Comments 8

Re: Suikoden I & II HD Remaster Missed The Chance To Be Even Better Than It Is


I believe that the devs based the new HD remaster of Suikoden on the PSP version which didn't contain the Saturn content, intro aside. Suikoden II also launched on PS1 with an incomplete dungeon which can be accessed. It would have been amazing if the remaster's dev team had completed that feature and included it along with the missing Saturn content. Ah well...

Re: The Bitmap Brothers Collection 2 Brings Amiga Classics To Evercade


@KingMike I received a Amiga 500 Plus (The 'Cartoon Classics' pack) for Christmas in 1991 which retailed at £399 (around £900 today). Strangely I have never met anyone else in real life who owned one (I did, however, know a handful of people who owned the Commodore 64), but nevertheless it was a pretty popular computer and especially in the UK and Europe. I believe that between 4 and 5 million units were sold during the lifetime of the Amiga line.