Comments 8

Re: Random: What Happens When You Remove Charles Barkley From His Own Video Game?


@victordamazio As annoying as it is for us consumers, it makes sense legally, given that some forms or delivery systems of the media didn't even exist when the original contracts were signed. Streaming or digital distribution are 2 examples of complications. It's like when actors had in their contracts royalty checks for tv shows in syndication on tv channels, then getting screwed back in the early 2010s when they were getting zilch for shows they were in streaming on Netflix or Hulu. It's easy to not feel for the rich ones, but for some actors who put a ton into the daily grind of tv, to not get those checks was crappy.

Re: Feature: The Console Wars Are Back With The Analogue Mega Sg, The First FPGA Sega Console


@JHDK I think us US people mayyyyy want this more since those Genesis Mini's are garbage. Also, I literally only had one friend during elementary school that had a Sega, so I've played out so much Nintendo stuff that getting one of these would be more fun than a Super NT. Hyperstone Crisis, non-super-Ghouls 'n Ghosts, Contra Hard Corps, Sonic & Knuckles or Bloodlines versus playing Mario World, Super Castlevania, Contra Alien Wars & Super Metroid for the umpteenth time?

Re: Atari's New Console Seems To Be Part NES Classic Mini, Part Ouya


Really really really nice looking design but, "We know you are hungry for more details", the language it really f---g bothers me. Annoying/presumptuous/arrogant. Most likely most people won't give a crap about anything from this brand UNLESS they lead with something interesting about the box to grab attention. Maybe they're hiding the fact they invested a bunch in this but don't have much to show for it yet? That language realllly got under my skin this morning and keeps echoing in my head, lol. It's like "no, f--- you, GIVE me a reason to be hungry, most of us don't care". Weirdly triggered.