Comments 17

Re: 25 Years On, Skies Of Arcadia's Technical Issues Have Been Fixed


@MARl0 that's way harder to do. The dreamcast had a great audio solution, in many ways better than both the PS2 and GC. For Skies of Arcadia the mixed it all down to 2 channels. A software compression that ran on the ARM chip that controlled the excellent Yamaha chip of the system (so independent of the main processor).

So that's why the effects (like instrument changes per region and chance of music during battles) are way smoother. Not saying it's not possible, but you'd need to reprogram it to run on the GC CPU. And that might be tougher than you think.

Re: Atari Says Its "Retro-Focused Strategy" Has Paid Off


@CopyX1982 It's not something you just pay a programmer for and have magically fixed within a month or so. The Jaguar is kind of complex, hardware wise, so you'd need a team of programmers with experience in hardware design to do just that.

It'll be at least a year and way out of the budget of what folks are willing to pay for it.

Re: You Can Play The Dreamcast GTA III Port Right Now


It's because for all the resources or lacked? Compared to the others? It was a lot smarter in design. You didn't have an overdraw problem due to how it's display processor worked. The CPU was very good in pushing polygons and even able to do SMT (superscalar can do 2 instructions per cycle), it also had some great SIMD instructions that could really speed up things like vertex math. A lot of it was hardware accelerated).

Not all floating point operation are the same, so even though in raw power a PS2 would leave it in the dust, flops on one are not flops on the other. πŸ€—

Re: To The Shock Of Absolutely Nobody, Sega Is Trying To Shut Down The SuperSega FPGA Project


And how do we know they haven't made this up as well? It would be a perfect way not to refund folks. Declare bankruptcy and blame Sega.

I mean SEGA usually doesn't care about these things, and if they do in this case, it's because they (Supersega) have been clearly trying to scam people. The PCB designs shown where just complete nonsense and you never ACTUALLY see the device working. It's always some hard cut before they show the game running.

I'd say it's all bogus.

Re: Yuzo Koshiro's Genesis Shmup Earthion Is Getting An Upgraded Arcade Release


That f'er has done it again, delaying something for his ex arcadia stuff. If he isn't taking games of the market and refusing dumps, he does this.

The megadrive btw has audio lines through the cart, it's perfectly capable of adding sound channels if needed. Heck you can also just stream it after mixing to the audio processor.

Sigh...sorry for blowing up, but it's just. This thing is getting delayed because a rich dude just has to interfere again.

Re: Yakuza Dev To Receive Excellence Award For Sega Model 2 / Model 3 Emulation


Nintendo and their fanboys when hearing about the emulation and homebrew scene:πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ€¬πŸ€¬πŸ€¬πŸ€¬πŸ€¬πŸ€¬πŸ€¬πŸ€¬.

SEGA and their fanboys when hearing about the emulation and homebrew scene: πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸΎπŸŽ€πŸΊπŸΈπŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸŽ†πŸŽ‡πŸŽ΅πŸŽ΅πŸŽŠπŸ•Ί

Re: Genesis Virtua Racing Port Almost Cost As Much As The Console Itself, Thanks To The SVP Chip


@RetroGames You know what, if you don't understand expandability and how it actually works, then you're lost. It just wasn't necessary for the SEGA games so it never really was used, but a cartridge port is nothing more than an expansion port. Just with a Master System it had less access to memory than NES had. The Mega drive however is a whole different beast.

The 68000 was a far more capable processor than what's in the SNES (basically a 16 bit 6502 with some extra functions). By that I don't mean MIPS I mean capabilities like memory addressing, protected mode, expandability, etc, etc.

I mean, why do you think machines like the Amiga 1000 and 500 used the same CPU? It's in a league of its own for the price it had. For goodness sake man, Intel couldn't catch up until the 80286 and 80386 to have all the same features.

Re: Genesis Virtua Racing Port Almost Cost As Much As The Console Itself, Thanks To The SVP Chip


@CocktailCabinet other modern examples are: they can run Doom and Doom 2… on a mega drive by using the controller chips on the Everdrive pro to run it.

And sorry, I just got so tired of his bull after a few articles of: port begging homebrew developers for SNES versions, claiming things and history that simply weren't true and then also getting folks to agree with him.

Re: Genesis Virtua Racing Port Almost Cost As Much As The Console Itself, Thanks To The SVP Chip


Just because you don't understand pinouts and architecture, doesn't mean all of us don't. The Mega drive was designed with expandability in mind, it just wasn't that needed for a 'it's good enough' approach. I mean there are so many cases where mega drive games are even better than SNES games (including their "expansion chips").

Just do yourself a favor and look at the cartridge pinout, and actually study it. And you'll learn a lot more. The information is available for free online.

Re: Genesis Virtua Racing Port Almost Cost As Much As The Console Itself, Thanks To The SVP Chip


@Retrogames: Okay, I've seen your Nintendo fanboy bull for some time now, but this time I'm a bit done. This is simply all not true. The Mega Drive is perfectly designed for expandability in mind. The audio signal even runs through the cart pins so that extra audio channels can be added as do CPU interrupt lines and a DMA set up that makes the SNES cry hot tears of jealousy.

It is NOT a "stop gap" solution, it was the usual SEGA over doing it. The DSP added was very expensive, the SVP is nothing more than a beefy DSP from Samsung that was indeed quite expensive, but could handle way more polygons than a SuperFX chip.

Oh and why no cartridge was adding sound? For most it was "good enough" for the time. Not worth adding extra expensive hardware when the default would do. But why do you think a SVP dsp can add two PWM channels?

Stop claiming things from your obvious Nintendo bias, it's tiresome. Especially to people that know a thing or two about the 68000 and the way the architecture of the Mega drive was setup.