

That's Mr. Danijo to you! GOT IT!?

Comments 45

Re: Review: Game Kiddy Bubble - The Game Gear Tribute Act We've All Been Waiting For


Interesting...though the fact that on of the downsides is that it handles PSP games, of all things, as not being powerful enough is not a good thing. it shouldn't be that difficult for any handheld device to handle or emulate psp games.

Even my old HP Stream Notebook with a 2 GB ram & Intel Celeron can play PSP games just fine...if i still had it, that is!

Thankfully, there are better alternatives out there.

Re: This $75 Handheld Could Be The Best Way To Emulate Nintendo DS In 2025


@GravyThief Well, what'd you expect? Not everyone is going agree with your opinions y'know. I shouldn't have to even explain that to you. Yeesh...

I mean the Ayaneo Flip Ds exist too. Surely that would be a better option for you. I, for one, approve of this device. Besides DS, DS Lites, & DSi's ain't gonna last. Plus, this one is pretty affordable too. If it would play DS carts then I'd buy it too. But I have a 2DS that's pretty new & that will handle all my DS/3DS gaming needs for at least a decade or so.

Re: The ESA Says Its Members Won't Support Plans For Online 'Game Preservation' Libraries


Often I'd say lack of resources is the main problem. Wouldn't online preservation of vintage games require servers? I can say even servers can't always maintain forever since it requires money to keep them running.

Maybe I'm being pessimistic but I just don't think we'll ever find a true path to preservation. No matter how hard we try. But I would love to be proven wrong though.

Re: In Memory Of Memory Cards


Kinda mixed on memory cards. They're still a thing you know. As in sd, Hdd, SSD, & flash drives of all sorts.

If we're talking proprietary memory cards, the yeah...they're no longer made. Last handheld that had one was the Vita, yeah?

Besides, I bought an import Sega Saturn Back-up Memory Cart a few years ago.

Re: Best Cheat Codes Of All Time


@EarthboundBenjy Speaking of Sonic 1, when I was playing Sonic Jam (JP) on my Saturn, I found out the level select code was different than the US.

It's: up, down (x3) left, right, Start. I assume it was because it based the JP version when I was trying figure out why the one I'm used to didn't work. that fact should've occurred to me last year.

Re: Best Nintendo 64 Games Of All Time


Kinda disappointed that Kirby 64 isn't listed here. That game was my late-childhood fav when I just entered middle school. I fell in love with it after playing it. Love combining copy abilities together to form interesting combos.

Re: The Puzzling Legacy of Panel de Pon And Puzzle League


I've never really played the OG Panel De Pon when I was younger. But I did play & owned the rebrands/reskins of it though. But my fav one was definitely Pokemon Puzzle Challenge.

While I did like Planet Puzzle League on the DS, I felt it was out-classed by the likes of Meteos. Plus, Planet Puzzle League didn't really offer in the way of much content. maybe...

Re: God Of War Creator David Jaffe Enlists AI To "Fix" Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom


Uhm...this come off as being a showoff and/or arrogant. I see nothing with Tears of The Kingdom's art...

I get it if you're not fond of it. Not everyone has to like it but when you're using AI, of all things...you kinda just lost the ground you complained on. This is just throwing a jab at Nintendo (& Monolith Soft by extension) over something incredibly minor.

Do correct me if I got something wrong cuz...I don't know.

Re: Wow, Sega's American And Japanese Offices Really Didn't Get On In The Early '90s


It almost nearly destroyed SEGA as a whole. Lack of communications, disagreements, & differences in the US, JP, & EU corporate politics/philosophies just isn't a good combination at all.

It led to some very poor decisions too. Like the 32X, for instance. I felt it's existence was not needed when you have the Saturn. And that too had also led to the Saturn's failure. basically a domino effect.

Re: Review: Satiator - The Ultimate Sega Saturn Flash Cart


Ugh...hard pass on this one. Only because of the high price tag on it. It's bad enough that buying a Saturn is just as costly as this alone.

Honestly, I would take the emulator option but the problem with Saturn emulators is that they're incredibly fickle to run & a headache to deal with. Thankfully I've bought my JP Saturn back in 2017 for $80. So there's really no need for me to bother.

Re: Xbox "Encouraged" The Xbox 360 And PS3 Console War, Says Peter Moore


I remember that era well. Microsoft did had a good headstart in the beginning. despite the infamous ROD the early Xbox 360's were suffering from. One thing though is that the 360 did had some success in in japan.

The XBOX brand was never really popular in Japan to begin with. but the 360 was something else. I mean, it had Galgun for crying out load. And it was able to get some JRPG's earlier than the PS3 did. Blue Dragon comes to mind. Not to mention Tales of Vesperia.

I'm thinking about getting a 360 at some point. Just for old time's sake. I can go on & on. But I'll stop there.