In Europe the Final Fantasy Anthology, containing IV and V, released in 2002. I bought it around that time, because I was a big fan and was interested about the series past. This time was propably the height of Final Fantasies popularity and I feel like this is the reason for its localisation.
It was released on October 5 1999 in the US, at a time when Final Fantasy became really popular in the west.
Happy anniversary! My red Game Boy Pocket was a Christmas present, together with my favourite Game Boy game, Link's Awakening. What a magical game and system.
One of the advertisements is quite out there. And the Segata Sanshiro advertisements are great. Really need to get my hands on this console. Panzer Dragoon is a classic I need to play.
@Mgalens I watched a little bit of gameplay. 1 felt like an innocent adventure aimed at the free child in us. 2 felt like a slightly moody anime teeny drama. 3 felt kinda weird, hard to describe.
I prefer the direction of 1 alot more, from what I have seen.
@KingMike Now that I own the Evercade, I am not really worried about the future of retro games. I am sure stuff like that will be even more common. Should I feel the need to play Nintendo classics, NSO or something like it will keep me covered. I have Gog for Pc. There are so many "mini" versions of classic consoles.
I almost gave up on Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door, then Nintendo announced the remake. Sure I can not play the original, but I think it is very likely, that it will be released with the NSO app, around the time GameCube games will be added.
When I can not play old games anymore, for whatever reasons, I move on to the next game. There is no reason for me to use illegal methods. But if people do not care about it, I will not stop them. It is their choice.
Besides it would be hard for me to hate piracy, because it introduced me to the world of videogames. I started playing with the NES bootleg version "Dendy". Every cartridge our family had, was pirated.
Just yesterday I got my Evercade Exp. Very happy with it. The tate mode is pretty cool and I might get the Tate Grip. They even made a white one I can use, nice.
The new Evercade looks good and I am curious what is on the giga cartridge and whether it can be purchased separately. 120€ sounds fair, especially, if there is cool stuff on the giga cartridge.
@Mgalens Yes, I feel the same way. It would have been great, if the Virtual Console purchases, could have been kept and played on newer Nintendo systems.
Switch games feel like a great balance between old and new games. Maybe this is one of the meanings, for the Switch Yin and Yang logo. I do not feel like renting games on NSO though.
I bought quite a few retro collections for the Switch. The Mana collection was a nice one.
And I will buy retro collections for the Evercade. So many games I have not even heard about and the price is very fair.
This article is about someone stealing the work of someone else, using an emulator. In my mind, I compared it, to someone stealing the work of someone else (illegal roms, bios and propably more stuff I do not know about) by using an emulator. I think it is more than close enough, for the simple sentence I wrote.
Again, I am not attacking you. You are doing it perfectly legal, as far as I know. I am proud of people, who can put software to good use. And even if you were not, I am just a simple gamer, who does not even own stock, in any of the companies. It is not my responsibility.
I see it is important to you, that people see the postive use of emulators and I will keep an open mind about emulators.
@DestructoDisk It is your life and you choose your own path. I am not stopping you, from using emulators, how you see fit.
This article was about the negative aspect of emulators. And to me using an emulator for illegal roms, equals stealing someone elses work, like stealing someone elses emulator does.
If there will be an article about a cool and legal game, someone made, which can be used with an emulator, I will say something positive, promise.
Nice. Got my Evercade Exp today and I love the cartridges. Unlike the Nintendo Switch cartridges, they feel like actual cartridges and not like some micro SD, or something like that.
@RetroGames People use emulators to illegaly play roms with it. I was talking about these people, not the ones who download programs to collect them, look at them or run homebrew software with it.
An emulator, which is stealing someone elses work. Quite ironic. I hope, I will never feel the need, or be forced to emulate games, to play retro games.
Sounds cool. I just found out about the Evercade. First I thought it was for rom hacks, but it is for licensed games with cartridges. Awesome, need to order one!
After watching the first minutes I feel like I should play this game. It seems fun, challenging and the music is great. The atmosphere is very old school, which I love.
@RetroGames Thank you for the thorough reply. No wonder Super Nintendo games look so colourful, compared to Mega Drive games.
All I can say about the sound is, that I prefer the Lion King on the Super Nintendo over the Mega Drive. The sound of the Super Nintendo is definitely great. I love listening to soundtracks on Youtube from time to time.
@retrogames Do you know why the colors in Super Nintendo games look more vibrant than in Sega games? Aladin for example. And is the soundchip or what is called, better in the Super Nintendo compared to the Mega Drive?
The Wonder Boy Collection is full of games I find too hard. The Dragon's Trap remake was nice. The Cursed Kingdom is great, as is Asha In Monsterland plus remake. All in all a good series that deserves love.
@RetroGames Ports would be cool too, since I do not own a Mega Drive, but of course I would prefer games made with the strengths of the Super Nintendo in mind.
Comments 52
Re: Soapbox: The Trouble With Limited Run Games, And How To Fix It
Thanks to Limited Run Games I was able to get the physical edition of Shinchan Me and the Professor on Summer Vacation. Cute little game.
Re: CIBSunday: Nintendo Game Boy
Playing Game Boy is still fun. I bought Pokemon Red and Blue a few years ago and got every Pokemon. My childhood self would be very proud of me.
The paperwork was an important part. Gaming feels more alive with it.
Re: Game Boy Emulator That Topped iPhone App Store Gets Yanked For Copyright Infringement
In Europe the Final Fantasy Anthology, containing IV and V, released in 2002. I bought it around that time, because I was a big fan and was interested about the series past. This time was propably the height of Final Fantasies popularity and I feel like this is the reason for its localisation.
It was released on October 5 1999 in the US, at a time when Final Fantasy became really popular in the west.
Re: Game Boy Emulator That Topped iPhone App Store Gets Yanked For Copyright Infringement
Sounds like a wild guess, but who knows? Would be interesting to ask Square Enix.
I heard the translations of older Final Fantasies are not so good.
Re: Shenmue: Reclaiming The Path Is An Impressive New Fan Game Coming This September
Great trailer. I will not give up hope on Shenmue 4.
I played Shenmue between 2017 and 2020 and was still blown away all those years after it released. So much soul.
Re: Daiva Tried To End Format Wars Once And For All, But Almost Killed Its Creator In The Process
Great story! And the idea is awesome. School kids exchanging their experiences with each version, must have been engaging.
Daiva is a cool sounding name. I will watch a little bit of gameplay.
Re: Anniversary: The Game Boy Is 35 Years Old Today
Happy anniversary!
My red Game Boy Pocket was a Christmas present, together with my favourite Game Boy game, Link's Awakening. What a magical game and system.
Re: New Book Aims To Celebrate Saturn, Sega's Beloved 32-Bit Console
No I have not played the remake, but I saw gameplay, maybe even a playthrough of it.
Re: New Book Aims To Celebrate Saturn, Sega's Beloved 32-Bit Console
One of the advertisements is quite out there. And the Segata Sanshiro advertisements are great. Really need to get my hands on this console. Panzer Dragoon is a classic I need to play.
Re: Arcade1Up & TaskRabbit Teaming Up To Make The Retro Games Room Of Your Dreams
I would like to have a Wangan arcade machine.
Re: Legendary Ocean And US Gold Artist F. David Thorpe Has Passed Away Aged 84
Rest in peace Mister Thorpe. The screens look amazing and the colours clash in a very interesting and special way.
Re: "I Didn't Even Have A NES" Admits Lunar, Grandia And Langrisser Composer Noriyuki Iwadare
I watched a little bit of gameplay. 1 felt like an innocent adventure aimed at the free child in us. 2 felt like a slightly moody anime teeny drama. 3 felt kinda weird, hard to describe.
I prefer the direction of 1 alot more, from what I have seen.
Re: "I Didn't Even Have A NES" Admits Lunar, Grandia And Langrisser Composer Noriyuki Iwadare
I listened to a few Grandia songs. Iwadare-San has a very pleasnt style. The theme of Grandia sounds, like a classic adventure, is about to start.
Grandia is a series, I would like to play someday.
Re: Tomb Raider "Giga Cart" Confirmed For Evercade, More Crystal Dynamics Collections Coming
I think I should get this collection. Thief and Deus Ex would be great, but I am not so sure about the controls.
Re: I Wanted F1 Legend Ayrton Senna's Sonic Trophy So Bad That I Made My Own
Great story and good looking trophy. Must be great to win a trophy like that.
Re: Game Boy Emulator That Topped iPhone App Store Gets Yanked For Copyright Infringement
Now that I own the Evercade, I am not really worried about the future of retro games. I am sure stuff like that will be even more common. Should I feel the need to play Nintendo classics, NSO or something like it will keep me covered. I have Gog for Pc. There are so many "mini" versions of classic consoles.
I almost gave up on Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door, then Nintendo announced the remake. Sure I can not play the original, but I think it is very likely, that it will be released with the NSO app, around the time GameCube games will be added.
When I can not play old games anymore, for whatever reasons, I move on to the next game. There is no reason for me to use illegal methods. But if people do not care about it, I will not stop them. It is their choice.
Besides it would be hard for me to hate piracy, because it introduced me to the world of videogames. I started playing with the NES bootleg version "Dendy". Every cartridge our family had, was pirated.
Re: Have We Been Wrong About Ultimate Play The Game's Name All This Time?
It does feel like a slogan.
The game boxes look so pleasing. Really loving the Ultimate logo, makes me want to play old rpgs, I never heard of.
Re: Evercade EXP-R And Evercade VS-R Consoles Launch This July
Yes, I saw a picture of the Evercade roadmap 2024 and according to it, new hardware will be released in July and November.
Re: Evercade EXP-R And Evercade VS-R Consoles Launch This July
Just yesterday I got my Evercade Exp. Very happy with it. The tate mode is pretty cool and I might get the Tate Grip. They even made a white one I can use, nice.
The new Evercade looks good and I am curious what is on the giga cartridge and whether it can be purchased separately. 120€ sounds fair, especially, if there is cool stuff on the giga cartridge.
Re: Game Boy Emulator That Topped iPhone App Store Gets Yanked For Copyright Infringement
Yes, I feel the same way. It would have been great, if the Virtual Console purchases, could have been kept and played on newer Nintendo systems.
Switch games feel like a great balance between old and new games. Maybe this is one of the meanings, for the Switch Yin and Yang logo. I do not feel like renting games on NSO though.
I bought quite a few retro collections for the Switch. The Mana collection was a nice one.
And I will buy retro collections for the Evercade. So many games I have not even heard about and the price is very fair.
Re: Evercade Is Getting New "Giga Carts" To Allow For Bigger Games
This would be nice. I like to listen to the soundtrack of a game, when I beat it.
Re: Game Boy Emulator That Topped iPhone App Store Gets Yanked For Copyright Infringement
This article is about someone stealing the work of someone else, using an emulator. In my mind, I compared it, to someone stealing the work of someone else (illegal roms, bios and propably more stuff I do not know about) by using an emulator. I think it is more than close enough, for the simple sentence I wrote.
Again, I am not attacking you. You are doing it perfectly legal, as far as I know. I am proud of people, who can put software to good use. And even if you were not, I am just a simple gamer, who does not even own stock, in any of the companies. It is not my responsibility.
I see it is important to you, that people see the postive use of emulators and I will keep an open mind about emulators.
Re: Evercade Is Getting New "Giga Carts" To Allow For Bigger Games
Oh yes, the manuals. It really makes me feel, like purchasing real physical video game media again.
Re: Tomb Raider Collection Is Coming To Evercade
This is good news. Really loving the screen of the Evercade Exp.
I have fond memories of playing the PlayStation 1 version, of the first Tomb Raider.
Re: Game Boy Emulator That Topped iPhone App Store Gets Yanked For Copyright Infringement
It is your life and you choose your own path. I am not stopping you, from using emulators, how you see fit.
This article was about the negative aspect of emulators. And to me using an emulator for illegal roms, equals stealing someone elses work, like stealing someone elses emulator does.
If there will be an article about a cool and legal game, someone made, which can be used with an emulator, I will say something positive, promise.
Re: Evercade Is Getting New "Giga Carts" To Allow For Bigger Games
Nice. Got my Evercade Exp today and I love the cartridges. Unlike the Nintendo Switch cartridges, they feel like actual cartridges and not like some micro SD, or something like that.
I am looking forward to the Giga cartridges.
Re: Game Boy Emulator That Topped iPhone App Store Gets Yanked For Copyright Infringement
People use emulators to illegaly play roms with it. I was talking about these people, not the ones who download programs to collect them, look at them or run homebrew software with it.
Re: This GBA Is Built With (Almost) Entirely New Parts
I hope in the future, something like the Evercade, will be more common and I hope old hardware, will be produced again.
Nice looking Advance.
Re: Game Boy Emulator That Topped iPhone App Store Gets Yanked For Copyright Infringement
Yes I know that, but my comment was not adressed at the legal side and use of emulators.
Re: Visions Of Mana's New Japanese Trailer Goes Heavy On Nostalgia
I will not be blinded by nostalgia anymore Square Enix. Have fun with your NFTs, Ai technology and modern audiences.
Re: Game Boy Emulator That Topped iPhone App Store Gets Yanked For Copyright Infringement
No I am not confusing it with something else. I know why people are using a Game Boy emulator.
Re: Game Boy Emulator Tops iPhone App Store Before Getting Yanked For Copyright Infringement
An emulator, which is stealing someone elses work. Quite ironic. I hope, I will never feel the need, or be forced to emulate games, to play retro games.
Re: CIBSunday: WarioWare: Twisted! (Game Boy Advance)
I am not interested in WariWare, but seeing the pictures you made, makes me want to try Twisted! . Looks like fun.
Re: Review: Piko Interactive Collection 4 (Evercade) - N64 Emulation Comes To Evercade
Sounds cool. I just found out about the Evercade. First I thought it was for rom hacks, but it is for licensed games with cartridges. Awesome, need to order one!
Re: Flashback: The Origin Of Rare's Iconic "Golden Toilet Roll" Logo
I really liked this logo. Why?
Re: The Making Of: Secret Of Evermore, Square's Western 'Secret Of Mana'
Interesting read. I like the game for the unique atmosphere.
Re: Remembering Robotech's Carl Macek, The Man Who Brought Anime To The West
For quite some time now I have been watching the old classics, like Heidi, Pinocchio or Marco. Really great stuff.
Re: CIBSunday: Andro Dunos 2 MVS Edition (Nintendo Switch)
After watching the first minutes I feel like I should play this game. It seems fun, challenging and the music is great. The atmosphere is very old school, which I love.
This is a really cool special edition.
Re: NES Classic Duck Hunt Gets New Fanmade C64 Port
Good to hear for Commodore 64 lovers. Duck Hunt is propably the first game I ever played. Still looks fun.
Re: Flashback: Remember When Japanese Football Games Ruled The World?
Good to know PES is now called eFootball. I might check it out sometime.
Re: Streets Of Rage Composer Yuzo Koshiro Is Working On A New Mega Drive / Genesis Game
Great tracks. After listening to all of them, I really could not pick a side.
Re: Streets Of Rage Composer Yuzo Koshiro Is Working On A New Mega Drive / Genesis Game
Thank you for the thorough reply. No wonder Super Nintendo games look so colourful, compared to Mega Drive games.
All I can say about the sound is, that I prefer the Lion King on the Super Nintendo over the Mega Drive. The sound of the Super Nintendo is definitely great. I love listening to soundtracks on Youtube from time to time.
Re: Streets Of Rage Composer Yuzo Koshiro Is Working On A New Mega Drive / Genesis Game
Do you know why the colors in Super Nintendo games look more vibrant than in Sega games? Aladin for example. And is the soundchip or what is called, better in the Super Nintendo compared to the Mega Drive?
Re: Flashback: Who Invented The Video Game Cartridge?
Thank you all for paving the way for consoles. I would love it, if cartridges would be big again. They looked so gamy.
Re: Wonder Boy Is Getting An Unofficial Sequel On The Atari ST
The Wonder Boy Collection is full of games I find too hard.
The Dragon's Trap remake was nice. The Cursed Kingdom is great, as is Asha In Monsterland plus remake. All in all a good series that deserves love.
Re: Streets Of Rage Composer Yuzo Koshiro Is Working On A New Mega Drive / Genesis Game
Your explanation sounds very reasonable and I think you are right.
Games like Starfox for example, needed the Super FX chip.
Well I guess it is time to buy some Sega consoles.
Re: Random: This Cancelled F1 Game For The Game Boy Advance Looks Unreal
The 3D capabilities of the Gameboy Advance are surprisingly good. Great video and the music track is cool too.
Re: Streets Of Rage Composer Yuzo Koshiro Is Working On A New Mega Drive / Genesis Game
Ports would be cool too, since I do not own a Mega Drive, but of course I would prefer games made with the strengths of the Super Nintendo in mind.
Re: Three Legendary Ex-Rare Staffers Are Releasing A Christmas Single
Videogame Christmas music is great. Sometimes I listen to Nintendo Christmas music, while making Christmas biscuits. It always puts me in a nice mood.
A videogame under the Christmas tree is more than enough for me.
Re: Streets Of Rage Composer Yuzo Koshiro Is Working On A New Mega Drive / Genesis Game
People are developing games for classic consoles. This makes me happy. I would love some Super Nintendo games. The sound of them is so special.