Comments 36

Re: Exclusive: Polymega's Next Module Brings Nintendo 64 Support


@JJtheTexan yep there’s one slight thing you’re forgetting there, the base cd drive plays Sega Saturn, turbo Grafx cd, neo geo cd, and PlayStation 1 games (albeit all emulation as you’ve noted) so that adds significant value to getting a polymega for some but if you’re interested in just playing the modules only then sure it’s bad value.

You actually didn’t mention the most ridiculous thing about polymega, you can install your games onto the polymega hard drive and don’t technically need the modules ever again, so they kinda become pointless and you can just sell them on, a bit weird!

Re: Polymega's Grand Vision For The Ultimate Retro System Includes A Virtual Console Successor


@ThanosReXXX Only the NES module is fpga, all the others are not. They said they might have FPGA modules in the future in which case I may be interested but if they’re using a system on a chip solutions for the SNES and Megadrive then economy tends to win over quality and you’re left with something which does not reflect a quality product. I hope I’m wrong as it does look cool and I like the styling, but I’ve got quite a few clone consoles and....yeah they have quirks shall we say.