Comments 48

Re: Street Fighter 6 Director Hints At Canned Darkstalkers Sequel - Or Does He?


@PopetheRev28 Putting together a collection of emulated romhacks with a nice frontend is infinitely cheaper than developing a new game from scratch, and the former has a much larger profit margin than the latter. So yeah, they keep making these collections because they're cheap to make and easy to turn a profit on, whereas making anew entry is expensive and there's no guarantee it'll make enough money to justify the cost spent to make it.

Fact of the matter is, despite being mildly popular in the arcades and very popular among Capcom nerds (and I include myself), the larger FGC does not care about Darkstalkers.

Re: Anniversary: The Best Burnout Turns 20 This Month


Burnout 3 is a game I still go back to pretty frequently, and while I do think it is the best of the era, man does it have some pain points a modern remaster could solve easily.

Specifically, the frequent and laborious unskippable cut-scenes between each chapter, something most EA and EA Big games of the time were lousy with (and one of the most annoying aspects of Split/Second, the best of Burnout's spiritual successors), and painfully long load times.

Re: GameStop Announces Launch Of New "Retro GameStops" Stores


They've quietly done this a few times before, and all it did was flood their stores with shovelware garbage that collected dust in the bargain bins for a couple of years, until they finally threw it all out to make more room for Funkos.

And I can confidently say with 100% certainty they will be lousy with fakes and repros. So, uh, good luck with.....all that.

Re: Interview: The Company That Brought Resident Evil Back To PC Wants To Resurrect More Capcom Classics


@Fallingshadow I'm not upset at all, I'm just curious who you think a warning or age gate is going to protect? What's the goal you believe that will accomplish?

Anyone who wants to see that kind of content is going to, child or not. If not through this specific post, through literally millions of over avenues. Putting up warnings and age-gating videos
isn't the deterrent you think it is. TE could slap a content warning on this page and it wouldn't make any difference whatsoever. It's an old adage, but it's absolutely true...the quickest way to get someone to do something, is to tell them they can't.

And, fwiw, in my experience anyone pushing so hard for censorship or posted warnings or age-gating is really just virtue signaling.

Re: Interview: The Company That Brought Resident Evil Back To PC Wants To Resurrect More Capcom Classics


@Fallingshadow (My original comment was unnecessarily aggro, my apologies)

I'm curious, what was the intended purpose of your comment? I genuinely, legitimately don't understand what calling for putting up a content warning or age-gating the GOG video embedded in this post is meant to accomplish.

The GOG page for these titles are age-restricted, and though I don't know for certain, I have to assume they ticked the "not intended for children" box when the intro was uploaded to their youtube. Are you upset that TimeExtension, a site dedicated primarily to retro gaming whose audience certainly skews older, embedded the video? If you find it objectionable and don't want to see it, that's fine but, it wasn't surprisingly sprung on you. You clicked on this article, you chose to view the page and, if you clicked the video, that was YOUR decision.

And, as you said yourself, digital only games don't require any kind of oversight or certification and that intro trailer isn't being "broadcast" in the sense defined by law.

Also, for the record, the Playstack didn't get slapped with any fines for Balatro, they had their game unfairly delisted. Via Destructoid: "According to Playstack, they specifically addressed this topic with PEGI back in October after it was originally rated 18+. And, after some communication, PEGI changed the rating to 3+. PEGI even went as far as to assure Playstack that “we have reviewed your product and determined that the disclosure of gambling themes was unwarranted.” Playstack says that the content in Balatro has not changed since that discourse took place, so it doesn’t make much sense."

Essentially, the PEGI board are lying, duplicitous most governing bodies

Re: The Best Retro Gaming Gifts - July 2024


I keep nearly pulling the trigger on one of the Hori Fighting Commander controllers, either the Tekken or Cammy one, but I have too many controllers as it is and I just can't justify it to myself. I'm sure I'll break eventually, though...

Re: Random: Used Book Retailer Half Price Books Is Selling Zelda: Minish Cap For $400


Half-Price used to be pretty great place to get second hand stuff dirt cheap, but ever since they've become more widespread their prices have skyrocketed. Last time I was in the local one they had one of the Ame-Comi statues, either Black Canary or Batgirl, I forget which. They retail NEW for around $55...sticker price on a USED one, $120. Absolute buffoonery. I don't think I've found anything in one of their stores that was reasonably priced in over a decade.

Rather, anything of actual value, I'd argue. If you want 100 copies of some old James Patterson novel or NCIS The Complete 17th season on DVD for pennies on the dollar, they've got your back.

Not the first time the "collectors" cough*scalpers*cough have ruined a good thing, though. ShopGoodwill used to have a ton of reasonably priced games and toys and collectables, but once the resellers found out about it they all but burned the place down in terms of finding anything worthwhile at anything other than absurd prices.

Re: One Of The Web's Oldest ROM Sites Removes Games By Nintendo, Sega And Lego


@N64-ROX Big same. I spent the early 2000's ripping my considerable cd collection to 320k mp3s, before swapping over to buying music digitally. NOT streaming, buying, directly from the artist when I can. I have the main copy of my library on a local hdd, a backup on my plex server, and an archival backup in a drawer, just in case. This does remind me that I need to backup my roms, cause that's currently taking up half of an 8Tb hdd that may well be dying.

Re: Here's The Logo For The Upcoming Live-Action Street Fighter Movie


@Blofse It's not something created for the movie specifically, it's literally just one of the many official logos Capcom has been using on marketing materials for years.

Worth noting that any time you see stuff like this from marketing expos, they're almost always placeholders made using pre-existing assets.

Re: "The Tourists Have Taken Everything" Laments Japanese Resident As Retro Runs Dry


I don't know if it's still the case now but, when I was putting together a small Metroid collection a few years ago, and I found that imported JP copies of titles were both generally in better shape and exponentially cheaper than their NA counterparts.

For example, a "CIB" (which was usually still missing something, usually the rumble pak) copy of Metroid Prime Pinball was going for $150-$200 US, whereas an actually complete JP copy with the rumble pak was going for $60-$80.

Re: Hyperkin's Portable Genesis / Mega Drive Docks Like A Nintendo Switch


I don't really understand the point of this. If it had Master System/Game Gear support too I could see it having an audience. Just Genesis seems like a waste of potential, especially if it's carts only with no microsd support. Also not crazy about the form factor. If you're gonna make a modern Nomad, then make a modern Nomad, not this PS Portal "just slap a screen in the middle of the controller" look they went with.

Re: Here's Why The Designers Republic Stopped Working On WipEout


While I would loved to have seen what they would have done with Fusion, I really don't know how you improve on the perfection of Wipeout 3.

Even the design work tDR did on Formula Fusion, as good as it is, just feels super redundant of 2097/XL (which I'm sure was the point, but it's not exciting).

Re: Review: Retro-Bit Sega Saturn 2.4GHz Wireless Pro Controller


@carlos82 That's my point! There are options out there for every Nintendo and Sony pad, a whole bunch of other retro pads, and every Sega controller...except the Dreamcast. With how much people love the DC, it's super super weird that there is no option to use original DC controllers on PC.

Re: Review: Retro-Bit Sega Saturn 2.4GHz Wireless Pro Controller


A buddy and I have been wondering for a while now why no one has made a licensed Dreamcast controller for the pc, wired or wireless. Hell, we'd even take one of those DIY kits 8bitdo does for various controllers. Mayflash made a usb adapter years ago, but its existence has been seemingly scrubbed from the internet.

It's weird.

Re: Sega Announces The Return Of Jet Set Radio, Crazy Taxi, And More


Shinobi looks incredible, and both Golden Axe and Crazy Taxi are looking great. JSR needs more cell shading, but movement looks good.

Streets of Rage, though...whoof. After SoR4 perfected what a Streets of Rage could be, I just want more of that, not whatever this Power Stone (not offense to Power Stone) looking 3D arena brawler thing is. Hopefully it turns out ok and I'm proven wrong, but SEGA has a long, long history of learning exactly the wrong lessons from their successes, so I'm ain't holding my breath.

Re: Super-Rare 'A to Z of The Designers Republic' Is Getting A Reprint


@RadioHedgeFund You can be both pretentious and expensive if your work and reputation speak for themselves, and Ian/tDR's absolutely does. Charging an exorbitant amount for the least possible amount of work is what the best designers do, and if the client is/was happy with the finished product, that's all that really matters.

Re: The Making Of: Steel Battalion, The Ultimate Hardcore Mecha Experience


I never had Steel Battalion, but one of my best friends' brother got it either for his birthday or Christmas, and it was everything. The game itself is cool, but that damn control panel elevates the whole package to something genuinely special and is the single coolest peripheral ever made for a video game. It was prohibitively expensive for most people, but once you get your hands on it, you completely understand why.

Re: George A. Romero's Cancelled Resident Evil Film Is Getting A Documentary


It's a good script! It could have used another couple of passes for punch-up and polish but, all in all, it's a pretty solid adaptation of the first game. Aside from some relatively minor changes...Chris is Jill's Native American tracker boyfriend and not a member of STARS, for example...but otherwise it's nearly 1:1 on all the major plot beats. I think it would have been a pretty good flick, and a damn sight better than any of Anderson's garbage.

Re: Round Up: "A Masterpiece Made Even Better" - Metroid Prime Remastered Reviews Are In


Just finished it this morning and I was incredibly impressed throughout. The new models, textures, and lighting look incredible, and having proper dual-stick controls is a godsend. It's legitimately one of the best remasters ever made and it's kind of insane how well Prime holds up after 20 years.

I winced a bit at the $40 price tag, but after playing through it and seeing all the love Retro put into it, I will happily pony up the same for Prime 2 and 3 if they get the same treatment.

Re: I Didn't Kill Dreamcast, Says Former Sega Of America Boss


@sdelfin I don't know...I think the Dreamcast was just doomed. I was working at KB Toys at the time and distinctly remember that they just didn't sell. Everyone knew the PS2 was coming, and opted to just wait. Anecdotally, I knew a lot of people that had Dreamcasts and, aside from some Soul Caliber every now and then, nearly all of them were collecting dust by the end of the year. Pricing it even closer to the PS2 would just have made it fail quicker, if you ask me.

Re: CIBSunday: Wip3out / Wipeout 3 (PlayStation)


@RadioHedgeFund Fusion is...a weird game.

I'm still not really sure what Liverpool was thinking with it, maybe they were trying to compete with more modern racers, maybe they just wanted to try something different...who knows?

Regardless, I hated it at release, and never played it much until I revisited it like 7 or 8 years ago and was kind of surprised that I actually dug it. The music isn't great, the track design isn't great, the ship designs aren't particularly good, I hate all the pilots, but from a pure gameplay stance it still feels pretty great once you adjust to the slightly floatier controls.

It's still the worst in the series, but a "bad" Wipeout is better than most racers of the era.