Comments 18

Re: Brookwood Pocket Tactics Is A Tiny Redwall-Esque Strategy Game For Game Boy


You can download the demo for free (the link is at the bottom of the article). It asks if you want to donate, but you don't have to donate anything.

It sounds like after the physical release, they will make a rom available, so in the meantime, I'll just fire up a Gameboy emulator and try the demo. If it is good, then I don't mind paying full price for it.

Re: Say Hello To The Retroid Pocket 4 And 4 Pro


Interesting...the Odin Lite uses the Mediatek Dimensity D900 (there is a discrepancy in the article above, in the text it says "D990" and in the specs below the first bullet point lists it as "D900")...but whatever, this goes to show that the "lower rung" Android devices are catching up.

I wish more companies would make the thumbstick on the left on top, above the D-pad...for now, I'll stick with the Odin.

BTW, I never realized how "meh" an operating system Android is, until I started using JELOS and Batocera on my Loki Max. If only more handhelds would use those, or a similar Linux-based OS. The gaming experience is so much more enjoyable!

Re: Review: Aya Neo Pocket Air - The New Handheld Emulation King


@hel105 I have both an Odin Pro and an Odin Lite. Based on this review, both play the same library of games, but it seems the Odin's have better battery life and are cheaper. I really like both, and the Lite, despite the name, may be the better choice.

The killer use for me is the video out on the Odin...I can hook it up to my TV and play games while in bed!

Re: Feature: Drugged Coffee, Pirated Games And Empty Bank Accounts - The Story Of GameFan Magazine


I loved GameFan! Always had the best RPG news (back in the days when there was a real drought in the US) and loved their in-depth coverage of games and systems.

Not sure why people love hating on the Atari Jaguar and Cypermorph (other than the fact it ultimately failed and everybody likes to think they are superior). The Jag had awesome games I still fire up occasionally, the best known being Tempest 2000. At the time the 3DO had flashier graphics, but the games sucked. At launch, Cybermorph was the superior game. Too bad the Tramiel's didn't know how to really run a business.

Re: Feature: Your Beloved Games Console Is Slowly But Surely Dying


Based on my experience with my early 1990's Macintosh computers, capacitor leaking is a question of "when," not "if." If you open up your systems you will likely find it. One of my old Mac lists have several people who will repair systems for nominal fees, I wonder if we have hobbyists who will also do the same?

Re: Atari's New Console Seems To Be Part NES Classic Mini, Part Ouya


@NEStalgia That's pretty much it! Plus, I'm sure the marketing folks love it, all sorts of free publicity and opportunities to tweet out PR as the crowdfunding deadline approaches.

There is a reason Atari and Infogrames aren't exactly setting the world on fire nowadays...(he says, as he fires up his Jaguar to play some more Tempest 2000!)

Re: Atari's New Console Seems To Be Part NES Classic Mini, Part Ouya


I may be interested in this, if it has Jaguar games (and I'm 99.9999% certain it won't).

But...I am sick of big companies taking advantage of crowdfunding sites. I can understand indie developers needing to minimize risk to "kickstart" something, but a big corporation? If it succeeds, are they going to share any of the profits with me?