Comments 8

Re: Polymega's Grand Vision For The Ultimate Retro System Includes A Virtual Console Successor


Their wbesite ordering issues aside, it was also posted by others on Twitter that their launch day ad they just released this week is using Sega Arcade Rally arcade version footage in their Saturn montage, that's a HUGE red flag among the many other things they've failed to communicate properly. I would love for this to be a success but it screams Ouya to me all over again. Unless they can show Analogue's level of expertise in hardware/software design they're not getting a penny from my wallet.

Re: Feature: What If The SNES PlayStation Had Actually Happened?


The question I've always asked is why Nintendo let the deal get to the point where Sony wanted a cut of each game & controlled publishing rights. Nintendo President Yamauchi was a shrewd businessman, I'm very surprised the deal got as far along as it had with him knowing the financial incentives Sony wanted.

I think it would have been more successful than the other two CD-ROM add-ons from NEC & Sega but it would still have been a niche market. What really changed the course of history was Nintendo going for cartridges on the N64 instead of CD's. That's when the third parties started bailing for the cheaper produced games with more storage. To me that was the biggest mistake in their history. If the N64 had been a CD-based system they would have enjoyed cheaper games & better third party support, it would have changed everything!