Comments 9

Re: We Didn't Get 'WipEout Kart' Because Phil Harrison Thinks "Kart Games Are Where Franchises Go To Die"


Interesting opinion that kart racers is where video games go to die, as we sit here looking at Mario Kart and its over 30 years of existence without negatively impacting the overall brand in the slightest.

Those franchises all died not because they had kart racers, but because they were either s***, or sold from publisher to publisher until the entire franchise was tanked, looking at you Crash.

But, this is also Phil Harrison, chief executive of sound future thinking business sense. Let's check his resume...

Oh. Oh dear.

Well it's nice he has an opinion.

Re: Feature: It's Time to Celebrate the PSP, Sony's 21st Century Walkman


@get2sammyb Ah its all in good fun. I like a good discourse to wake my brain up.

But yeah, dedicated handheld systems are pretty much done. The 3DS has its niche as little Timmy's first system for £80 + game included.

There will come a time though when the under the TV box isn't needed either. It's just how it is. Society and needs change and these companies need to be ahead of the curve. They like streaming and devices that do both home things but can go with them.

Why have a PC for YouTube when you have a phone that you can watch at home and on the bus? Its that kind of thing. And eventually with 5g, hey who knows right? The future is bright.

@Quintumply The PSP was great (I got mine LONG before the DS in 2006!) and one of the first games was....that King Kong one with the obnoxiously long name.

Wonder how much a new battery is these days...

Re: Feature: It's Time to Celebrate the PSP, Sony's 21st Century Walkman


@get2sammyb Well by that logic...

PS3/Wii/360 - That was, what? 260m?

One/WiiU/Switch/PS4 - 146m or so combined.

4 systems, two with 2 additional SKUs, have lost over 100m units between generations, compared to 3 systems.

No wonder people were saying console gaming is dead. Observe the trends.

I see your point though. I dont want handheld gaming to particularly disappear, and the inevitability of technology is smaller, efficient, powerful. Just look at phones, PCs, hell, cars and planes. Who knows what the future holds.

Just as long as it's not on phones. Horizon with touch controls, bleh.

Re: Feature: It's Time to Celebrate the PSP, Sony's 21st Century Walkman


@get2sammyb You said the PSP was considered a flop. Those were words from your account. You then followed that with "This is why I think handheld gaming is dead".

Therefore, your opinion was that handheld gaming was dead, and your justification for that was a system selling less than a flop.

Your entire justification for that argument, a thing YOU believe, is based on a comparison, right?

How can you believe handheld gaming is dead, and use the argument of the 3DS selling less than a "Flop" to justify your opinion, if you yourself don't believe the PSP is a flop.

If you think the PSP was not a flop at 80m, then the 3DS in the current market is also not a flop, as such your belief the handheld market is dead is an opinion based on "evidence" that you dont actually believe points to a narrative you want to push.

You cant say "PSP wasn't a flop at 80m" and then say "Handheld gaming is dead because 3DS is at 75m now in a vastly different market".

Re: Feature: It's Time to Celebrate the PSP, Sony's 21st Century Walkman



get2sammybTue 26th Sep 2017
@Dodoo They could have done better with the Vita, but how many sales do you think supporting SD cards would have realistically added? A couple of million at most.
And as @feena pointed out, the 3DS probably won't outsell the PSP when all's said and done, which definitely puts things into perspective.

get2sammybTue 26th Sep 2017
@NintendoFan4Lyf Come back and post this comment when Switch has sold 100 million units.

You act like the thing was a failure.

Oh wait...theres also this.

Friendly reminder, be careful what you say around me. An eidetic memory can come back to bite you

Re: Feature: It's Time to Celebrate the PSP, Sony's 21st Century Walkman


I find this ironic that Damien says the PSP wasn't a flop, but Sammy says it was and uses that as an argument for handheld gaming being dead.

Ah, the joy of different writers.

Ultimately though, who the hell cares who sold more, who did what better? You bought the machine you liked. End of story.

I recently dug out my PSP recently to play the two Mega Man remakes, eternally trapped to that little thing. It's so uncomfortable to hold now and frankly thats on me due to hand injuries I sustained since I last used it, but those face buttons are not in an ergonomic position for my damaged hand.

Again that's just me. Don't get angry.

But the games still look great, certainly better than a lot of games look on current handheld systems by Nintendo, even that one you can slap under your TV for some exciting 480p gaming.

But UMDs....what pinhead said "Yes, lets use moving, CD-adjacent technology in a portable"? My UMD drive is misaligned and that bugger is Dreamcast levels of loud. Also constant read errors now too.