Comments 23

Re: Talking Point: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo Problem"?


It only makes sense to me: so many people had an NES and perhaps only an NES back in the day and those who were kids back then are now parents and play Nintendo games with their kids. If there was a console you would play with your grandparents, what would it be? I’m sure over 90 percent of people would say the Wii. Nintendo’s family friendly approach which they were often hated for is what keeps them in your heart.

Re: New Project Aims To Replicate N64 Stick "As Close As Possible"


I was surprised at how good the controller adapter from RaphNet performs, using a gamecube controller is basically my go to solution now when playing on the original N64.
But yeah, great to hear that RockerGaming invested some time into that and found a solution for reproducing the stick. Demand has been there for a long time.

Re: Powkiddy RGB30 - A $90 Analogue Pocket Rival? You'd Better Believe It


I think every gamer has downloaded an iillegal ROM in their life at this point maybe without even knowing that it was illegal in the first place. Still, it feels bizarre to have NintendoLife (or TimeExtension) promote a device like this that is simply meant to play pirated games. I mean, it’s not like people who own an Analogue pocket are only going play games from cartridges but I guess you are at least given the option there. With the Powkiddy it is downloading ROMs and getting them on an SD-card. Which is the most unofficial way possible. I think NL (or TE) should only promote methods that are official like the SNES Mini or Nintendo Switch Online. And I guess one could be ok with promoting the Analogue Pocket since as I mentioned you can at least decide whether you will stay in the legal zone or not.

Re: Shocking Study Reveals 87% Of Classic Games Are "Critically Endangered"


Completely agree. Where are the supposed thousands of hidden gems?
And it‘s not like games aren‘t preserved there are lots of people on the internet who preserve any game on any console one can think of. They might not be playable on streaming services but they can be tracked down and although not legally be played by anyone who is interested.

Re: Poll: Is Metroid Prime The Best 2D To 3D Transition Of Any Game Series, Ever?


"However, there are elements of Mario 64 which feel a little rough when played today, while Metroid Prime, you could argue, still feels refined and polished in (almost) every respect."

That comparison is a little unfair isn‘t it? The hardware leap from N64 to GC was huge. Also, the 3D game-camera basically had to be invented for Mario 64 so I‘d say there would be no polished MPP without Mario 64.

Re: Feature: Intellivision's Tommy Tallarico Wants To Follow In Nintendo's Footsteps, But Will He Get His Chance?


Sometimes naivety is the right thing to get a project started: don‘t think too much, do it and believe in yourself. But oh boy, is this project going to fail and I‘d love to be proven wrong because they do have a lot going for them. The man clearly has a lot of passion and a bunch of very talented individuals working with him so it is clearly more than Soulja Boy’s mess.
But let‘s be honest: who plays board or card games these days anyway, especially on console? Kids at a very young age grow up with smartphones and if you were to play Poker etc. you might as well get the real deal (or the real physical version that is). And as he pointed out himself, there are plenty of platformers on smartphones already that work cosiderably fine. Why would your kid want to play the same game with a few enhancements instead of just getting a new/different one?
Then there is the price of the games. I have to apologize for all the Indie lovers and there clearly are a lot of gems on the market but you cannot convince me that there will be any system sellers on this. Games that people go back to long after they came out. And yes, they‘re going after the casual market that Nintendo supposedly left behind by not making a proper new Wii. But wasn‘t the Wii also a product of its time and a novelty, as well? We are getting closer to a time where it‘s hard to find anyone that has not had anything to do with video games and if they are casual gamers, their smartphone will suffice. It is a nice idea to have familes gathering and have grandparents and children playing party games together but I simply do not see it happening. And if they do they might as well dust off the old Wii and play a match of tennis.
The concept is good. The people on board are good. Putting quality over cheap parts is very good, but at the end of the day I have to say - and I wish the company and the man all the luck in the world - this is not the 80‘s or the 90‘s. There is a passionate vision behind this project but a vision needs to be directed towards the future. This one is directed towards the past.