Comments 396

Re: Anniversary: The Super Game Boy Is 30 Years Old


Don't forget that Nintendo at heart is a toy company.
Or was a toy company and that's hard to shake even now.
And toy companies love gimmicks.
( I'm a Transformers fan Hasbro loves dem gimmicks)

I do agree with you, that they should have pushed this harder a way for budget games to be released.

Re: Anniversary: The Most Famous Version Of Tetris Is 35 Today


I refuse to believe that there are people who don't even know who Tetris are.

Street musicians play the bloody theme

Anyway !
I played the GB and Nes version of the game.
None of the others really.

Re: Talking Point: Is Nintendo Erasing Its Own History In Its War On ROM Sites?


The only ones really preserving video game history is
The people who care and dump and back up the games, the physical game hoarders, along with the archive for making it possible.

With the exception of Switzerland whose government seem to give a damn for now.
Governments come and go after all.

Nintendo might be preparing another half assed VC store attempt for their next machines storefront.
But that's all it has ever been, half assed.

But as always : Money talks, integrity walks.

Re: Review: USB To 3DO ODE - A $60 Gateway To Interactive Multiplayer Bliss?


I might look in to that.
I am looking for F-Z10 3DO, I like the form factor more.
( the LG 3DO is quite bulky though nothing not even the Xbox can match the monsterous size of my front loadomg Neo Geo CD.
its a monster )

And more importantly, it has a build in memory manager.
I kinda want to have multiples of most retro consoles I own be they the real thing or clones.
Because these things are not getting any younger, and if one dies all my games will just become useless expensive collections of plastic.

One of my Saturns does have an ODE, but I enjoy using my skeleton Saturn currently.

( paid too much for that damn thing to not use it )

Re: Switzerland Granted £2.8 Million To Preserve Its Video Game History - Why Can't The UK?


Hell, not even Nintendo themselves can be arsed to give a flying fluck about their own history.
As far as most governments are concerned video games are stil just "for da kids", and not an medium and artform in their own right worthy of preservation and re-evaluation.

Having said that, Switzerland is leading the pack with this.
And it might slowly start to erode the current mindset.
And more people wil start giving a toss.
After all every little bit helps.

Re: Review: USB To 3DO ODE - A $60 Gateway To Interactive Multiplayer Bliss?


My Goldstar ( LG ) 3DO has been fine so far.
It runs real games and ...uhm backups with out any issue,even though I don't use it that much.

Like the Neo Geo Cd its more because i wanted one for years.

Having said that, if my model ever gets an ODE. i wil grab it as soon as I can.
Just to ensure my 3DO wil continue to live long and prosper.

( yes i had too)

Re: CIBSunday: Amstrad GX4000


Not that odd
The Master System II was released in 1990 and positioned as a cheaper alternative to the Megadrive.

The difference with the MS II is that it does have a robust library of good games.

Re: CIBSunday: Amstrad GX4000


I dodged this bullet thankfully.
But I also got no love or interest in the Amstrads or its other stable mates.
Home computers were before my time.

That Commodore monstrosity gonna be next ?
The C64GS, the one that came with a cartridge game that needed a keyboard to work.
A keyboard that was absent.

Re: How Rik Mayall Helped Bring Anarchy To Nintendo UK


Time flies and not in a good way.
I can't believe its been a decade already.

Then it must be missing an episode.
For some reason the Dutch versions leave out the pilotContest.
Which is a shame cause that's one of the better ones.

Think I'm off to marathon all five Live shows.

Re: This Incredibly Rare Hulk Xbox Could Fetch Up To $11,000


I didn't even notice the Pepsi logo.
Personally i think the crystal Xbox looks the best

That's the clock capacitor.
MS cheaped out on that one and used a cheaper component.
It had a tendency to leak and corrode the mother board.
V1.6 saw them adress that.
But v 1.6 is also the last Xbox.

This is not likely to be a v1.6

Hard drives and fans can become noisy as well

Re: One Of The Web's Oldest ROM Sites Removes Games By Nintendo, Sega And Lego


Normie Cu...err Normies flooding a niche hobby is never a good thing.
It drives prices up and floods the niche with clueless idiots.

You hope
Since when do IP holders need any other excuse other then "MEIN!!!" ?
It would be at least something if true, and I would begrudgingly rebuy the damn things again.

Clearly enough people to give a damn.
There is somebody who discovered Vimm recently just above your comment.

Re: One Of The Web's Oldest ROM Sites Removes Games By Nintendo, Sega And Lego


Then make the fecking games available for us to buy !
Make it easy to buy and play and OWN and we will come.

Why don't companies understand this simple concept ?

And Vimm has always been my go to site ever since i first encountered it years and years ago.

Thankfully there is still always the archive.
Whats that song again ? Something about never gonna keep us down.

( tubthumbing)

Re: Sega Wants You To Know It Isn't Announcing Any New 'Mini' Hardware In 2024


@Sketcz Money talks
It always does.

If you don't have a ODe you do need to burn the games.
These fit on a cdr
You need imgburn ( free ) and the imgburn CDI extension* ( also free and drop the 3 files in the main imgburn folder )

And there you go cdi compatability.
Grab the games in CDI format GDI is for ode's

  • ( look for pfctoc that's what its labeled as)

Re: Sega Wants You To Know It Isn't Announcing Any New 'Mini' Hardware In 2024



Taking economics of scales in account, would it really be that expensive ?

Even if its as bare bones as the PS Classic ( which was so slapdash its so easy to hack it goes back to being awesome ) it would be awesome.

These machines are not getting any younger my Skeleton Saturn has a pico psu but the rest of the machine is still at least 25 years old.

And yeah i have ode's and hdmi dongles and the like too.

Re: 10 Forgotten Gaming Magazines That Are Worth Remembering


That , and a pain in the ass, especially if you don't have a book/document scanner like a Czur.

The past 12 years I've been scanning all the comics and video game magazines I own.

It's a slow, boring, cumbersome never ending task, cause I keep buying more.

I've gone through six scanners by now, scanned thousands of pages and at least 1500+ comics and magazines.

I mostly scan for myself, so I can keep the actual comics in boxes in storage and read the scans on computers laptops tablets phones etc.

Re: The Race Is On To Save A Valuable Resource Of Video Game History


It could happen.
All you need to be under way is if somebody has and offers a chunk of CTW for sale in a joblot.

I tried to reach out to Stuart Campbell to ask him with that very same idea.
Unfortunately he seems to have scrubbed himself from the internet.

His contact page and forum page both return 404 errors.
And he hasn't been active on his twitter in 4 years.

Re: The Race Is On To Save A Valuable Resource Of Video Game History


Evilbay works in mysterious ways.

Got to be honest though, unless people who have stacks of the magazine start coming forward or listing them on Ebay, collecting let alone completing, CTW is going to be a near impossible proposition.

It also doesn't help that there is almost no information about CTW out there.

Here is hoping that won't be the case.
But this could take years if not decades.