
Star Fox 1 runs pretty well already when put on a cart/flashcart that's running it off a normal FX chip.
Comments 36
Re: SuperSega Back-Pedals With MiSTer FPGA, Aims For Lower Price
@HoyeBoye Pretty sure the CPU in the DE-10 Nano boards can't come close to emulating the Dreamcast at a playable speed, it can't even do MT-32 emulation at any decent level which is why typically you connect a Raspberry Pi to it to off-load MT-32 emulation to it, and you only need a Pi3 or Zero2 to do it.
So unless this guy is planning to build his own PCB that just uses the same Cyclone V FPGA as the DE-10 Nano used in the MiSTer does but with a much more powerful ARM processor in it, even software Dreamcast emulation isn't happening with this plan.
Re: Creator Of New Open-Source Game Boy Disagrees That FPGA Is Superior To Software Emulation
@Martin_H That's exactly the point of the MiSTeX project, it's to make the MiSTer cores easily portable across different FPGA platforms.
Also, FPGAs have architectures too, like CPUs. Like how most code written for Windows XP likely can still run today on Windows 11 because it's the same CPU architecture (And mostly same OS/APIs), you wouldn't have to completely rewrite the core to run it on newer FPGA of the same artitecture.
Re: A New (And Cheap) PS1 ODE Option Is Now Available
@buzzdennis Thank You, was going to comment this too.
AFAIK there is no solderless ODE option for the PS1
Re: "There Is Only So Much I Can Take" - Creator Of Roland MT-32 Emulator MT32-Pi Calls It A Day
Can't believe they would do that, I have been on the Vogons forums and don't recall seeing any harassment, but I also have only posted sparingly there. Is that site known to have elitists or toxic members? Since this is the first I am hearing of that. I've seen others that seem to be confused about it too since when I searched for posts about the MT-32 there they were mostly positive, though I suppose it could have happened through e-mails or private messages.
Re: Random: Sega's Winter Heat Hides A Chilling Prediction About The End Of The World
@CasePB What if an AI intentionally causes a tsunami?
Re: Here's Your Best Look Yet At Taki Udon's SuperStation One FPGA PS1, And You Can Order It Now
From what I understand Dual-RAM is not an option because the pins that would be used for that are being used for all the analog outputs.
Re: Interview: Taki Udon Explains How His FPGA PS1 Aims To "Remove Barriers" To FPGA Gaming
@Gillig He didn't "Steal Terasic's design". Terasic made a dev board with Intel's Cyclone V FPGA and several other off-the-shelf parts. The FPGA doesn't belong to Terasic, it belongs to Intel. Then early 2021 Terasic started to massively spike up the price. There was a lot of talk that Terasic was actually still giving you a deal because FPGAs are expensive and the board was subsidized and all that, but now I am not so sure how true that was.
Both QM and Taki are getting their Cyclone V chips from Intel just like Terasic is, they didn't clone the chip or anything. It's like saying that somebody stole Dell's design if they design a mini-PC using an Intel CPU. They just made a board that is designed with MiSTer in mind, both of their boards are actually missing components from Terasic's board that would be useless for MiSTer usage and had changes made to them to make them more useful as a MiSTer board than as a generic FPGA development board.
Re: Mario 64 Modder Explains Why N64 Has More RAM Than You Think
Wait, if no emulator can replicate it then how does Majora's Mask work on them? Game-specific hacks in the emulator? I wonder if it would work on a MiSTer.
Also, DK64 was planned from the start to use the Expsnsion Pak, that story about it using it just to aboid crashes was disproven by the devs themselves.
Re: To The Shock Of Absolutely Nobody, Sega Is Trying To Shut Down The SuperSega FPGA Project
"Wants all units destroyed"
But how do you destroy that which does not exist?
Also, that's an extra level of insanity that they are basically saying they will ignore SEGA's cease and desist and continue anyway unless SEGA abides by THEIR demands. Talk about asking to get sued.
Re: Saturn Cult Classic Princess Crown Is Getting An Uncensored Translation
@KingMike From what I heard, I think that is what's going on. The translator felt that kuso had to translate to ***** and felt otherwise was censorship.
Re: Irem's Arcade Bomberman Comes To FPGA Platforms
@HammerGalladeBro I was thinking that too. I assume this is one of those things where it slowly and quietly got retconned as the Bombermen just being a species that looks like that instead of humans in huge suits.
Re: This Proto-GamesMaster TV Show Predicted Our Impending AI Hellscape 40 Years Ago
"Foreign languages won't even be a problem, not even Brummie, because some of the computers in the network will actually help you do the translation"
Well that was way way off, I wish machine translation was anything close to decent today.
Re: SuperSega Explains Why It Produces Such "Crappy" Videos, Says It's Afraid Analogue Will Steal Its Ideas
"Oh, the board only looks empty because it's not finished, it still actually functions somehow"
"You can't see many traces because they are all in the internal layers, we just happened to leave practically no traces on the top or bottom"
"What Front usb port clearly wired to the back?"
"What HDMI port that clearly had it's pins shorted together?"
"We can't show more details because what if Analogue steals it and makes a clone despite how this would destroy their reputation and open them to a lawsuit if easily found out!?!?"
... these guys are not very good liars.
"We are not rich guys... despite making a video showing me driving up in a (obviously rental) Lamborghini"
... or good at marketing either.
Re: Confusion Reigns As SuperSega Pre-Orders Get Charged For The Full Amount
@sdelfin I did, though I got the news that the find print included that from Video Game Esoterica's video about the subject. I too am surprised they were brazen enough to charge the full amount already. Even if this is fully intended to be a scam you would think they would wait until they had a few more suckers signed up, that is, unless the preorders had already stopped and they decided to cash out right now.
Re: SuperSega Boss Rocks Up In His Lamborghini To Beg For Your Pre-Order Cash
@UK_Kev On top of that Kickstarter also has an all-or-nothing model, where if the project does not meet it's goal then it's cancelled and nobody gets charged. Indiegogo has the option to do "flex funding" where basically ANY amount that gets pledged they will get it, even if it's a laughably small fraction of the goal amount.
Re: SuperSega Boss Rocks Up In His Lamborghini To Beg For Your Pre-Order Cash
Don't forget that the $3 money down for the pre-order isn't just giving them $3 either, it's giving them permission to auto-charge the rest several hundred of it at any time without your imtervention.
You would have to be insane to pre-order this thing.
Re: "Ours Will Be The Translation Worth Playing" - Team Behind Decade-Old Princess Crown Localisation Speak Out
Yes, their translation looks much better. It's further along, better designed, and from what I can assume has less to no crashing bugs. Problem is, where is it? The comment in the video says "No, we aren't releasing a beta now, and no, we can't make promises about when we'll finish.".
So, are we supposed to wait another 12 years? Sure, I would love to play Cyber/Sam's current version over ead's current version, but they dragged it out for 12 years, ghosted everyone for the last two, and ONLY re-emerged once another person took their unfinished work and tried to finish it, stealing all their thunder.
Fact of the matter is currently we have a buggy and unfinished but PLAYABLE translation, and a far less buggy and more finished translation that other than this one video we have seen nothing of (not counting the original screenshots from years ago that were basically from the same version as ead's) and for all we know can take another 12 years or even more, with possibly yet again hearing nothing from the team for years.
Perfecting a product is pointless if said product never sees the light of day.
Re: SuperSega FPGA Console Gets A New Design, Is "Closing In" On 200 Pre-Orders
I honestly thought this was an article on some 2nd gen style console like an Atari or Colecovision when I just saw the thumbnail image before I read the title.
I'll believe this is real when I actually see people playing Dreamcast games on it and confirming it's not just doing it in software emulation, there are far too many red flags right now to trust them on their own word, or on their shodilly edited videos.
Re: After The Epic Failure Of The Intellivision Amico, Tommy Tallarico's New Goal Is Becoming A Backgammon Legend
@UK_Kev Does the terrible app that they put out as a replacement for the console that had like five Newgrounds-quality games which required a second phone to use as the controller to play count as the system having been released?
Re: Killer7 Update Introduces AI-Upscaled Assets, And Fans Aren't Happy
That's kind of crappy, yeah. A random update out of nowhere to replace the original assets of an old PC port of a GameCube game with AI ones with no option to revert back? At least give people the option to use the original assets, or even make it a separate download for those that don't want to waste the disk space on AI upscaled assets on what is basically a retro game.
Re: There's Some Drama Surrounding The New Princess Crown English Patch
@nocdaes It's 0.3 not 0.2, and it's not even clear what "0.3" means because that might not even be the original translator's version numbering but the new person's. If you look at the releases tab in the repo there was a version 0.1 and 0.2 released within days of each other, I think those versions are the new translator's work, in which case they would have nothing to do with the original translator's versioning.
But like my long-winded post said, I agree, 10 years and nothing, over two years of silence since the last communication, and they only reappeared after someone used their old open-source code that under GPL anyone can use to actually release something to complain and insist it should be taken down.
Re: There's Some Drama Surrounding The New Princess Crown English Patch
I'm siding with eadmaster on this one. I remember being excited for that original project and keeping track of it, but CyberWarriorX slowly kept taking longer and longer to respond to anything before essentially disappearing like the story said, the admins when they locked the thread even said that they would re-open it on request of the original translator, and as the time of this comment it's still locked.
CyberWarriorX's last post was actually more than a year ago, it was in early 2022, and the last post before that was in 2019 where they claimed it was about "two months" away from completion. Looking at their account, there was only one more post made after 2022, in August of 2024 to say they were sad to see RHDN close. They had basically stopped even logging into their account.
The code eadmaster used was publicly released as open source under the GPL license, which means anyone can fork and contribute to it, you don't need the original owner's permission. eadmaster in no way attempted to claim ownership of the project either, they credited both CyberWarriorX and SamIAm and said they did most of the work.
Now CyberWarriorX is claiming that the code was "stolen" (It was not, it was posted under GPL), that they changed the license later so that should retroactively apply (It does not, open source would be useless if that was the case), and are basically demanding that eadmaster take down the translation while insisting that they have a much further along version, and when asked when this would be finished (Again they claimed back in 2019, five years ago now, that it was a few months ago) they refused to answer and just said "When it's done"
Sorry but it was clearly dead at this point. A person should not be allowed to eternally call dibs on a translation and hold it hostage for over a decade (the thread was started in 2012, 12 years ago). They claimed it was almost done in 2019, posted one more "Still alive!" post in 2022 and then stopped even logging into their account to the point where the admins locked the thread because even they thought it was dead, with the condition that CyberWarriorX could request it be unlocked if it was not, and they never did. Even at the time of this comment that thread is still locked, and CyberWarriorX only re-emerged once news broke out that someone else was patching up their old GPL open source code and releasing it. Their account on SegaXtreme had not had a post since 2017 until this news broke out, and all it was used for was to claim the code was "stolen", insist ed close their repo down, and refuse to give an answer to a possible release date for their supposedly far more complete version.
Can't say I feel sympathy for CyberWarriorX when they released code as open source GPL and then seemingly abandoned the project, only to get angry that someone took their old open-source code and is actually doing something with it now. I am not saying we needed detailed monthly progress reports, but just a simple "No, it's not dead, we are still working on it" every 6 months or even once a year isn't too much to ask.
Re: Looks Like Polymega's Light Gun Is Shipping Soon
@thedoppelganger I feel the same. Had it been an actual FPGA device like the Analogue consoles or the MiSTer then it would be pretty great, but as it stands it's quite literally a very very low-end PC (I believe it uses a low-end Pentium?) with very expensive accessories that just simply act as USB adapters for your controllers and as a cartridge dumper. It doesn't even run the games off the carts (Pretty sure that's actually impossible to do with software emulation). You can literally get the same experience on just about any PC with a cartridge dumper like Sanni's and getting USB adapters for your controllers, and it would be cheaper.
Re: 8BitMods' Dreamcast "VMU Pro" Will Use A Colour Screen And Play MP3 Files
I understand that the likely reason for the color screen is because that might be the only screen that could have sourced or that a black and white one would have been so specialized it would be even more expensive, but the MP3 player just seems like unnecessary fluff and I would rather they didn't waste time and money on something like that. Who would even use that over their phone or even a dedicated MP3 player for somebody who prefers a dedicated player? I can't imagine anyone who wants a dedicated music player to use a VMU over the hundreds of better options, many of which would be cheaper.
Re: What Do You See In Sonic The Hedgehog's Waterfalls?
@flamepanther But the Sega Genesis wasn't the only system to rely on how the blurryness of the signal and scanlines would effect the way the image looked.
Re: What Do You See In Sonic The Hedgehog's Waterfalls?
Isn't this not really an effect of the CRT itself, but the low fidelity RF or composite connections? CRT screens could be pretty sharp (look at monitors) and while I know that CRT TVs were interlaced while CRT monitors made around this time no longer were, they could still produce a rather sharp picture with a good quality input (like those videos of people modifying old CRT TVs to have RGB inputs)
Re: MiSTer FPGA's Next Trick? Launching Games From CD
@Daniel36 Ok, that's just ridiculous. I at least understand the novelty of the NFC card things even if they are not for me, but this seems incredibly pointless, especially since you have to spend the time and effort to burn a CD for each that would be useless for anything else. Feels like a waste of a CD and a lot of effort just to halfway-pretend you are loading a game off a disk.
Re: MiSTer FPGA's Next Trick? Launching Games From CD
So then if I am understanding this right, it's not actually running the game off the cd but just verifying what CD is inserted then running the matching iso? Feels rather pointless, when I read the title I assumed it was actually running off the disk.
Re: "This Could Be Crippling" - Fake PS1 Discs Just Got Harder To Spot
@Sketcz Problem with that is you know they aren't going to sell them at much cheaper prices, they are going to try to get close to the current prices for them. If they did sell them for laughably cheap prices I would be all for it.
Also: "Would you get out your microscope to check the DPI printing in the fake manual, just to be authentic?" You know very well that the very kinds of people that drove collecting retro games to such absurd prices would do exactly that, look at the nonsense with Wata grading.
Re: "This Could Be Crippling" - Fake PS1 Discs Just Got Harder To Spot
I could have sworn blank black disks existed back in the 90s in limited special quantities.
Regardless, like the article mentioned, these will not boot in an unmodified PS1 anyway. So they won't fool anyone who takes even just 10 seconds to see if they will boot in an unmodded system.
Re: Yes, You Can Buy Virtual Boy Merch At The Nintendo Museum
Feels like Nintendo was mostly ashamed of the Virtual Boy outside of Japan. I remember how in your trophy room in Smash Brothers Melee a Virtual Boy would only appear in the background with all the other consoles if the language was set to Japanese, otherwise I think either a flower or blank shelf was in it's place.
Re: Ultimate Dreamcast Mod "Designed In About Six Hours" Includes ODE And HDMI
Personally, was hoping this would allow you to keep the disk drive, The DC is about the only console from Sony/Nintendo/Sega to not have an ODE option that lets you keep the disk drive, which is a shame considering it's unique disk format.
Re: FPGA PS1 Teased Ahead Of PlayStation's 30th Anniversary
"but it seems that Taki Udon plans to include support for original PS1 accessories, such as controllers and memory cards."
But, you can do that on MiSTer too with SNAC adapters. Though if it can also do the rear serial or parallel ports that would be unique.
Re: Review: Dreamcast VM2 - An Essential VMU Upgrade For All Sega Fans
It's neat but very expensive. I know that it's doing quite a bit more than that PlayStation and GameCube Memcard Pro, but those things are less than half the price of this. I wasn't expecting it to be over $100 US.
I'm going to wait and see the features and price of the 8BitMods version, while I know it's definitely going to cost more than their previous cards, I expect it will be cheaper than this.
Re: N64 Classic Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon Gets Fanmade PC Recompilation Project
@Sketcz Did you use the download link at the bottom of the article? That's the old link from when the article was originally written about a month ago that only supports the Japanese version.
The article was updated on August 16 to mention the new version that supports the English ROM, that one is in the Google Drive link in the tweet talking about the update.
I know, it took me a bit to realize which was the updated link too.
Re: Star Fox Will Take Advantage Of The New Super FX 3 Chip, Will Feature Rumble Support
Would the SuperFX 3 benefit the game that much over just using the FX chip though? From my understanding the reason Star Fox ran so poorly was that it used some sort of older/beta variant of the SuperFX called the Mario Chip that ran at half the speed, and all the SuperFX2 did was support ROMs up to 16Mbit while the FX1 topped out at 8Mbit, but otherwise performed the same.
I remember running into all this when looking up how to make a custom Star Fox 2 cart and finding out you didn't need a doner cart with a FX2 chip (which are a lot rarer and more expensive to get than FX1 carets, especially in the US). I think the initial reason people thought you needed a FX2 was because the early attempts used a Star Fox cart as the doner... which of course ran at a much slower speed (And I think SF2 was originally advertised as using the FX2, likely just due to it being more cost-effective not to produce FX1 chips anymore).
Star Fox 1 runs pretty well already when put on a cart/flashcart that's running it off a normal FX chip.