Comments 9

Re: Can You Match These Start Buttons With Their Consoles?


I don’t know how I did so bad.

My family has owned every single one of these home consoles and most of the handhelds but I only got 11 out of 25!

Now I understand why my wife, kids, brothers, parents, work colleagues, and random strangers keep telling me I’m not very observant.

Re: Best PS1 RPGs Of All Time


Final Fantasy 7, 8 and 9 will always be legendary JRPGs to me. My favourite three of the PS1. But there are so many good ones.

Jade Cocoon was one of my all time favourites also, but it didn’t make this list.

Re: Konami Had Metal Gear Solid 4 "Running Beautifully And Smoothly" On Xbox 360


I still find decisions like this to be bonkers.

Why limit your sales because of the number of discs?

I work in marketing, and used to be involved in the production of movies, TV series etc and making a one DVD product over a multi disc product changed the production price by only a small amount. The production time was increased, sure, but never enough to warrant this kind of decision. Especially as the price for games is higher so absorbs these minor production costs more easily.

This is more likely due to the attitude towards Xbox from Konami’s management and the developers at the time than anything else. They likely wanted to keep the game as a PlayStation exclusive.

I’m sure investors would have been really happy if they knew that at the time…

Re: Here's The First Trailer For E4's GamesMaster Reboot


@impurekind I think even in the original the Games Master was designed to look bad.

It was quite a lighthearted show with lots of jokes and quips thrown in. I don’t think it ever took itself seriously. The only thing I think the new GMs design needs is a metal skull part covering his forehead.