Does anyone know where I can find a copy of this game that already has the patch? I can never seem to figure out how to patch games and this one seems like it might be a fun game to play.
I'm one of the few people to have a copy, and IMO it's a good game. Not amazing or excellent, but I'd like to think the original intentions were in the right place when they started this project. I do hope those that paid good money for a copy....actually get their copy. And I also hope that this gets a ROM dump at some point in the future for the rest of the world to try playing.
@X68000 I know this is a late response to your comment, but I keep getting shocked whenever I hear about homebrew projects like these. For instance, I"m probably more excited about the recent 3D0 port for MK2 than I am most new games coming out in 2025.
@RetroGames I love Streets of Rage 4 so I disagree with you on that, but I completely agree with you on part 2. IMO it's the GOAT of beat 'em up games. I understand people are going to have different opinions on games but any list that doesn't include Streets of Rage 2 in the top 3 is sketchy.
I never really had a big attachment to this game, but I will say this is a cool thing to see happening. As a video game soundtrack collector I'd love to get my hands on this one.
@Axelay71 Agreed. The Saturn was the 2D powerhouse for that generation so it's a shame it never got a fully developed version of this game back in the day.
Comments 13
Re: Nightstalker Is Castlevania In All But Name, And We Can't Wait To Sink Our Teeth In
Nice. I never would've guessed that in the year 2025 we'd be talking about getting a new MSX game, but here we are and I'm ready to get it.
Re: The Sega Rally 30th Anniversary Soundtrack Is Now Available To Stream
@Andee Yes!! This would be an awesome 2-pack HD release.
Re: Terminator 2D: No Fate Is "The T2 Game We Should Have Had Back In Our Youth"
@Soupbones True legends never die!!
Re: The Obscure PS1 Action RPG 'Prisoner' Is Now Playable In English
Does anyone know where I can find a copy of this game that already has the patch? I can never seem to figure out how to patch games and this one seems like it might be a fun game to play.
Re: Bitmap Bureau Offers Update On 'Final Vendetta's Neo Geo Port Explaining Latest Delay
@MARl0 Lol so did I and I actually thought it was a different game.
Re: Bitmap Bureau Offers Update On 'Final Vendetta's Neo Geo Port Explaining Latest Delay
@KitsuneNight I hope they're going to work on this port next once they get the Neo Geo port finished and shipped out the door.
Re: WaterMelon Insists Its Terminally Delayed Brawler Paprium Isn't Dead
I'm one of the few people to have a copy, and IMO it's a good game. Not amazing or excellent, but I'd like to think the original intentions were in the right place when they started this project. I do hope those that paid good money for a copy....actually get their copy. And I also hope that this gets a ROM dump at some point in the future for the rest of the world to try playing.
Re: WaterMelon Insists Its Terminally Delayed Brawler Paprium Isn't Dead
@BulkSlash Hahahaha!!!
Re: Check Out Castlevania: Rondo Of Blood Running On The Sega Genesis / Mega Drive
@X68000 I know this is a late response to your comment, but I keep getting shocked whenever I hear about homebrew projects like these. For instance, I"m probably more excited about the recent 3D0 port for MK2 than I am most new games coming out in 2025.
Re: Best Beat 'Em Ups Of All Time
@RetroGames I love Streets of Rage 4 so I disagree with you on that, but I completely agree with you on part 2. IMO it's the GOAT of beat 'em up games. I understand people are going to have different opinions on games but any list that doesn't include Streets of Rage 2 in the top 3 is sketchy.
Re: Burning Rangers OST To Be Reissued In Japan To Mark The Sega Saturn's 30th Anniversary
I never really had a big attachment to this game, but I will say this is a cool thing to see happening. As a video game soundtrack collector I'd love to get my hands on this one.
Re: Fans Have "Fixed" Super Street Fighter II For The Sega Genesis
Is there a rom available that includes all of the listed updates?
Re: Saturn Fans Can Now Play The Ultimate Version Of Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night
@Axelay71 Agreed. The Saturn was the 2D powerhouse for that generation so it's a shame it never got a fully developed version of this game back in the day.