Comments 5

Re: Poll: What's The Best Sega System Of All Time?


I can't rate this fairly, I admit that. My First Sega system I owned was Dreamcast. So it's what get's my vote. Not because I'm youngin or something. No, we didn't have Sega in my house.

I will also remember my dad brought one home and proceeded to hook it up and then said it wasn't compatible with our TV. My excitement quickly turned to disappointment, So he returned it, never getting to experience it in my home. I, of course, played it at a friend's house or youth group, but that was just short bursts.

For my 18th I got a Dreamcast, mear days before they announced it would be discontinued. So Sega and have history. LoL. But I did enjoy my Dreamcast for a bit. Mostly for LightGun games. Those where a blast, and why Dreamcast gets my vote

Re: Best Mini Classic Consoles


@Tasuki Yeah but....Sony worked with Activision to include Crash Bandicoot in Uncharted Activision is likely a game; they probably didn't ask.

On another note. I have NES, SNES, Genesis, and Playstation mini's, I wish I could have got the TurboGraphics but I couldn't snag one.

But I love they make great function display pieces.

Re: Poll: Is Metroid Prime The Best 2D To 3D Transition Of Any Game Series, Ever?


I'm going say yes, there are a lot arguments for Mario 64, but I would argue that, while Mario 64 defined 3D platformers going forward. It fundamentally changed the game. In Mario 2D the object of every level was to get to the end of the level. Each level had a clear start and clear end. However, Mario 64 started, this collects a thon goal. Levels had multiple objectives, and you had some freedom in what order you wanted to go.

Metroid, in my opinion, took the essence of Metroid, the exploration, finding new tools to explore further a section of the map previously cut off, and brought it into 3D. While I think Mario 64 did more to define gaming in 3D, I think Metroid did a better job of holding to it's DNA and successfully transitioning it into 3D.