Comments 27

Re: Poll: Should Retro Game Remasters Carry Warnings About "Offensive" Content?


Crazy how people make the biggest deals out of the smallest things. Splash screens? Really?

I'd say that they're appropriate if they're grossly offensive or explicit.

Then again, if you're buying a game, you should know what's in it.

I don't think people concerned about some content should just be called "snowflakes". It's understandable, and I'd much rather a warning than censorship.

With that being said, most video games aren't that bad content-wise. It's not like a 1920s movie with flat out racism or homophobia. There may be some games with those themes, but most won't.

Also if you're getting a game, you should regardless do research on it before spending your hard earned money on it.

So I think that content warnings on games are fine, but only in some of the worst cases, and everyone should still do research.

By the way, congrats Time Extension, you got a very big interaction in the comments. All you had to do was make a controversial poll.

Kidding, but I think it's funny that us Hookshotters are so magnetized to controversial topics.