@snk2d4life When i had one throughout half the 2000's decade, I say 5 years give or take, I was able to lessen the hassle by using my Genesis adapter at the time. hey it wasn't the IDEAL portable experience but it sure hella alot better than asking my mom for more AA batteries every darn time they went dead in 2 hours.
Interesting...though the fact that on of the downsides is that it handles PSP games, of all things, as not being powerful enough is not a good thing. it shouldn't be that difficult for any handheld device to handle or emulate psp games.
Even my old HP Stream Notebook with a 2 GB ram & Intel Celeron can play PSP games just fine...if i still had it, that is!
Thankfully, there are better alternatives out there.
@GravyThief Well, what'd you expect? Not everyone is going agree with your opinions y'know. I shouldn't have to even explain that to you. Yeesh...
I mean the Ayaneo Flip Ds exist too. Surely that would be a better option for you. I, for one, approve of this device. Besides DS, DS Lites, & DSi's ain't gonna last. Plus, this one is pretty affordable too. If it would play DS carts then I'd buy it too. But I have a 2DS that's pretty new & that will handle all my DS/3DS gaming needs for at least a decade or so.
How many of these things are they pumping out...??? Anyways...
I'm fine with small resolutions & the like. Hey, I grew up playing on the GameGear, GBA, GBA Micro, & DS/3DS. Hell, I'm fine with my CRT TV's 4:3. I guess my eye are durable & used to that kind of stuff...?
Aren't any of the Sega Saturn versions good? Knowing the KoF being 2d & having 2D sprite graphics; I would think they would look and play wonderful on the Saturn since it's a 2D powerhouse.
Cuz I'm planning on getting one of the titles at some point.
I have a soft spot for the GameCube controller. Though...didn't the GC controller have hall-effect sticks or...was I not aware of that...? Huh...
Anyways, I'll get this down the road. I still got a working GC & this will help if my authentic one breaks down. I just hope they made the d-pad better & it feels like the official ones.
Often I'd say lack of resources is the main problem. Wouldn't online preservation of vintage games require servers? I can say even servers can't always maintain forever since it requires money to keep them running.
Maybe I'm being pessimistic but I just don't think we'll ever find a true path to preservation. No matter how hard we try. But I would love to be proven wrong though.
A great idea...just not on something that most people lack nowadays. CRT TV's.
Also, people sure love Sony's WEGA CRT tv's. I only have the JVC AV-20f476 I'Art model. It's no SONY tv but I love it anyways since it does what does best at: good'ol retro gaming.
Interesting read imo. I've always known the Genesis for it's so-called "blast processing" or whatever.
For me, it was it's library that spoke for itself. I'm guessing I was ignorant of the technical aspect. Too bad I never played any of Treasure's catalog.
While Sonic 1's level select code was great & all. Sonic Advance 1's cheat code was awesome too. It allows you to play as Sonic with Tails following you.
@EarthboundBenjy Speaking of Sonic 1, when I was playing Sonic Jam (JP) on my Saturn, I found out the level select code was different than the US.
It's: up, down (x3) left, right, Start. I assume it was because it based the JP version when I was trying figure out why the one I'm used to didn't work. that fact should've occurred to me last year.
Kinda disappointed that Kirby 64 isn't listed here. That game was my late-childhood fav when I just entered middle school. I fell in love with it after playing it. Love combining copy abilities together to form interesting combos.
I've never really played the OG Panel De Pon when I was younger. But I did play & owned the rebrands/reskins of it though. But my fav one was definitely Pokemon Puzzle Challenge.
While I did like Planet Puzzle League on the DS, I felt it was out-classed by the likes of Meteos. Plus, Planet Puzzle League didn't really offer in the way of much content. maybe...
Hm, I don't recall playing this one on GBA back then. Besides, I wasn't even at the proper age to buy this if I could. Plus, GTA wasn't something I was into either.
But I certainly did play the one for GBC at my friend's house years ago. Forgot the name tho.
Uhm...this come off as being a showoff and/or arrogant. I see nothing with Tears of The Kingdom's art...
I get it if you're not fond of it. Not everyone has to like it but when you're using AI, of all things...you kinda just lost the ground you complained on. This is just throwing a jab at Nintendo (& Monolith Soft by extension) over something incredibly minor.
Do correct me if I got something wrong cuz...I don't know.
It almost nearly destroyed SEGA as a whole. Lack of communications, disagreements, & differences in the US, JP, & EU corporate politics/philosophies just isn't a good combination at all.
It led to some very poor decisions too. Like the 32X, for instance. I felt it's existence was not needed when you have the Saturn. And that too had also led to the Saturn's failure. basically a domino effect.
Ugh...hard pass on this one. Only because of the high price tag on it. It's bad enough that buying a Saturn is just as costly as this alone.
Honestly, I would take the emulator option but the problem with Saturn emulators is that they're incredibly fickle to run & a headache to deal with. Thankfully I've bought my JP Saturn back in 2017 for $80. So there's really no need for me to bother.
I remember that era well. Microsoft did had a good headstart in the beginning. despite the infamous ROD the early Xbox 360's were suffering from. One thing though is that the 360 did had some success in in japan.
The XBOX brand was never really popular in Japan to begin with. but the 360 was something else. I mean, it had Galgun for crying out load. And it was able to get some JRPG's earlier than the PS3 did. Blue Dragon comes to mind. Not to mention Tales of Vesperia.
I'm thinking about getting a 360 at some point. Just for old time's sake. I can go on & on. But I'll stop there.
Comments 45
Re: Review: Game Kiddy Bubble - The Game Gear Tribute Act We've All Been Waiting For
@Damo Ah, I see. i think my comment may have come off too strong. So my apologies if it did.
I'm not used to hearing any gaming device have issues running PSP games when it comes to emulating. Now Vita games i can understand.
Re: Review: Game Kiddy Bubble - The Game Gear Tribute Act We've All Been Waiting For
@snk2d4life When i had one throughout half the 2000's decade, I say 5 years give or take, I was able to lessen the hassle by using my Genesis adapter at the time. hey it wasn't the IDEAL portable experience but it sure hella alot better than asking my mom for more AA batteries every darn time they went dead in 2 hours.
Re: Review: Game Kiddy Bubble - The Game Gear Tribute Act We've All Been Waiting For
Interesting...though the fact that on of the downsides is that it handles PSP games, of all things, as not being powerful enough is not a good thing. it shouldn't be that difficult for any handheld device to handle or emulate psp games.
Even my old HP Stream Notebook with a 2 GB ram & Intel Celeron can play PSP games just fine...if i still had it, that is!
Thankfully, there are better alternatives out there.
Re: This $75 Handheld Could Be The Best Way To Emulate Nintendo DS In 2025
@GravyThief Well, what'd you expect? Not everyone is going agree with your opinions y'know. I shouldn't have to even explain that to you. Yeesh...
I mean the Ayaneo Flip Ds exist too. Surely that would be a better option for you. I, for one, approve of this device. Besides DS, DS Lites, & DSi's ain't gonna last. Plus, this one is pretty affordable too. If it would play DS carts then I'd buy it too. But I have a 2DS that's pretty new & that will handle all my DS/3DS gaming needs for at least a decade or so.
Re: You're Not Seeing Things, PS1 Games Are Playable On GameCube
That's actually cool to be honest. Still it reminds me of when I learned about emulating PS1 games on the Dreamcast back in 2007.
Of course, being myself, I'm not really interested. PS1 never really won my attention back then. The N64 & Saturn did.
Re: Sega Admits It Doesn't Know How Many Games It Owns
Nothing to say about the lost source codes to much of the Saturn library developed by SEGA themselves.
Re: OneXPlayer Teases Transforming Nintendo DS-Style Android Handheld, OneXSugar
No doubt it'll be probably expensive & it won't have a STYLUS...to boot.
Re: This Christmas, You'll Be Able To Play SNES Batman Returns On Your Genesis, For Free
I remember playing the Genesis version as a kid. Not one of the finest mind you. Combat & movement felt clunky.
Re: This Christmas, You'll Be Able To Play SNES Batman Returns On Your Genesis, For Free
@bring_on_branstons Well, it's the NAME we, Americans, are familiar with. So really, it can't be helped. Just a fact that you have to get used to.
I'm, personally, am fine with using both names. They're both cool either you shake it.
Re: "Sometimes The Only Way To Preserve A Game Is To Own It" - Japanese Publisher Superdeluxe Gets Physical
"sometimes the only way to truly preserve a game in its original state is to own it in physical form".
How I wish to agree with that sentiment...I would rather physical & digital to co-exist. So we can have the best of both worlds.
But thats not always the reality. Plus, I'm anti-digital...
Re: Random: This Mega Drive / Genesis Clone Looks Like An N64, Because Why Not
Doesn't look like THE Mega Drive/Genesis 3 I had. That one was smol as heck. But...it was compact enough to carry in my school backpack tho.
Re: YouTuber Scores $2000 Sega Saturn Mother Lode For 500 Bucks At GameStop
And yet, I paid about $30 for some of them since they were JP imports.
Go figure...
Re: Modder Uses Raspberry Pi To Create "Game Gear Classic Edition"
Makes me wanna assemble my own GameGear handheld. Of course, using the original boards.
But for me, I wanna expirience the love for the Master System. There are some games that look better imo. Ex. Sonic 2 8-bit.
Re: Anbernic Is Working On Another 1:1 Screen Handheld, The RG Cube
How many of these things are they pumping out...??? Anyways...
I'm fine with small resolutions & the like. Hey, I grew up playing on the GameGear, GBA, GBA Micro, & DS/3DS. Hell, I'm fine with my CRT TV's 4:3. I guess my eye are durable & used to that kind of stuff...?
Re: Did You Butcher Your Mega Drive / Genesis Carts To Overcome Sega's Physical Region Lock?
I never knew this was a thing that people did. I consider it heresy imo. And this was before I became aware of region locking.
I know the US/EU Sega Master System is region free. Since you can play EU carts on a US one.
Region locks should've been obsolete back then. Just me I guess.
Re: Best King Of Fighters Games, Ranked By You
Aren't any of the Sega Saturn versions good? Knowing the KoF being 2d & having 2D sprite graphics; I would think they would look and play wonderful on the Saturn since it's a 2D powerhouse.
Cuz I'm planning on getting one of the titles at some point.
Re: Retro Fighters Reveals Next-Gen BattlerGC Pro For GameCube, Wii And Wii U
Really tempted to get this...
I have a soft spot for the GameCube controller. Though...didn't the GC controller have hall-effect sticks or...was I not aware of that...? Huh...
Anyways, I'll get this down the road. I still got a working GC & this will help if my authentic one breaks down. I just hope they made the d-pad better & it feels like the official ones.
Re: The ESA Says Its Members Won't Support Plans For Online 'Game Preservation' Libraries
Often I'd say lack of resources is the main problem. Wouldn't online preservation of vintage games require servers? I can say even servers can't always maintain forever since it requires money to keep them running.
Maybe I'm being pessimistic but I just don't think we'll ever find a true path to preservation. No matter how hard we try. But I would love to be proven wrong though.
Re: Don't Hold Your Breath For Wii And GameCube Emulation On The iPhone App Store
It's one thing to support emulation, but to me, why would you want to do it on an iPhone or Android phone...???
Isn't doing emulation with PC enough? I emulate Genesis/32X/Master System/GG on my laptop & that's enough for me.
Doing it on iPhones just seems unnatural to me. I guess each to their own, I suppose...
Sometimes I question things out of habit.
Re: Fanmade Sonic 3 Remaster 'Angel Island Revisited' Now Playable On PlayStation Vita
Neat. But it sounds like too much of a hassle to get it installed on the Vita. I'm fine with sticking to playing on my laptop instead though.
Re: 33 Years Later, Game Boy Title's 16-Player Mode Is Finally Unlocked
Jeebus...that's alot of GCs. And hooked-up to HDTV's at that too.
I really need a HD-CRT T.V....
Re: Princess Peach: Showtime! Marks Return Of Goemon Director After 27 Years
Dang...now that is a surprise right there.
Re: In Memory Of Memory Cards
Kinda mixed on memory cards. They're still a thing you know. As in sd, Hdd, SSD, & flash drives of all sorts.
If we're talking proprietary memory cards, the yeah...they're no longer made. Last handheld that had one was the Vita, yeah?
Besides, I bought an import Sega Saturn Back-up Memory Cart a few years ago.
Re: An Upcoming Sonic Hack Will Let You Blast Away Badniks With A Light Gun
A great idea...just not on something that most people lack nowadays. CRT TV's.
Also, people sure love Sony's WEGA CRT tv's. I only have the JVC AV-20f476 I'Art model. It's no SONY tv but I love it anyways since it does what does best at: good'ol retro gaming.
Re: Gunstar Heroes Developer Treasure On Why Mega Drive Is Better Than SNES
Interesting read imo. I've always known the Genesis for it's so-called "blast processing" or whatever.
For me, it was it's library that spoke for itself. I'm guessing I was ignorant of the technical aspect. Too bad I never played any of Treasure's catalog.
Re: Poll: Handheld Or TV - How Do You Play Retro Games?
I got the best of both worlds. I play my Saturn & GameCube on my JVC crt TV. And my Ds OG for Ds & GBA.
Re: Best Cheat Codes Of All Time
While Sonic 1's level select code was great & all. Sonic Advance 1's cheat code was awesome too. It allows you to play as Sonic with Tails following you.
Re: Best Cheat Codes Of All Time
@EarthboundBenjy Speaking of Sonic 1, when I was playing Sonic Jam (JP) on my Saturn, I found out the level select code was different than the US.
It's: up, down (x3) left, right, Start. I assume it was because it based the JP version when I was trying figure out why the one I'm used to didn't work. that fact should've occurred to me last year.
Re: Konami's Hilarious Shoot 'Em Up Gokujou Parodius Gets English Fan Translation
To be honest...I was able to enjoy the game just fine. Even without the translations.
Currently i own the Saturn version, which I should play again sometime this week.
Re: Codemasters Was Supposed To Make A NES CD Drive, But It Never Happened
Pretty interesting honestly.
Re: Best Nintendo 64 Games Of All Time
Kinda disappointed that Kirby 64 isn't listed here. That game was my late-childhood fav when I just entered middle school. I fell in love with it after playing it. Love combining copy abilities together to form interesting combos.
Re: The Puzzling Legacy of Panel de Pon And Puzzle League
I've never really played the OG Panel De Pon when I was younger. But I did play & owned the rebrands/reskins of it though. But my fav one was definitely Pokemon Puzzle Challenge.
While I did like Planet Puzzle League on the DS, I felt it was out-classed by the likes of Meteos. Plus, Planet Puzzle League didn't really offer in the way of much content. maybe...
Re: Round Up: Every Game Showcased At The First Homebrew Summer Showcase 2023
Nice to see the Sega Master System gettin' some love there.
Re: The Making Of: Grand Theft Auto Advance, The GTA III Prequel You’ve (Probably) Never Heard Of
Hm, I don't recall playing this one on GBA back then. Besides, I wasn't even at the proper age to buy this if I could. Plus, GTA wasn't something I was into either.
But I certainly did play the one for GBC at my friend's house years ago. Forgot the name tho.
Re: God Of War Creator David Jaffe Enlists AI To "Fix" Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
Uhm...this come off as being a showoff and/or arrogant. I see nothing with Tears of The Kingdom's art...
I get it if you're not fond of it. Not everyone has to like it but when you're using AI, of all things...you kinda just lost the ground you complained on. This is just throwing a jab at Nintendo (& Monolith Soft by extension) over something incredibly minor.
Do correct me if I got something wrong cuz...I don't know.
Re: The Incredible Story Of Satellaview, Nintendo's Satellite Modem SNES Add-On
Interesting article. Never knew much about the Satellaview honestly.
Also...isn't Kyocera Corp. the company that makes their low-budget phones? I knew that name sounded familiar...
Re: Wow, Sega's American And Japanese Offices Really Didn't Get On In The Early '90s
It almost nearly destroyed SEGA as a whole. Lack of communications, disagreements, & differences in the US, JP, & EU corporate politics/philosophies just isn't a good combination at all.
It led to some very poor decisions too. Like the 32X, for instance. I felt it's existence was not needed when you have the Saturn. And that too had also led to the Saturn's failure. basically a domino effect.
Re: Nintendo History Site 'Forest Of Illusion' Announces Its Closure
I'm guessing it's due to the cost and up-keeo of servers, isn't it?
Re: The Making Of: Soleil / Crusader Of Centy, Sega's Answer To Zelda
Interesting. I heard & seen the game itself but never played it.
Re: Henk Rogers And Alexey Pajitnov Pick Their Favourite Versions Of Tetris
I'd say Tetris Plus is my fave. You can't go wrong with Edit mode.
Re: Retroid Unveil The Retroid Pocket Flip, A New Clamshell Handheld
Oooh, this definitely looks perfect for emulating PSP games.
Re: Poll: What's The Best Sega System Of All Time?
I would say the Saturn & Dreamcast. Not so much the 32X sadly.
Re: Review: Satiator - The Ultimate Sega Saturn Flash Cart
Ugh...hard pass on this one. Only because of the high price tag on it. It's bad enough that buying a Saturn is just as costly as this alone.
Honestly, I would take the emulator option but the problem with Saturn emulators is that they're incredibly fickle to run & a headache to deal with. Thankfully I've bought my JP Saturn back in 2017 for $80. So there's really no need for me to bother.
Re: 8BitMods Announces MemCard Pro For GameCube
@StarPoint I'm curious about also. Considering the early Wii models were BC withe GC games & memory cards, it should be. Assuming folks own one.
Re: Xbox "Encouraged" The Xbox 360 And PS3 Console War, Says Peter Moore
I remember that era well. Microsoft did had a good headstart in the beginning. despite the infamous ROD the early Xbox 360's were suffering from. One thing though is that the 360 did had some success in in japan.
The XBOX brand was never really popular in Japan to begin with. but the 360 was something else. I mean, it had Galgun for crying out load. And it was able to get some JRPG's earlier than the PS3 did. Blue Dragon comes to mind. Not to mention Tales of Vesperia.
I'm thinking about getting a 360 at some point. Just for old time's sake. I can go on & on. But I'll stop there.