Comments 252

Re: If Nothing Else, SuperSega's Latest "Review" Should Convince You To Keep Your Wallet Shut


Netflix should do a "The Office" style mockumentary of this.

That screen grab is golden...

But this absolutely sucks for all the poor folks who have been scammed out of their money. I would be furious.

One thing though, I suppose fpga's are a greyish area to begin with, but isn't what they are doing pretty much illegal? Like showing all that boxart of all those games, that doesn't look like it is okay.

Re: More Classic PS1 RPGs Could Be Coming To PS5


@LowDefAl Licensing is such a mess, isn't it?

@Damo Fair enough. If he spent his own resources on even getting these games to the West, he deserves credit for that.

That said, how many remasters and remakes have kept the original localisations? Even FF6 received an update when it was released again on GBA. And I don't think Ted Woolsey would mind. However, those were obviously different situations.

Anyways, I can't fault the man for being passionate. He is definitely passionate.

Re: More Classic PS1 RPGs Could Be Coming To PS5


He is honestly talking like he made and owns the games.

I mean, I am grateful all those games, several of which I thoroughly enjoyed, were brought to the West, but I HIGHLY doubt he is the guy they have to call if they want to put Alundra on PS+.

I could be wrong, obviously, and maybe he made deals of ownership, but from all the things I am reading here about the guy...

Re: SuperSega Explains Why It Produces Such "Crappy" Videos, Says It's Afraid Analogue Will Steal Its Ideas


@N64-ROX I mean...
Obviously somebody set them up the bomb.

That is the only logical explanation.

But they really have no excuse for the crappy vidoes. There are sooo many free resources out there. I have made really good videos with nothing but mobile phone footage, and there's some high profile examples of that too. Free software galore.

But at least they got to drive a Lambo through a parking garage for a moment.

Re: Lunar Remastered Won't (Currently) Include The Original English Voice Acting, But It's Been Offered "For Cheap"


Mehh... I don't remember enough about the WD localisation, but the era wasn't particularly known for their stellar localisation work. And if I am not mistaken the WD work is well known for all the wrong reasons.

And voice acting, I always turn it off by default. I don't need my faux-medieval heroes to sound like whiney American or Japanese teenagers, I can squarely do without. So personally, I don't care.

And this sounds a bit like he is a little butthurt. Not sure if that is the case, but that is what it sounds like to me, in any case.

Re: "Ours Will Be The Translation Worth Playing" - Team Behind Decade-Old Princess Crown Localisation Speak Out


Extremely petty.

I once helped in a translation project, and some of my localization efforts were, dare I say, extremely poetic.

The person responsible for the project ended up not using those parts. I'll admit, I was butthurt. I also fiercely disagreed with some choices made. I didn't make a fuss though, because nobody owed me anything.

But... I guess this is generating buzz, which.. I guess... no such thing as bad publicity?

Re: Unreleased SNES Remake Of Game Freak's Debut Quinty Leaks Online


@PopetheRev28 I cannot agree with you on that, in this instance.

Ripping a ROM off of a cartridge, especially from a game that will never see the light of day again, is one thing. Sure, those ROMs are preserved, and while not currently actively pursuing, I am glad I could still enjoy games like Terranigma, because of emulation. So sure, I could be part of THAT problem. I do not fully condone this type of behaviour, but I would be lying if I said I never perused ROMs.

I'd say, morally grey, erring on the lighter side.

This, however, was stealing from the company server. Stealing personal data. Stealing things that are still works in progress. Stealing things that were never meant to see the light of day for whatever reason. It could be that a game is cancelled because it is utter garbage. Stealing things that were not meant for the general public.

This instance has nothing to do with preservation. This was theft of personal items.

Re: Unreleased SNES Remake Of Game Freak's Debut Quinty Leaks Online


I do not understand why people would go to such lengths as to hack developers and just throw their stuff on the street, basically.

It's not for you. It's scummy to do so. I guess it is sort of fun for us readers to read about unreleased stuff, but if we don't know, we don't know.

Hacking is a skill that can be used for good and bad. Please just use it for good.

This? This isn't very nice.

Re: The Commodore Amiga Used To Make Worms Is Back In Service


I remember drawing SO MANY Worms in my notebooks when I was in high school. I had my own style but they did sort of resemble the ones shown here in the art.

I still draw them sometimes.

I LOVED Worms. I can't get into it anymore though. I bought a newer one a while back on GOG, and it just no longer clicked with me. I tried playing it with my sons, and one of them liked it well enough, but it seems there are far less hours in a day than what I used to have... Time has become my most precious and RARE commodity.

That said, fond memories of the first one. My worms Shadow, Locke, Sabin and Edgar will live on in my thoughts forevermore.

Re: Talking Point: Is There Such A Thing As "Bad" Nostalgia?


Bad nostalgia can't exist. That's like asking for hot ice cream.

I have deep love for some bad games too, I am sure. None I can name off the top of my head, but surely some games I love are considered bad by most.

Would I play them again now? Probably not, but probably more for lack of time than anything else.

Re: SuperSega Team Doesn't Think Sega Will Have Any Issue With Its Branding


So he needs 300K, and hoped to get that from backers paying 3 bucks.

That means a 100,000 people will need to back it before production can even start, and they are offered 30% off, which I imagine means a break-even for them.

I don't think you are going to find many more people to then pay full price. I'd be surprised if there are a 100k enthusiasts already, though I could be mistaken on that front. And even if there are a million, they will all be paying 30% less.

So unless that still nets them a profit, this seems a fool's errand.

Not to mention the name. Just because Sega appreciates Sonic fan games doesn't mean they are going to accept this blatant banking on name recognition.

@Blast16 That's just the pre-order admission fee.

Re: Jaleco's 'Saiyūki World', 'Magic John', & 'Pizza Pop!' Are Coming To Nintendo Switch


You mention three titles, but there is a fourth one in that picture, the something something Dan game.

Which, coincidentally, I read an article about just two days ago, which was pretty funny,. But I can't remember the full name of the title any more. It was an interesting story though, with the game almost being localised but ending up not being released, and the US name was hillarious.

Edit: I can see an article about it in one of the related links... So I guess I am being dumb. Bio Senshi Dan.

Re: New Storefront Law Tells Us What We All Should Know: We Don't Own Digital Games


At a glance, this sounds a bit like a nothing burger.

It seems to merely mean that buyers (yes) need to be aware that there won't be a (re)download link available in perpetuity for most storefronts. Looking at GOG, that doesn't seem to be an issue there, and even if at one point GOG is shut down, having the digital files is no more or less prone to deterioration as is physical media.

We can't buy NES games anymore in store, we can't even buy some current gen games because they are sold out. It really is more or less the same problem. Buy now, you might not be able to buy tomorrow. And once broken/deleted, it is gone.