Comments 396

Re: Interview: Say Hello To Jocelyn Benford, The First Person To Give Princess Peach A Voice


There is a typo on the article.

"The director would tell me what he felt was the desired tone and rage for Princess Peach, and I proceeded to do various voices until they heard one that was a good fit."

Think that's supposed to read "range"
Peach doesn't really sound very angry otherwise.

I never even knew who the voice actors were of this game, but its always nice to hear that 30 years on the people involved are still alive and well.

Not their fault the game and its cutscenes are uhm "speshul" nobody sets out to make something awfull.
So let's just settle for campy.

Re: Metro Siege Is A Fantastic New Beat 'Em Up Coming To The Amiga


I'm starting to drift away from moderncurrent gaming as well.
It's become way too predatory along with dull sequels.
If I stopped buying new games now, well im sorted for a decade at the very least.

I briefly considered that, but the problem is that none of the Amiga games mean anything to me.
They are just titles and no more then that.

I got a massive backlog, with a 1200 games on Steam and Gog alone.

Starting at the ground floor with a system that is a total unknown to me , while i have a mountain of games to play just isn't very appealing to me.

I do have an Evercade though, maybe some Amiga collection will appeal to me there.
I'm waitinghoping for ps1 games ot appear on that though.

Re: Metro Siege Is A Fantastic New Beat 'Em Up Coming To The Amiga


Nah, there is so much on the Amiga that I wouldn't even know where to start.
I know very little about the machine beyond that the 500 is the one to have.
The 600 is a consolation price.
The 1000 is decent.
And the 3000 and 4000 make PD Saga look cheap.

The Amiga and all the other home computers ( C64, Spectrum, CPC, ST, MSX) were before my time.

And to be honest, I got so much to play as is, the Amiga is a rabbit hole that's easy to get lost in.

Re: GameCube Gets Achievements Thanks To The Dolphin Emulator


@Sketcz @Andee
I find achievements pointless, meaningless, wastes of time that do absolutley nothing for me.

If others like the virtual ass pats for doing the most mundane tasks in a game, like booting the game, or beating the first chapter , then good for them I suppose.

But they do nothing for me and generally speaking I ignore them.

The only "use" and i use that term loosely, they may have is to see how many gamers reach certain points and finish their games .

But other then that they are virtual knick knacks.

Re: The "Worst PlayStation RPG Ever" Is Getting A Fan Translation


@Starless Because quite frankly it got @SnowyAria 's attention and she wants to tackle it and bring it to the attention of more people, because its an endearingly dorky game made with the best intentions ?

That's my best guess, she can shed more light on the thing.

And most quirky and unusual untranslated games are still for the most part from Japan.

Re: The "Worst PlayStation RPG Ever" Is Getting A Fan Translation


No it's more like it's so bad its hilarious.
So inept that all you can do is point and laugh at its many faults.

Like MST3K did with many many many terrible ( or dull ) movies.

The worst thing entertainment can do is be boring.

( mostly, crashing every 5 seconds leaking memory or destroying the contents of your hard drive if you uninstall it are pretty high up there as well )

Re: Random: Was Hudson Copying Sega's Homework With Adventure Island III's Palm Trees?
