

Hookshot’s Operations Director

Comments 9

Re: Best ZX Spectrum Games


What an amazing list of games!

The humble Speccy was such a fun part of my childhood. It’s true the C64 was more powerful and had colourful graphics, but the quality of exclusive games on the Spectrum was hard to match. Later game supported the 128k Spectrum also and could be much larger in scope.

Big shout out for Target Renegade. I absolutely loved that back in the days!

Re: The Making Of Split/Second



£2.24 well spent! That's my weekend plans sorted 😁

Split/Second was the first game I played when I upgraded my TV to a proper 1080P effort way back in 2010. It was such a great visual showcase, I remember playing it and not much else for quite some time.

For me the Burnout series peaked with Burnout 3. I never really liked Burnout Revenge (or Paradise!) all that much for some reason, so Split/Second felt like a spiritual successor to the classic arcadey Burnout series. It was just a refreshing Michael Bay style over-the-top racer which I could play in small chunks without too much messing about upgrading bits and bobs.

Really great feature Damo, it's interesting to learn a bit more about the background of this amazing game. Such a shame that it never got a sequel.

Re: Feature: The Making of Super Play Magazine


Super Play was indeed a great magazine. I have fond memories of Wil Overton's cover art most of all. Superb stuff

@edhe - yes indeed, this is Nintendo Life's first multi-page article. @antdickens had to add the functionality because this lovely feature that @Damo cooked up is so in-depth

@Kirk - Mean Machines is easily my favourite retro mag. That's why @Damo and myself set up The Mean Machines Archive all those years ago!