Comments 7

Re: Poll: Should Japanese-Made Role-Playing Games Still Be Called JRPGs?


I generally call them what they are based on the combat method. Turn-based or Action RPGs. Though I will still use the term JRPG from time to time when describing the look of a game as opposed to the gameplay. Many Japanese games just have a distinct look compared to what you would see from pretty much anywhere else in the world and that's a good thing, not a bad thing.

In the end it really doesn't matter one way or the other. Genre definition in video games has always been murky at best and unorganized at worst. It's a fun discussion topic though.

Re: Upset By Zelda Being $70? We've Arguably Never Had It So Good


There's another huge difference between then and the Zelda situation you forgot to mention. These games were on cutting edge technology for their time. Tears of the Kingdom is releasing for the Switch which is comparable to a Wii U in terms of power...for $70.

I'm not one of the people that says $70 is unacceptable full stop. Im fine with it on PS5 games. However in the case of PS5 & Series S/X games those are on cutting edge console technology. More sophisticated hardware means higher prices. The Switch is NOT sophisticated hardware and so it being $70 is really just kind a slap in the face no matter how you slice it.

$70 for a game that will likely run at 720P 25 FPS in 2023? I don't see how it's hard for people to see how that might rub people the wrong way. All that said though its Nintendo so they will get away with it like always so perhaps it is pointless to point out nonsense with them. The game will still sell like hotcakes in the end because it's a Zelda game.

Re: Poll: What's The Best James Bond Video Game?


Goldeneye is obviously the most popular and the most influential but I picked Agent Under Fire. It has been a long time since I played it but I remember that one actually feeling more like the full James Bond package with gunplay, gadgets, cars, etc.

Re: Poll: What's The Best Street Fighter?


Unpopular opinion I know but I picked SFV Champion Edition. SFV just felt like it hit the perfect spot of being not too complex and not too simple to me. It had the best roster in the series and had the best version of arcade mode of the series.

I've played every main entry in the series as well as the Alpha series. They're all great games but to me SFV is the best balanced experience.

Re: Best Metal Gear Games - Every Metal Gear Game, Ranked


It's really difficult to do a list when it comes to MGS. At the very least every mainline game is a masterpiece in one way or another. Talk about picking your favorite children! If I had to pick though mine would go something like...
1. MGS1
2. MGS2
3. MGS3
4. MGS4
7. MGS5
8. MG2:SS
9. MG

Surprisingly though I honestly can't stand Rising. I should love that game. I love MGS. I love DMC. But I just found that game so dull personally when I played it. I'm pretty shocked how liked by the community it is.