Comments 96

Re: The Surrealistic PS1 Game 'Iblard' Gets English Fan Translation


There's also an obscure Studio Ghibli OVA called Iblard Time which presented Inoue's paintings with animation and music.
It is notable for being the first Blu-ray release from Studio Ghibli.

It is quite an interesting thing to look at if you can actually find a copy of it. It's really obscure even for the Japanese Ghibli fandom.

Re: It's Confirmed! Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol.1 Will Include MSX Classics


What's weird is that Snake's Revenge was written in Japanese but never released in Japan. With the English translation being a poor one from Japanese.
And then it received a fan translation that translated the English translation back to Japanese.

It would be great if Konami could finally release the original Japanese script for Snake's Revenge.
The NES Metal Gear games are poor imitations of MG1 on MSX2, and easily the worst Metal Gear games not released on phones. I believe the NES games are worse than Survive.

That said, the DOS and C64 ports of Metal Gear NES are even worse. They are outright unplayable.
There was going to be a similar Amiga port but that was cancelled for unknown reasons. A fan eventually made an unofficial Amiga port of Metal Gear 1 based on decompiled source code for the MSX2 version. And it is really great.
I'm just waiting he would port the official Subsistence translation to the Amiga port (it only has the poor official European translation and the ancient fan translation), and hopefully Metal Gear 2 once it gets decompiled.

Re: It's Confirmed! Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol.1 Will Include MSX Classics


@Sketcz Ghost Babel is at least referenced in MGS2, as a poster and with its mission briefings being referenced by the AI Colonel, implying that it alongside the MSX games, MGS1 and VR Missions are the VR simulations Raiden trained with.

MGS4 also had a reference in the description for the Five-SeveN gun for Snake, mentioning a mission in Galuade.

And IdeaSpy 2.5 (the Europe-exclusive radio drama) kept getting referenced in MGS2, MGS4 and Peace Walker.

Re: Flashback: Remembering The Jurassic Park Dreamworks Logo That Traumatized A Generation


It's hilarious how the Man on the Moon keeps getting beaten down in these logos.
In Bee Movie, he gets scared off by Jerry Seinfeld Bee; in Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa, he gets a takedown from the Penguins; in Monsters vs. Aliens, he gets abducted by the titular aliens;

Yet he is also canonically an omnipotent god who can influence the story, being the Man on the Moon referenced often in Rise of the Guardians, choosing who gets to become said Guardians. And he also directly intervened with the plot of Shark Tale, casting down the worm who will meet Jack Black Shark and establishing his character and his dynamic with Robert DeNiro Shark.

Also, he gets to hang out with every DreamWorks character he sees fit, implying there is a DreamWorks multiverse of sorts. The Man on the Moon is sometimes even either a leopard (probably Tai Lung but most likely a different character), Master Oogway, Po the Dragon Warrior, Jack Frost (implying he can also manifest himself as Jack Frost), Sherman, or Sheldon Alien from Home.

He can go to World War II in Saving Private Ryan, or he could just hang out in Shrek's Swamp Karaoke Dance Party, or watching God help Moses part the Dead Sea to help the Israelites escape Egypt, or watching RJ the Bruce Willis Raccoon and his newfound family rise up against the humans over the hedge, or watching Hiccup and Toothless bond as best friends.

Re: Kirby's Dream Land 2 Gets The 'DX' Treatment


@foodmetaphors Yeah. Most of the controversy around colourised films was because people feared they may no longer release the original black-and-white versions.

At least this is unofficial and already requires a ROM of the original version in the first place.

Re: Kirby's Dream Land 2 Gets The 'DX' Treatment


I personally love these colourised DX mods, but a part of me wonders if some people decry these colourisations as “detracting from the original artistic vision”.

I remember many cinéphiles criticised colourised versions of classics like Casablanca, Night of the Living Dead, King Kong, and It’s a Wonderful Life as vandalising classics similar to what George Lucas would do with Star Wars (ironically, George Lucas was one of the directors protesting against the colourisations).
Orson Welles even successfully convinced Ted Turner to cancel the colourisation of Citizen Kane.

Now, I don’t know why there isn’t a similar backlash for colourised Game Boy games.

Re: Best Flash Carts, EverDrive Carts And ODEs


1. The DS has the fabled SLOT-2, mostly used for GBA games (and there are DS games that can link up to GBA games, most notably Pokémon Gen 4 and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Red/Blue Rescue Team) but also for Guitar Hero, the Taito Paddle Controller, Tony Hawk's Motion, and Rumble Pak (notably used for Picross DS and Metroid Prime Hunters, among some others).
2. Playing on an OG 3DS, 2DS or New 3DS screen shrinks the DS screen too much with unscaled resolution, and the 192 --> 240 upscaling is ugly. You pretty much need a 3DS XL, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL to make it look good.
3. I never had a 3DS.

Also, the EZ Flash DE can allow to flash a GBA game, specifically for a GBA-to-DS linking feature such as transferring Pokémon GBA data to the DS.

Re: Best Flash Carts, EverDrive Carts And ODEs


Still disappointed there are no high-end DS flashcarts.
It’s all cheap Chinese-manufactured R4i clones as far as the eye can see. Thankfully, they’re still being made today and you can find some for cheap on eBay.

Also, I want to suggest the EZ-Flash Omega and Omega DE for the GBA. The former has a smaller shell that fits flush into a DS Lite while the latter has additional features when inserted to a DS.

Re: Pre-Orders Open For Polymega's N64 Module Ahead Of Spring 2023 Release


This may be an unpopular opinion but I always preferred the three-prong controller.
If they made a new controller with that design, I would love it to replace the worn OEM controllers.

Also, I'm still waiting for an analogue video out for the Polymega for people with CRTs.
My idea is that it would have an HD15 out for RGB, Component YPbPr, S-Video and Component, as well as two audio outs (one in analogue RCA stereo, and one in digital optical SPDIF).

Re: Poll: Which Evercade Cart Do You Want To See Next?


It would be great if there's a Metal Gear collection that has the MSX2 Metal Gear games, MGS1, the NES Metal Gear games, and Ghost Babel, with a new CD 32X version of Snatcher (the SEGA CD version but upgraded with the better graphics from the PC Engine CD and uncensored graphics) and the fan translation of Policenauts for the Sega Saturn as bonuses.

Re: An MSX 3 Is On The Way, According To MSX Co-Creator Kazuhiko Nishi


This is amazing.
I just hope it would have analogue video out and accurate emulation of MSX1/MSX2/MSX2+/MSX turboR.
I also hope this and the X68000 Z mini would spell a return of NEC PCs, and a new generation of high-budget hentai games.

Japanese computers (particularly NEC PCs) were mostly well-known for their vast catalogue of hentai games, some of which were very high-profile.
This contrasted with the mostly-family-friendly console market.

Re: Rumour: Metal Gear Solid 1 To 3 Might Be Receiving New Remasters


If I were Konami, I would do three separate Metal Gear collections, which will be:
Metal Gear Solid Anniversary Collection (Vol. 1)

  • Metal Gear (MSX)
  • Metal Gear (NES)
  • Snake's Revenge (released in Japan for the first time ever)
  • Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
  • Metal Gear Solid - Remastered (based on the Integral version including VR Missions)
  • Metal Gear: Ghost Babel (the first time IdeaSpy 2.5 is released in North America)
  • Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty - Remastered (based on the Substance version with an HD version of the skateboarding mode)
  • Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes - Remastered (Nintendo Switch exclusive)
  • Metal Gear Ac!d - Remastered
  • Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - Remastered (based on the Subsistence version with 3DS features exclusive to the Nintendo Switch version; Snake vs. Monkey mode exclusive to the PS4/PS5/PC versions; includes Metal Gear Online 1)
  • Metal Gear Ac!d 2 - Remastered
  • Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Complete - Remastered (includes both Portable Ops and Portable Ops+)

Metal Gear Solid Future Collection (Vol. 2)

  • Metal Gear Solid Mobile - Remastered
  • Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots - Remastered (includes Metal Gear Online 2)
  • Metal Gear Solid Touch
  • Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - Remastered
  • Metal Gear Solid: Social Ops (special version with no microtransactions ala. Apple Arcade)
  • Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance - Remastered

Metal Gear Solid V: The Ultimate Experience (Vol. 3)

  • Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (remastered version on PS5/Xbox Series S|X/PC)
  • Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (remastered version on PS5/Xbox Series S|X/PC; includes Metal Gear Online 3)
  • Metal Gear Survive (remastered version on PS5/Xbox Series S|X/PC)

Re: Rumour: Metal Gear Solid 1 To 3 Might Be Receiving New Remasters


@MSaturn It will definitely be the PS1 version, if they are planning on a multi-platform release.
Nintendo partially owns the rights to The Twin Snakes, and if it ever gets a remaster, it will be exclusive to the Nintendo Switch.
I'm hoping that this remastered collection would include The Twin Snakes as a bonus for Nintendo Switch while Snake vs. Monkey is included as a bonus for PlayStation 4/5.

Re: Best Metal Gear Games - Every Metal Gear Game, Ranked


As a kid, my first exposure to Metal Gear was seeing the iconic exclamation point make a cameo in Wreck-It Ralph.
A smartphone commercial for a local brand (that aired on a local noontime show in the Philippines called Eat Bulaga!) also used the '!' sound from Metal Gear, probably without permission.

After this, I became curious of the Metal Gear games, but my PC was too weak to emulate them and my PSP had a whack analogue stick, so I couldn't play Portable Ops or Peace Walker.
I don't know why I didn't touch MGS1 immediately. My first Metal Gear game was Metal Gear Solid Touch, and I was disappointed that it had no sneaking around and was instead a generic third-person shooter where you tap the screen.

Even me, who had no actual experience with Metal Gear at that point, knew something was wrong and that it was Metal Gear in name only.

Re: You Can Now Play Link's Awakening DX With Amazing CD-Quality Audio From Remake


I love the MSU-1 hacks (though I still prefer the originals) but my only gripe is that this Link's Awakening DX hack cannot be played in colour. But that's a limitation since the Super Game Boy never received a true colour version.

I would rather play it colourised on GBC as intended for this version. Link's Awakening is actually a game that works much better in colour than monochrome. It is living proof that not all colourisation jobs are bad.

Re: Best Metal Gear Games - Every Metal Gear Game, Ranked


I really wish the MGS HD Collection had a remaster of MGS1 while Peace Walker HD would be a standalone release.

MGS1 would work really well with a straightforward remaster, just upscale the PS1 game from 240p to 720p, optimise the game for 16:9 screens and 60fps, add some more advanced post-processing effects, and add an optional CRT shader to make the graphics look smoother on HDTVs.

Re: Best Metal Gear Games - Every Metal Gear Game, Ranked


The Twin Snakes is the video game equivalent of the Beauty and the Beast 2017 remake.

It's a remake of a masterpiece that does not deserve a remake that much, because the original still holds up well at the time, with inferior and more lifeless acting than the original version, as well as more modern visuals that look duller than the original.

The Twin Snakes also has similarities with the Mulan remake, being that they removed well-loved aspects of the original (the songs in Mulan, the VR Missions in MGS1) while the new things they added actually add nothing or make the product worse (the dog tags in The Twin Snakes, the chi powers in Mulan remake).

It's also similar to The Lion King remake, which was made as a tech demo to show off how realistic the graphics have become, even though it will be more dull and lifeless than the original.

Still, The Twin Snakes is a much better remake than most of the Disney live action remakes.
The Twin Snakes is basically MGS1 given the Disney live action remake treatment.

Re: Best Metal Gear Games - Every Metal Gear Game, Ranked


Kojima still mentions that Portable Ops is canon but it's now a side-story rather than part of the main Metal Gear Saga, which only consists of games directed by Hideo Kojima.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is also omitted from chronologies even if it's canon because it wasn't directed by Kojima.
Kojima also produced some other spinoffs. Just about the only Metal Gear games he had zero involvement in are the NES games and Metal Gear Survive. He was at least a producer or executive producer in most Metal Gear games.

Re: Xbox "Encouraged" The Xbox 360 And PS3 Console War, Says Peter Moore


That’s good.
Competition breeds innovation.
If Xbox and PlayStation were not competing against each other, the gaming industry would become stale.
If two companies compete against each other, then one has to raise their stakes to gain the advantage, which would get their rival to take it a step further.
When there is more competition in any industry, the customers would benefit from more choices and more solid ones at that.

Re: Ron Gilbert Seems Keen On Doing A 'Maniac Mansion' Remaster


That would require him to get permission from Disney and Lucasfilm.
But considering how the new Monkey Island game is being made by him with Disney's permission, I won't be surprised.

Disney bringing more attention to older LucasArts games is one of the best things they've done with Lucasfilm. Shame I can't say the same about The Rise of Skywalker.

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