Comments 13

Re: WaterMelon Insists Its Terminally Delayed Brawler Paprium Isn't Dead


I'm one of the few people to have a copy, and IMO it's a good game. Not amazing or excellent, but I'd like to think the original intentions were in the right place when they started this project. I do hope those that paid good money for a copy....actually get their copy. And I also hope that this gets a ROM dump at some point in the future for the rest of the world to try playing.

Re: Best Beat 'Em Ups Of All Time


@RetroGames I love Streets of Rage 4 so I disagree with you on that, but I completely agree with you on part 2. IMO it's the GOAT of beat 'em up games. I understand people are going to have different opinions on games but any list that doesn't include Streets of Rage 2 in the top 3 is sketchy.