Comments 9

Re: Retail Therapy: Nintendo Stores, Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto)


Very privileged to have been able to visit the New York store two summers ago, and the Tokyo and Osaka store this past march. New York’s pales in comparison to the Japanese store and the limited items you find in Japan, but I was over the moon to finally be able to get a NSO N64 controller. I do agree with the article that the Osaka store is better than Tokyo’s. We had also gone to Super Nintendo world so that probably plays into it as well. Japan is the best

Re: Yep, More Analogue Pocket Limited Editions Are On The Way


The analogue pocket is incredible. I absolutely adore mine and I’ve only been playing carts so far. It’s basically a Pokémon pinball machine for me at the moment lol. I was lucky enough to get a transparent green one. I hope everyone who tries to get one this time is successful!

Re: Anniversary: Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time Is 20 Today


Sands of time was such an eye opening game for me and my brother. Solving its puzzles was amazing at the time. I enjoyed the edginess and combat of warrior within lol. The didn’t play another one till the 2008 game, and I loved that one too. The cell shading was so good, and I was kind of obsessed with cell shading at the time and then the first borderlands came out!

Re: Analogue Pocket OS 2.0 Adds A Much-Requested Feature


@foodmetaphors @Razieluigi I have definitely noticed improper inputs on my pocket and I literally just got it. I started playing superstar saga on cartridge and I’ll get mild weird diagonal inputs when I’m holding just left/right up/down moving around the overworld. And then on the bros blocks (the ones that alternate between Mario n Luigi) and you’re going hard between A and B it definitely won’t register A inputs sometimes and Mario won’t jump and it messes up the flow pattern.

These things aside, I’m obsessed with the pocket and haven’t even put a memory card in it or updated it. Just playing carts. It’s nice to know the updates are happening now tho

Re: Analogue 3D Is An FPGA-Based N64 With 4K Output


My transparent green pocket just got delivered today and it’s incredible. Will buy one of these for my 64 collection for sure. I’ll just wait it out for a cool special edition, hopefully jungle green to match my pocket