Comments 52

Re: CIBSunday: Nintendo Game Boy


Playing Game Boy is still fun. I bought Pokemon Red and Blue a few years ago and got every Pokemon. My childhood self would be very proud of me.

The paperwork was an important part. Gaming feels more alive with it.

Re: Game Boy Emulator That Topped iPhone App Store Gets Yanked For Copyright Infringement


In Europe the Final Fantasy Anthology, containing IV and V, released in 2002. I bought it around that time, because I was a big fan and was interested about the series past. This time was propably the height of Final Fantasies popularity and I feel like this is the reason for its localisation.

It was released on October 5 1999 in the US, at a time when Final Fantasy became really popular in the west.

Re: Game Boy Emulator That Topped iPhone App Store Gets Yanked For Copyright Infringement


Now that I own the Evercade, I am not really worried about the future of retro games. I am sure stuff like that will be even more common. Should I feel the need to play Nintendo classics, NSO or something like it will keep me covered. I have Gog for Pc. There are so many "mini" versions of classic consoles.

I almost gave up on Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door, then Nintendo announced the remake. Sure I can not play the original, but I think it is very likely, that it will be released with the NSO app, around the time GameCube games will be added.

When I can not play old games anymore, for whatever reasons, I move on to the next game. There is no reason for me to use illegal methods. But if people do not care about it, I will not stop them. It is their choice.

Besides it would be hard for me to hate piracy, because it introduced me to the world of videogames. I started playing with the NES bootleg version "Dendy". Every cartridge our family had, was pirated.

Re: Evercade EXP-R And Evercade VS-R Consoles Launch This July


Just yesterday I got my Evercade Exp. Very happy with it. The tate mode is pretty cool and I might get the Tate Grip. They even made a white one I can use, nice.

The new Evercade looks good and I am curious what is on the giga cartridge and whether it can be purchased separately. 120€ sounds fair, especially, if there is cool stuff on the giga cartridge.

Re: Game Boy Emulator That Topped iPhone App Store Gets Yanked For Copyright Infringement


Yes, I feel the same way. It would have been great, if the Virtual Console purchases, could have been kept and played on newer Nintendo systems.

Switch games feel like a great balance between old and new games. Maybe this is one of the meanings, for the Switch Yin and Yang logo. I do not feel like renting games on NSO though.

I bought quite a few retro collections for the Switch. The Mana collection was a nice one.

And I will buy retro collections for the Evercade. So many games I have not even heard about and the price is very fair.

Re: Game Boy Emulator That Topped iPhone App Store Gets Yanked For Copyright Infringement


This article is about someone stealing the work of someone else, using an emulator. In my mind, I compared it, to someone stealing the work of someone else (illegal roms, bios and propably more stuff I do not know about) by using an emulator. I think it is more than close enough, for the simple sentence I wrote.

Again, I am not attacking you. You are doing it perfectly legal, as far as I know. I am proud of people, who can put software to good use. And even if you were not, I am just a simple gamer, who does not even own stock, in any of the companies. It is not my responsibility.

I see it is important to you, that people see the postive use of emulators and I will keep an open mind about emulators.

Re: Game Boy Emulator That Topped iPhone App Store Gets Yanked For Copyright Infringement


It is your life and you choose your own path. I am not stopping you, from using emulators, how you see fit.

This article was about the negative aspect of emulators. And to me using an emulator for illegal roms, equals stealing someone elses work, like stealing someone elses emulator does.

If there will be an article about a cool and legal game, someone made, which can be used with an emulator, I will say something positive, promise.

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