Comments 252

Re: Director Of Upcoming House Of The Dead Movie Says It "Reflects The Experience Of Playing The Video Game"


"Paul W.S. Anderson is no stranger to adapting video games for the big screen"

Well... he's no stranger to attaching a video game franchise name to a big screen movie. He has done nothing but butcher each and every franchise. I kinda liked the first RE movie, but I wouldn't call it an RE movie. They could've called the Umbrella Corp anything else. I don't even recall a single RE character being in the first movie. The rest of the movie series was dross.

Monster Hunter as an isekai. Sure... Makes no sense, but sure. Why not, right?

I guess Mortal Kombat had the spirit of the series right, I guess.

Re: Suikoden I & II HD Remaster Missed The Chance To Be Even Better Than It Is


@Kurokage I looked it up, and honestly it's pretty much an additional cut scene, a simple mini game... don't think we miss out on all too much. It would've been nice but it's no biggy.

@Thedashfox I would say you are missing out on 3. A few characters from 1 and 2 return, and I personally felt the pay-off for playing all of them in succession is pretty great. I only played it for the first time about two or three years ago, and I am glad I did. It has a different scope to 1 and 2, but I loved it.

@JoystickWaggler Same! Funny. I even managed to get it running on my PS2 with a flash cart, but only ever bothered once it became available on PS3, even though I had the means.

Re: Suikoden I & II HD Remaster Missed The Chance To Be Even Better Than It Is


Don't think I ever saw the artwork at the top of the article. Thanks for sharing that.

Also never knew about the pirate attack or other expanded story event. Did know about the cat.

Shame it didn't get in. It should've, if you ask me. Ah well, doesn't mean I won't enjoy it, though I will admit it has lost its magic a bit, since I've already replayed it quite a few times.

Re: If Stardew Valley And Pokémon Had A Baby, It Would Look Something Like Monsterpatch


It's not a lazy comparison when it is very clearly the exact inspiration for the game. Which is fine, those games are very popular and well... a good fit for one another. This doesn't look bad at all. Not my cuppa, but I am sure there will be lots of folks who will enjoy it.

No...the terms Soulslike, or Roguelike, or (shudders) Roguelite... BARF... those are lazy terms. What you are writing here is simply a very apt descriptor.

Re: "Might Be Time To Go Back To A Corporate Job" - Trump's Tariffs Come Into Effect


@zazou703 You can't stop addicted people buying drugs. They will get some one way or the other. You cán help them with their addiction, but that would require more empathy than the American government and many Americans can muster.

@nilcam The "they" in my statement referred to the drugs. I may have been unclear on tthat.But it doesn't matter anyways, the US government doesn't care about anything.

Re: SuperSega Back-Pedals With MiSTer FPGA, Aims For Lower Price


@Quick_Man The real-time decline is a beautiful thing to behold.

So he is renaming it Super Console, which would lead anyone not familiar with the ongoing thing to believe it is something of a Super Nintendo type emulation device. Instead of Sega. Good call!

And he had the perfect name in his hand. We gave it to him on a golden platter. SuperSaga would be a great name.

Even for a scam.

Re: Excited About Sega's Mooted Skies Of Arcadia Remaster? Horizons Of Achaea Might Also Be Worth A Look


It looks amazing and I wish the dev all the best. It's not for me, I never liked the idea of sky ships and floating islands, but for what it tries to do, it does it extremely well.

Never liked Skies of Arcadia, and by extension, I also disliked Xenoblade, so I guess the whole idea just doesn't work for me.

That said, I am very envious of the team's clear skill. I wish I had the skill and time to make a game. Sadly, I lack the time to learn the skills.

Re: Random: "This Is Hilarious" - 'New' Iranian PS1 Consoles Cause Amusement Online


If Sony re-released the PS1 and games were re-issued with potential new games in the same vein, I would buy it.

I stopped buying PS after 2. I only bought a PS3 off of a friend, hardly touched it, and I only happen to have a PS4 as a hand me down, and while my kids played a few games on it, I haven't even touched it for one second.

I would be all over a new PS1. Still a few games I missed out on, and it just plays better on original hardware.

Re: Dune, Lost Eden And MegaRace Composer Stéphane Picq Has Passed Away Aged 59


Lost Eden. Man, that takes me back. One of my first PC games. I remember it as a very odd game for sure. It wasn't very long. In fact, I feel like it was possible to finish it very, very quickly indeed... I had to look up some gameplay, I seemed to remember only small portions of it. Good times though.

Dune, not so much. That game was BRUTAL! Okay, okay! Still good times, but I never could get far.

Re: Your Next Retro Emulation Handheld Could Cost You 35% More Than Usual


Well, the trolls have infected this place too.

For example, our good friend and loyal reader Craftylover, a valued member of this site since 3.35, 2 minutes before posting this.

Talk about getting a life and growing up. Imagine creating an account just to tell people you grow tired of the fear mongering.

Oh well... I guess I will go to the next article. Hopefully no trolls there.

Re: Random: The Gloriously Unhinged SuperSega Saga Now Has Its Own Song


@jimmytodgers Well, it worked in America, so why not in Spain? Honestly, with all the leftfield plot twist things constantly happening next in the SuperSegaSaga, I wouldn't be surprised if this guy ends up trying to become the president of Spain.

He won't win, but he might try!

@profkross That was actually the previous episode.

Anyways, Ricky Gervais and his team could definitely make this into a hit series.

Re: Street Fighter's Critically-Panned Animated TV Series Is Getting A Blu-Ray Release


That image is 100% Guile about to tell us to not do drugs, or he is about to walk up to a couple of bullies and instead of sonic boom their behinds will kindly tell them it is not okay and they immediately understand.

Honestly, by the looks of the art style, this may just have well been a crossover with G.I. Joe anyways. Guile certainly fits the part.

Darkstalkers looks terrible.