@JJtheTexan yep there’s one slight thing you’re forgetting there, the base cd drive plays Sega Saturn, turbo Grafx cd, neo geo cd, and PlayStation 1 games (albeit all emulation as you’ve noted) so that adds significant value to getting a polymega for some but if you’re interested in just playing the modules only then sure it’s bad value.
You actually didn’t mention the most ridiculous thing about polymega, you can install your games onto the polymega hard drive and don’t technically need the modules ever again, so they kinda become pointless and you can just sell them on, a bit weird!
There’s a slight problem with this review, polymega don’t have the ability to actually release the console as it’s vapourware. They’ve just about scrabbled enough units for reviews/influencers but the proper beta with those that had preordered never happened because they don’t have the money to build the units.
@mazzel that’s crazy, I see the point in the lure of decent CD emulation but it’s crazy expensive on its own and expecting people to pay for extra modules kind of suggests to me they’re desperate to try and make money on this thing after a long drawn out development!
Still no release date for this thing. Think a lot of people are impressed with the concept and some of the demo footage looks good but is still just a prototype.
@KennyBania yep agreed, the super nt is awesome and I cannot wait for the mega sg in a few days. They’re a little more expensive but really worth it if you want the very best from your retro games.
Said it before and i’ll say it again, it’s just a ROM dumping emulator in a fancy box, no FPGA means glitches everywhere, speed issues, visual artefacts, sound will probably be way off as well. I do like the styling and the concept of a modular system however.
I have the mega sg preordered, it was an absolute no brainer after how impressed I was with the super nt. To have this preinstalled is a really nice touch as well, thanks Analogue!
@embison I guess it boils down to having the best of both worlds, hardware that plays the actual cartridge in real time exactly as the original console would but also able to upscale up to 1080p. However your point is particularly valid with the megadrive as the original console has an EXCELLENT RGB out signal anyway.
I’ll stick to FPGA I think.The super nt I have is amazing and is basically a modern snes. Even better is that kevtris is now working on a mega drive board, cannot wait for that.
@ThanosReXXX Only the NES module is fpga, all the others are not. They said they might have FPGA modules in the future in which case I may be interested but if they’re using a system on a chip solutions for the SNES and Megadrive then economy tends to win over quality and you’re left with something which does not reflect a quality product. I hope I’m wrong as it does look cool and I like the styling, but I’ve got quite a few clone consoles and....yeah they have quirks shall we say.
If you’re getting one of these get the NTSC one! If you get a PAL machine the PAL/NTSC toggle will NOT run PAL games at 60hz, it just allows some NTSC games run on your machine at 50hz.
I really don’t think there is a piracy issue, it’s not illegal to sell or buy flash carts and it only potentially becomes illegal if you download ROMS of games you don’t already own the physical cartridges for, and nobody does that right?.....right?
Comments 36
Re: Exclusive: Polymega's Next Module Brings Nintendo 64 Support
@JJtheTexan yep there’s one slight thing you’re forgetting there, the base cd drive plays Sega Saturn, turbo Grafx cd, neo geo cd, and PlayStation 1 games (albeit all emulation as you’ve noted) so that adds significant value to getting a polymega for some but if you’re interested in just playing the modules only then sure it’s bad value.
You actually didn’t mention the most ridiculous thing about polymega, you can install your games onto the polymega hard drive and don’t technically need the modules ever again, so they kinda become pointless and you can just sell them on, a bit weird!
Re: Exclusive: Polymega's Next Module Brings Nintendo 64 Support
@Fiyaball I have a tribute64 controller and it’s really good, far better than the original controller in my opinion.
Re: Hardware Review: Believe The Hype, Polymega Is The Ultimate All-In-One Retro Machine
So I can use the element module to install games onto the base unit.....and then I don’t need it anymore?!? That’s weird.
Re: Hardware Review: Believe The Hype, Polymega Is The Ultimate All-In-One Retro Machine
There’s a slight problem with this review, polymega don’t have the ability to actually release the console as it’s vapourware. They’ve just about scrabbled enough units for reviews/influencers but the proper beta with those that had preordered never happened because they don’t have the money to build the units.
Re: Evercade Retro System To Receive Oliver Twins Collection Cartridge, All Profits Will Go To Charity
These games are awesome, great deal for the evercade.
Re: All-In-One Retro System Polymega Will Also Support "Current-Gen" Cloud Gaming Services
@Coalescence it’s now $399 just for the base unit, they put the price up to probably try and make up for the large amount of cancelled pre-orders.
Re: Feature: How RoboCop's Epic Game Boy Theme Tune Lives On, 30 Years Later
Iconic tune, awful game!
Re: All-In-One Retro System Polymega Will Also Support "Current-Gen" Cloud Gaming Services
Good for them! Base unit still a disgraceful rip off @ $400!
Re: Feature: Quarter Arcades Is Bringing Coin-Op History Home - And It Wants To Work With Nintendo Next
I don’t get it those things are tiny, that can’t be 1/4 scale?!?
Re: Polymega Beta Units Are Out In The Wild, And Things Are Looking Pretty Impressive
@mazzel that’s crazy, I see the point in the lure of decent CD emulation but it’s crazy expensive on its own and expecting people to pay for extra modules kind of suggests to me they’re desperate to try and make money on this thing after a long drawn out development!
Re: Polymega Beta Units Are Out In The Wild, And Things Are Looking Pretty Impressive
$400..... you know I think I’ll pass!
Re: Evercade Lineup Grows Thanks To "Modern Retro" Titles Xeno Crisis And Tanglewood
There’s something very attractive about physical cartridges.... I have a problem....
Re: You Could Get Your Hands On A Polymega Early Thanks To Its Upcoming Beta Test
Omg I’ve also just pre-ordered the deluxe bundle....
Re: Pre-Orders Go Live For The Evercade Retro Handheld System
@brunojenso woah easy there bucko! I’ve only got a few jokes in me so I have to use them sparingly.
Re: Pre-Orders Go Live For The Evercade Retro Handheld System
Proudly sponsored by nintendolife!
Re: This Exclusive Evercade Console Is Looking Pretty In Black
nintendolife - proudly sponsored by Evercade 😁
Re: Polymega TurboGrafx-16/PC Engine Module Includes Five Pack-In Games
Still no release date for this thing. Think a lot of people are impressed with the concept and some of the demo footage looks good but is still just a prototype.
Re: Feature: The Making Of The PC Engine, The 8-Bit Wonder That Took On Nintendo
It’s a beautiful console for sure
Re: Hands On: Polymega Is Shaping Up To Be The Ultimate All-In-One Retro Emulation Box
@ThanosReXXX you have wonderful teeth.
Re: Hardware Review: Analogue Mega Sg: Forget The Mega Drive Mini, This Is The Real Deal
Mine arrived today and I haven’t stopped playing it, absolutely brilliant!
Re: More Tantalising Polymega Details Emerge From GDC 2019
@KennyBania yep agreed, the super nt is awesome and I cannot wait for the mega sg in a few days. They’re a little more expensive but really worth it if you want the very best from your retro games.
Re: More Tantalising Polymega Details Emerge From GDC 2019
Said it before and i’ll say it again, it’s just a ROM dumping emulator in a fancy box, no FPGA means glitches everywhere, speed issues, visual artefacts, sound will probably be way off as well. I do like the styling and the concept of a modular system however.
Re: Analogue Mega Sg To Feature Unreleased Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Game
I have the mega sg preordered, it was an absolute no brainer after how impressed I was with the super nt. To have this preinstalled is a really nice touch as well, thanks Analogue!
Re: Hardware Review: 16Bit Pocket MD - An Unexpectedly Decent Portable Mega Drive
Would it not have been better to test to see if the console is region free? It’s kind of a big deal....
Re: Feature: The Console Wars Are Back With The Analogue Mega Sg, The First FPGA Sega Console
@embison I guess it boils down to having the best of both worlds, hardware that plays the actual cartridge in real time exactly as the original console would but also able to upscale up to 1080p. However your point is particularly valid with the megadrive as the original console has an EXCELLENT RGB out signal anyway.
Re: Feature: The Console Wars Are Back With The Analogue Mega Sg, The First FPGA Sega Console
Hell, it’s about time 😊
Re: Exclusive: Polymega Creator Playmaji On FPGA, Sega Saturn And Dealing With 'Healthy' Scepticism
@invaderyoyo for 300 bucks you’re getting a nice looking box and interface and really that’s about it.
Re: Exclusive: Polymega Creator Playmaji On FPGA, Sega Saturn And Dealing With 'Healthy' Scepticism
I’ll stick to FPGA I think.The super nt I have is amazing and is basically a modern snes. Even better is that kevtris is now working on a mega drive board, cannot wait for that.
Re: Polymega's Grand Vision For The Ultimate Retro System Includes A Virtual Console Successor
@ThanosReXXX Only the NES module is fpga, all the others are not. They said they might have FPGA modules in the future in which case I may be interested but if they’re using a system on a chip solutions for the SNES and Megadrive then economy tends to win over quality and you’re left with something which does not reflect a quality product. I hope I’m wrong as it does look cool and I like the styling, but I’ve got quite a few clone consoles and....yeah they have quirks shall we say.
Re: Polymega's Grand Vision For The Ultimate Retro System Includes A Virtual Console Successor
No fpga = system-on-a-chip = garbage.
Re: Polymega Launch Trailer Reveals Sega Saturn Support
Isn’t this just a rom-dumping emulator box like the retron 5 but with added cd console compatibility?
Re: Hardware Review: Does The SNK Neo Geo Mini Outclass Nintendo's Classic Editions?
Christ I should have taken the day off to read this review....
Re: Hardware Review: Retro-Bit Super Retro Trio Plus
If you’re getting one of these get the NTSC one! If you get a PAL machine the PAL/NTSC toggle will NOT run PAL games at 60hz, it just allows some NTSC games run on your machine at 50hz.
Re: Feature: Neo Geo's First Flash Cart Is Here, So What Now For Switch-Owning SNK Fans?
I really don’t think there is a piracy issue, it’s not illegal to sell or buy flash carts and it only potentially becomes illegal if you download ROMS of games you don’t already own the physical cartridges for, and nobody does that right?.....right?
Re: Flash Carts Could Be Slowly Killing Your Retro Consoles
Oh man I have a whole bunch of everdrives
Re: Exclusive: Getting Under The Hood Of RetroBlox, The Clone Console To Rule Them All
"The goal is to ship within 8-10 months of the close of funding". Well I guess it's good to have goals...