Comments 89

Re: Review: Anbernic RG28XX - A Delightfully Dinky Emulation Handheld


@-wc- You have no need to apologize at all! I feel honored that you would share this.

Dad and I patched up a lot of our relationship in the years before he died and were extremely close, but growing up was pretty rough at times. My parents existed to drive each other crazy, until they ended up getting divorced. Dad also was known for his roving eye, and so at times that took precedence over his kids.

Man, though, when I was a kid we had some great times bonding over Tetris, SBM1, Ninja Gaiden... Plus, I lived for weekends when we would go rent some games at the video store. My brother and best friend and I would play, until Dad would check it out for a while and then kick us outside to get some fresh air. Every single time I think it is really because he wanted to have a few moments of quiet to play on his own.

It's funny you mention Zelda and hand made maps. My brother spent a summer staying with some close friends of the family, and he and one of my dad's closest friends played the 1st Zelda nonstop and first drew out the maps, and then printed them out with one of those Okidata dot-matrix printers. It was amazing.

Overall, I feel so fortunate that Dad and I were able to put aside a lot of our crap and just accept each other. My brother and he did not have that relationship, but I think at the end Dad knew he loved him.
When he died of cancer, it was very fast, as it had been misdiagnosed for quite a while, and by the time his insurance finally approved the medication that could have prolonged his life, he went into hospice 2 days later.

Overall, it was a terrible year. I'm finally starting to do ok. I lost Dad, his mom (my grandma) a couple of months later, a favorite aunt, someone who was raised with my brother and I (and really was like a brother from another mother), a couple of close friends, my Dad's oldest friend... And a few others.

Losing Dad nearly broke me, but with everyone else too, I can't even describe what my existence was like. Thank God for good memories.

If nothing else, it helped me write the best album I have ever made.

Thank you for listening to me. I don't know you, but you are pretty awesome.

Re: Chromatic Is A FPGA-Based Game Boy From Palmer Luckey


I'd like to see some reviews first, but I have a gut feeling this could be a success. With all of the current interest in retro gaming, providing what looks like a very quality option at a decent price might make this the thing that catches on with older gamers.

Re: Review: Anbernic RG28XX - A Delightfully Dinky Emulation Handheld


@Bonggon5 hahaha, I was waiting for someone to comment on that. I usually go hiking with my wife and kids and no electronics, but sometimes by myself I go hiking, enjoy nature, bring a book, or spend 10 minutes playing an old game, and think of my Dad who I lost last year.

Not sad at all. Just something we connected over.

To be honest, your assumption without knowing anything about me makes me sad.

Re: Review: Anbernic RG28XX - A Delightfully Dinky Emulation Handheld


Thanks again for another great review.
I really love Anbernic products. Ever since the original RG35XX came out, I have just been so happy with these handhelds. They are total gaming comfort food.

I may get one of these down the road. It looks like a perfect handheld to slip iny pocket and go on hikes with.

Now, I have to wait patiently until my RG35XXSP gets here..

Re: Workshop Of Retro Modder And Engineer Voultar Has Been "Ransacked"


I always have to shake my head these days about people... I don't care if he acted like the devil incarnate online; that still gives no one the right to destroy someone else's property like this.

Poor guy.. I hope he is able to recover from this. Just the feeling of having your place broken into and having things destroyed / stolen is such a violation. I have had it happen to me and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

Re: The Truth About Retro Game Hunting In A Post-Pandemic Japan


Great article! I remember when the pandemic hit, I took my love of the DS / 3DS library, and decided to start collecting (with the intention of playing). At first, it was so nice being able to find games that I had always wanted to play or wanted to play again pretty easily and affordably, but that quickly changed.
It was pretty disheartening, especially when I started expanding to GBA games. My family and I do play all of them, and it just really bothers me the price gouging that has occurred with what should be being able to enjoy my favorite form of entertainment.

Re: Anniversary: The Elder Scrolls Series Is 30 Years Old


Daggerfall was my introduction. Several of my friends were playing it, and I just wasn't a PC gamer so I watched a lot, and then would play consoles.

It was an incredible game, but a lot of the bugs were extremely amusing.

When Morrowind came out, I played a little on Xbox, but wasn't extremely drawn to it.

However, I was ALL OVER Oblivion and Skyrim. I played those games soooo much, and am even now buying Skyrim again, this time for the Switch.

Re: Poll: What's The Best Handheld Of All Time?


3DS for sure. It was the DS from the second I first played it, but the 3DS had some amazing games, virtual console, and my entire DS catalog was backwards compatible.

I have never had so much fun playing games throughout the years as with my DS/3DS systems.

Re: Going Back In Time - Do You Play Retro Games To Reconnect With Your Past?


First off: what a great article. It really resonated with me, and I absolutely love this thread. What a geniunely great thing to see everyone's experience with this subject.

I love retro and vintage gaming, because I just really love to reconnect with those times , but also I loved the purity of the gaming experience back then. I remember starting as a really little kid with C64, intellivision, and the Atari 2600, and games were cool, but not amazing to me (except going to the local pizza parlor).

Then, the NES came out and my friends and I were HOOKED. I loved that feeling of experiencing it all for the first time. We all felt like explorers in this amazing new world.

Now, I love revisiting titles I loved, and even some that were terrible because they remind me of spending time with loved ones that have passed on. Yes I willingly play Renegade on occasion, because it was a bonding experience with a brother.

Now, as an adult I also really love going back and playing games that I never got to! I remember reading the old game magazines and wishing I had the money to play them all.

Great article. Thank you.

Re: Review: Anbernic RG35XX Plus - A Welcome Upgrade


I have and love the base RG35XX, so I don't think this is for me. However, I say this but also own:

Anbernic RG505
R36S (Data frog, I think?)
Powkiddy V90
Data Frog SF2000

In other words, even though I have the best intentions, I'll probably get this eventually.

Re: I Spent $75,000 Documenting Japan's Gaming History, And It Was Quite The Ride


Thank you for this fantastic article, and for the work you've done to make these creators be remembered. It's important for them to be recognized, and fascinating for all of us to see who is behind the curtain of our favorite hobby!

It always amazes me when Japanese game creators have no idea of the impact that they have had outside of their own country. They've given many of us so many hours of wonderful entertainment.

On the flip side, I'm so sorry that you dealt with the "Internet Judiciary System". I have firsthand seen the damage that can be done by the online mob and their unfounded opinions. Good for you for rising above it.

Re: Talking Point: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo" Problem?


Great article, and great question being posed. I love the discussion happening around this.

I think overall it comes down to people love what they love, and right now people really love Nintendo again. If this question was being asked during the height (or overall low) of the Wii U, and excluding Nintendo's handhelds at the time, I think the discussion would look very different.

Being an American, I think the gaming landscape has shifted so much here since I began gaming on the Atari 2600 in the early 80s. During the NES and Super NES they were this amazing source of fun, but I knew plenty of people (myself included) who loved the TG-16 and the Genesis. It just came down to games. I had a Genesis, and my best friend had a Super NES. When we went out to rent games for the weekend, I think the Genesis won pretty consistently due to their unique and instantly accessible titles. The Super NES seemed to be better for long haul gaming.

Maybe it all comes down to the fact that everyone loves a good comeback story, and Nintendo has had several.

Re: Anbernic Announces The RG353PS Out Of Nowhere


I just got my RG35XX a month or so ago, and I am in love with it. I play it more than any other console these days. However, I have had my eyes on the RG505 lately as a more powerful addition. I would love to hear about anyone's experiences with it.

Re: Talking Point: Are Video Games Linked To Physical Places In Your Memory?


Thank you so much for this article! This has really brought up some good gaming memories.

During the NES era, most of my memories playing my favorite games were at my best friend's house. We would rent games (which I have memories of specific games at rental stores), and then spend weekends in the summer playing those games. His family were like a second family to me, and I miss my old best friend almost every day. We drifted apart a long time ago, but I swear that his house was magically happy all of the time. I can't see pics of Super Mario Bros., Mega Man 1, Rygar, or the Legend Of Zelda without thinking of that place and those people.

Re: Best Xbox 360 Games


This was an amazing console. There was never a shortage of quality, fun titles to play. I think a Top 20 list for the 360 is too small to show how amazing it's library was. Top 50 at least!

Re: Poll: What Was Your Favourite Game Of Christmas 2012?


I really loved Mass Effect 3 (big fan of the series), but the game I had the most fun with was Sleeping Dogs. I really enjoyed the setting and the characters, and combat was just so good. The missions kept me interested until the end. It is easily one of my favorite open world games to this day.

Re: Remembering Robotech's Carl Macek, The Man Who Brought Anime To The West


Huge Robotech fan here. It got me into Macross, but truthfully I think the Robotech story is much better than what Macross has produced as sequels since. That's just my personal opinion, although do like a lot of the mecha that has been created for the series since.

I still have all of the Jack McKinney books that were released, and re-read them every couple of years.

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