Hmmm I think the term is useful mainly as a reference to styles and mechanics, rather than an actual description of where the game is from. By those lights I agree, FF16 does not really look like a JRPG!
Growing up, I had a lot of systems (thanks divorce!) but I didn't have ALL of them and the Saturn is one that I missed. I have always wanted to play the best exclusives from that system - especially the Panzer Dragoon games and Burning Rangers. Well, I finally got to play the first Panzer Dragoon a few years ago thanks to the remake. Here's hoping Burning Rangers gets a rerelease soon. Something like a Saturn Mini would be even better. One can hope!
Well, you know, as a big rpg fan I could go on and on about the many great games that aren't on this list. But on the other hand, if you're going to limit yourself to 20 games, this is a really good list. There are no games on this list that I feel positively don't deserve to be here. Sure Lunar and Grandia are missing... as are many others. But its a very good list. Also glad to see FFVII on this list. I do not apologize at all for my unabashed love of that game. Lately there has been a FFVII hate movement claiming the game is not really that good, but those folks are dead wrong! FFVII is a total classic and it had to be here!
What a surprise! These are interesting if flawed games. Not sure about the price to be honest... personally I'll probably wait for sale. Nevertheless, this is good news!
I don't have time at this moment to rank all the games, but I'll say that my favorites are Bloodlines, Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood. I didn't play Rondo until it came out on the Wii a few years ago, and I was very impressed by it. Bloodlines is the game I played as a kid, which introduced me to Castlevania. I still love it, and I think Eric Lecarde is a great, underappreciated character. And of course Symphony was an unbelievable revelation when it first came out. Everything about it was just amazing to me.
Would it not be incredible if this game got remastered and they took that opportunity to flesh out the rushed second half? Pretty much an impossibility I know, but still, I can’t help thinking about it.
@Banjo- I complete agree. I had a great time building the most extreme vehicles I could. You still travel around levels, complete various tasks, collect Jiggies, etc. you just do most of it from within vehicles of some kind.
Here are my rules, which satisfy my own personal sense of ethics, for whatever that’s worth:
1. If I own a game, I may also have a rom of that game for personal use (I.e. I’m not distributing repros or whatever).
2. If a game can never be rereleased (because of rights-holder issues or whatever) then emulation is okay, because it is not possible to pay for it anyway. It’s not like buying a used copy is actually giving money to the creators.
3. If a game could be rereleased but for whatever reason the company doesn’t bother with the result that the original copy is crazy expensive, then emulation is okay. My rationalization here is that the high price shows demand and if the company doesn’t act on that then I guess they don’t care. Is this bad logic? Maybe. Oh well.
4. If a game never left Japan, then emulation is okay, because of the same logic as #3 - I.e. it is not offered to me for sale, therefore they don’t want my money, therefore no harm no foul.
5. By extension of 3 and 4, if ANY game is so old that is not offered for sale, it MAY be okay to emulate it, but you should consider whether it is likely to offered for sale in the future. There is a difference between emulating a popular game that we can anticipate will be repackaged and rereleased over and over again, and an obscure game that everyone has forgotten about.
6. And here is the hard rule: if you use rules 2-5 to emulate a game and later that game does get rereleased, you must MUST now purchase the game. My thought here is, if previously emulating a game is not allowed to impact my purchasing decisions then again no harm no foul.
There are my rules! I think they make sense. Do I always follow them? …No. I guess I am history’s greatest monster.
Yeah, I join with others in saying its a little hard to see what this would be. A system that was backwards compatible with the DC, but which also could allow downloading a digital Dreamcast library (i.e. a system with modern internet capabilities) would be of real interest to me. If this system also had a bit more power - sort of a DC Pro, if you will - and if some developers chose to release games on it, that would be pretty cool and maybe you could call this the "Dreamcast 2". I have trouble seeing how there could possibly be a large market for such a thing, though. Beyond that, a TRUE Dreamcast 2 sounds completely impossible to me. There's no way Sega will return to hardware or exclusive first party development. And if Sega releases their games on other platforms, the DC2 is redundant and pointless.
Too bad, I always liked the EWJ games. That said the flavor and humor of EWJ is so specific to that era that I have trouble imagining how you could bring that back without it coming off wrong.
Honestly it’s not a particular impressive list. I think the only game on that list that I played near launch was New Super Mario Bros. U. That’s a good game but not exactly an amazing end of year Christmas type title. Later I played ME3 and Sleeping Dogs, both of which are good. Overall, looking back, Christmas 2012 seems pretty meh. I think I was mostly playing backlog titles.
It was kind of stunning news. But looking back, I think it’s also the turning point that ended Square’s status as one of the greatest and most reliable game companies. Final Fantasy entered a protracted period of identity crisis (to be fair, getting rid of Sakaguchi is probably more responsible than the merger for FF’s problems). All the games that weren’t major RPGs (stuff like Einhander and Brave Fencer Musashi) pretty much vanished from their output. The imperative to “compete on the global stage with western publishers” had the effect watering down that undefinable essence that made their games special. Interestingly, Dragon Quest fared a lot better, since 8, 9 and 11 were all among the very best rpgs on their respective platforms.
@TheIronChimp I strongly agree about Panzer Dragoon, Otogi, and Outrun! Passing over these games in favor of Tony Hawk or whatever is a little odd but I get it. Fact is, Xbox had the best version of many third party games (particularly from western devs). Steel Battalion is an extremely interesting but ultimately flawed experience. I’m happy to own it but I think the punishing difficulty was a mistake. Other overlooked games include Munch’s Odyssey and Strangers Wrath. Burnout 3: Takedown is another game that I played a lot on XBox. And finally, Xbox had a number of exclusives that are kind of meh but still interesting and/or fun as long as you don’t expect too much. Games like Voodoo Vince, Tork, Galeon, and Malice (can’t recall if that one was really exclusive but I had it on Xbox). I think the Xbox has a much better library than people think, when you look back on it.
Saturn for sure. It’s the only “major” console I didn’t buy back in the day. There are lots of games I’ve never really played. Panzer Dragoon Saga and Burning Rangers jump to mind. I never could get that system to emulate right either. So yeah a good Saturn emulator machine with an assortment of the best games would be genuinely valuable to me.
This is not too bad a list as far as it goes. Gradius V being on here is a cool surprise. That is game is fantastic and it seems like most people don’t know about it. I would add Contra Shattered Soldier to the list, especially for those interested in retro games. That game is quite good and old fashioned in a way that I appreciate. But for me this was the beginning of the decline for games, and this list kind of shows why. Many of these games were early in the systems life cycle, or they were never really followed up in a satisfying way. Franchises I had always trusted for good times failed to turn up or were very disappointing (Mega Man, Castlevania, etc). Even many of the games on this list were not as strong to me as the PS1 era titles. For the first time for me, instead of getting better and better, the games were staying flat or even getting slightly worse. I thought at the time it was a temporary anomaly brought about by the growing pains of shifting all game design into three dimensions. This turned out to be wrong. Still a lot of good games from that generation of systems and good memories.
@JackGYarwood oh yeah I remember the impossible requirements that would result in some crazy, too good to be true secrets. I wonder, before the internet, how localized these rumors were? Did any of them spread nationally or internationally? I remember one specifically about Ocarina that involved getting a white Epona… can’t remember what you had to do. But that one did get shared online I believe.
The TMNT maps are interesting. I’m glad all these games are getting some attention again with the rereleases and what not.
I voted yes, but actually I think the Wii is definitely “retro” whereas the 360 and PS3 are more debatable. The difference is down to HD graphics, which feels very “modern” and not retro yet at all (to me, obviously). That said, if I were to consider the question in purely subjective terms (forgetting about actual age) I would say that something changed with game design around the time of the PS2. Consoles and, generally speaking, the software created for them, can be thought of as before (retro) or after (modern) this change. This is my own feeling on the matter. The last truly retro console was the Dreamcast.
The first MGS remains one of my all-time favorite games. I don’t feel that 2 or 3 were quite as good. I wonder, if this rumor is true, if the remaster will be of the PS1 version or Twin Snakes? I’m partial to the original myself.
I’ve never sold a system; by my count I have 18 now, going back to my childhood NES. But the truth is I rarely play on the old original hardware. Some of the consoles don’t work, and the rest don’t display well on modern tvs. In practice I have been using emulation and releases on modern platforms for almost all of my retro gaming for at least the last five years or so. Someday I’d like to get a game room with a crt, I’d refurbish the old systems, and I would use the original hardware again, but that’s not in the cards for now.
@BloodNinja I generally agree. I use a lot of emulation. At the same time, there is a purist part of me that feels that the original hardware will always be the most “authentic”. It is the “real snake” against which the copy must be judged.
It is impossible for the hardware, and the physical media that the games are on, to really last. The best, most authentic thing we can hope for is that clone systems become more and more accurate, and that we also start getting perfect cloned peripherals. Roms can be loaded on reproduction cartridges, and basically such a device could be thought of as “real” rather than emulated. This will probably always be a niche thing, the level of commitment required to buy all that hardware. For most people, software emulation will be “good enough”. That is all that can be done.
That Nintendo Power quote about "squeamish players" being bothered by the death animations is really interesting to me because of a specific memory I have about this game. I was playing it at a friend's house... I can't recall the exact situation, but I think I had brought the game over and we were just messing around with cheat codes. Anyway, we open a door and there's an enemy soldier standing right there. Startled, my friend shoots the enemy in the face with a machine gun and at exactly that moment his mom walked into the living room. She gasped and screamed and then started yelling for us to turn the game off, then she sat down on the couch and literally wept. She was extremely disturbed by the realism of the death animation, and I clearly remember her saying "How long before you can see the pain on their face?" Needless to say I did not bring Goldeneye back to that friend's house. I think he just came to my house to play it, lol.
Gimmick! Is a fantastic game, but it’s very difficult to get the good ending without save scumming and the like. This remaster sounds like it could be good; definitely something to keep an eye on.
I’ve had trouble getting into these games, which is weird because they sound on paper like something I ought to like. People used to say they were like NES games, but more fair. I disagree, they seem much less fair than (good) NES games, like Ninja Gaiden or Castlevania. More punitive and more disrespectful of the players. I’d like to overcome this eventually though and really get into them.
I was a big fan of Robotech and Macross back in the day. I remember reading about this game and being really excited for it. I kept waiting and waiting but it never came out. There was also a PS1 Macross game that was supposed to get a Western release. A demo made it onto one of the OPM demo discs. I played that demo over and over and kept waiting for the game to come out. It never did - but I kept that demo disc for many years. Eventually we got Battlecry.
Comments 133
Re: Poll: Should Japanese-Made Role-Playing Games Still Be Called JRPGs?
Hmmm I think the term is useful mainly as a reference to styles and mechanics, rather than an actual description of where the game is from. By those lights I agree, FF16 does not really look like a JRPG!
Re: One Of The Most Incredible Zelda Strategy Guides Has Been Preserved Online
Truly beautiful.
Re: Anniversary: Burning Rangers Is 25 Years Old Today
Growing up, I had a lot of systems (thanks divorce!) but I didn't have ALL of them and the Saturn is one that I missed. I have always wanted to play the best exclusives from that system - especially the Panzer Dragoon games and Burning Rangers. Well, I finally got to play the first Panzer Dragoon a few years ago thanks to the remake. Here's hoping Burning Rangers gets a rerelease soon. Something like a Saturn Mini would be even better. One can hope!
Re: Best JRPGs Of All Time
Well, you know, as a big rpg fan I could go on and on about the many great games that aren't on this list. But on the other hand, if you're going to limit yourself to 20 games, this is a really good list. There are no games on this list that I feel positively don't deserve to be here. Sure Lunar and Grandia are missing... as are many others. But its a very good list. Also glad to see FFVII on this list. I do not apologize at all for my unabashed love of that game. Lately there has been a FFVII hate movement claiming the game is not really that good, but those folks are dead wrong! FFVII is a total classic and it had to be here!
Re: Valis The Fantasm Soldier Collection 2 Out Now On Nintendo eShop
What a surprise! These are interesting if flawed games. Not sure about the price to be honest... personally I'll probably wait for sale. Nevertheless, this is good news!
Re: Poll: What's Your Favourite Castlevania?
I don't have time at this moment to rank all the games, but I'll say that my favorites are Bloodlines, Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood. I didn't play Rondo until it came out on the Wii a few years ago, and I was very impressed by it. Bloodlines is the game I played as a kid, which introduced me to Castlevania. I still love it, and I think Eric Lecarde is a great, underappreciated character. And of course Symphony was an unbelievable revelation when it first came out. Everything about it was just amazing to me.
Re: Best Beat 'Em Ups Of All Time
This is a really good list. The only thing missing is Simpson Arcade. And that game is kind of meh, actually, but the graphics were really good.
Re: Anniversary: PlayStation JRPG Classic Xenogears Is 25 Years Old Today
Would it not be incredible if this game got remastered and they took that opportunity to flesh out the rushed second half? Pretty much an impossibility I know, but still, I can’t help thinking about it.
Re: Rare Cheekily Compares Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom To Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
@Banjo- I complete agree. I had a great time building the most extreme vehicles I could. You still travel around levels, complete various tasks, collect Jiggies, etc. you just do most of it from within vehicles of some kind.
Re: Talking Point: Where Do You Stand On "Ethical Emulation"?
Here are my rules, which satisfy my own personal sense of ethics, for whatever that’s worth:
1. If I own a game, I may also have a rom of that game for personal use (I.e. I’m not distributing repros or whatever).
2. If a game can never be rereleased (because of rights-holder issues or whatever) then emulation is okay, because it is not possible to pay for it anyway. It’s not like buying a used copy is actually giving money to the creators.
3. If a game could be rereleased but for whatever reason the company doesn’t bother with the result that the original copy is crazy expensive, then emulation is okay. My rationalization here is that the high price shows demand and if the company doesn’t act on that then I guess they don’t care. Is this bad logic? Maybe. Oh well.
4. If a game never left Japan, then emulation is okay, because of the same logic as #3 - I.e. it is not offered to me for sale, therefore they don’t want my money, therefore no harm no foul.
5. By extension of 3 and 4, if ANY game is so old that is not offered for sale, it MAY be okay to emulate it, but you should consider whether it is likely to offered for sale in the future. There is a difference between emulating a popular game that we can anticipate will be repackaged and rereleased over and over again, and an obscure game that everyone has forgotten about.
6. And here is the hard rule: if you use rules 2-5 to emulate a game and later that game does get rereleased, you must MUST now purchase the game. My thought here is, if previously emulating a game is not allowed to impact my purchasing decisions then again no harm no foul.
There are my rules! I think they make sense. Do I always follow them? …No. I guess I am history’s greatest monster.
Re: Random: Hyperkin Wants To Make The Sega Dreamcast 2
Yeah, I join with others in saying its a little hard to see what this would be. A system that was backwards compatible with the DC, but which also could allow downloading a digital Dreamcast library (i.e. a system with modern internet capabilities) would be of real interest to me. If this system also had a bit more power - sort of a DC Pro, if you will - and if some developers chose to release games on it, that would be pretty cool and maybe you could call this the "Dreamcast 2". I have trouble seeing how there could possibly be a large market for such a thing, though. Beyond that, a TRUE Dreamcast 2 sounds completely impossible to me. There's no way Sega will return to hardware or exclusive first party development. And if Sega releases their games on other platforms, the DC2 is redundant and pointless.
Re: So, What's Happening With Earthworm Jim 4?
Too bad, I always liked the EWJ games. That said the flavor and humor of EWJ is so specific to that era that I have trouble imagining how you could bring that back without it coming off wrong.
Re: Poll: What Was Your Favourite Game Of Christmas 2012?
Honestly it’s not a particular impressive list. I think the only game on that list that I played near launch was New Super Mario Bros. U. That’s a good game but not exactly an amazing end of year Christmas type title. Later I played ME3 and Sleeping Dogs, both of which are good. Overall, looking back, Christmas 2012 seems pretty meh. I think I was mostly playing backlog titles.
Re: Flashback: 20 Years Ago Today, Square And Enix Officially Tied The Knot
It was kind of stunning news. But looking back, I think it’s also the turning point that ended Square’s status as one of the greatest and most reliable game companies. Final Fantasy entered a protracted period of identity crisis (to be fair, getting rid of Sakaguchi is probably more responsible than the merger for FF’s problems). All the games that weren’t major RPGs (stuff like Einhander and Brave Fencer Musashi) pretty much vanished from their output. The imperative to “compete on the global stage with western publishers” had the effect watering down that undefinable essence that made their games special. Interestingly, Dragon Quest fared a lot better, since 8, 9 and 11 were all among the very best rpgs on their respective platforms.
Re: Random: 21 Years Later, People Are Discovering The GameCube's 'Hidden Eject Button'
Uh, yeah. I knew about this. Genuinely surprised that some people didn’t use it.
Re: Best Original Xbox Games - Celebrate The Console's 21st Birthday With These Classics
@TheIronChimp I strongly agree about Panzer Dragoon, Otogi, and Outrun! Passing over these games in favor of Tony Hawk or whatever is a little odd but I get it. Fact is, Xbox had the best version of many third party games (particularly from western devs). Steel Battalion is an extremely interesting but ultimately flawed experience. I’m happy to own it but I think the punishing difficulty was a mistake. Other overlooked games include Munch’s Odyssey and Strangers Wrath. Burnout 3: Takedown is another game that I played a lot on XBox. And finally, Xbox had a number of exclusives that are kind of meh but still interesting and/or fun as long as you don’t expect too much. Games like Voodoo Vince, Tork, Galeon, and Malice (can’t recall if that one was really exclusive but I had it on Xbox). I think the Xbox has a much better library than people think, when you look back on it.
Re: Sega Wants To Know What Mini Console You Want Next
Saturn for sure. It’s the only “major” console I didn’t buy back in the day. There are lots of games I’ve never really played. Panzer Dragoon Saga and Burning Rangers jump to mind. I never could get that system to emulate right either. So yeah a good Saturn emulator machine with an assortment of the best games would be genuinely valuable to me.
Re: Best PS2 Games - 20 PlayStation 2 Classics You Need To Play
This is not too bad a list as far as it goes. Gradius V being on here is a cool surprise. That is game is fantastic and it seems like most people don’t know about it. I would add Contra Shattered Soldier to the list, especially for those interested in retro games. That game is quite good and old fashioned in a way that I appreciate. But for me this was the beginning of the decline for games, and this list kind of shows why. Many of these games were early in the systems life cycle, or they were never really followed up in a satisfying way. Franchises I had always trusted for good times failed to turn up or were very disappointing (Mega Man, Castlevania, etc). Even many of the games on this list were not as strong to me as the PS1 era titles. For the first time for me, instead of getting better and better, the games were staying flat or even getting slightly worse. I thought at the time it was a temporary anomaly brought about by the growing pains of shifting all game design into three dimensions. This turned out to be wrong. Still a lot of good games from that generation of systems and good memories.
Re: Museum Shares Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Maps Used By Nintendo Counselors
@JackGYarwood oh yeah I remember the impossible requirements that would result in some crazy, too good to be true secrets. I wonder, before the internet, how localized these rumors were? Did any of them spread nationally or internationally? I remember one specifically about Ocarina that involved getting a white Epona… can’t remember what you had to do. But that one did get shared online I believe.
The TMNT maps are interesting. I’m glad all these games are getting some attention again with the rereleases and what not.
Re: Poll: Are The PS3, Wii And Xbox 360 Retro Now?
I voted yes, but actually I think the Wii is definitely “retro” whereas the 360 and PS3 are more debatable. The difference is down to HD graphics, which feels very “modern” and not retro yet at all (to me, obviously). That said, if I were to consider the question in purely subjective terms (forgetting about actual age) I would say that something changed with game design around the time of the PS2. Consoles and, generally speaking, the software created for them, can be thought of as before (retro) or after (modern) this change. This is my own feeling on the matter. The last truly retro console was the Dreamcast.
Re: Rumour: Metal Gear Solid 1 To 3 Might Be Receiving New Remasters
The first MGS remains one of my all-time favorite games. I don’t feel that 2 or 3 were quite as good. I wonder, if this rumor is true, if the remaster will be of the PS1 version or Twin Snakes? I’m partial to the original myself.
Re: Strider 'Spiritual Successor' Cannon Dancer Is Finally Getting A Home Release
I played some of this a few years back on MAME. It’s very flashy. Definitely interested in picking it up now that it’s finally getting a home release!
Re: Poll: How Do You Play Your Retro Games?
I’ve never sold a system; by my count I have 18 now, going back to my childhood NES. But the truth is I rarely play on the old original hardware. Some of the consoles don’t work, and the rest don’t display well on modern tvs. In practice I have been using emulation and releases on modern platforms for almost all of my retro gaming for at least the last five years or so. Someday I’d like to get a game room with a crt, I’d refurbish the old systems, and I would use the original hardware again, but that’s not in the cards for now.
Re: Feature: Your Beloved Games Console Is Slowly But Surely Dying
@BloodNinja I generally agree. I use a lot of emulation. At the same time, there is a purist part of me that feels that the original hardware will always be the most “authentic”. It is the “real snake” against which the copy must be judged.
Re: Feature: Your Beloved Games Console Is Slowly But Surely Dying
It is impossible for the hardware, and the physical media that the games are on, to really last. The best, most authentic thing we can hope for is that clone systems become more and more accurate, and that we also start getting perfect cloned peripherals. Roms can be loaded on reproduction cartridges, and basically such a device could be thought of as “real” rather than emulated. This will probably always be a niche thing, the level of commitment required to buy all that hardware. For most people, software emulation will be “good enough”. That is all that can be done.
Re: Round Up: Here's What Critics Said About GoldenEye 007 Back In 1997
That Nintendo Power quote about "squeamish players" being bothered by the death animations is really interesting to me because of a specific memory I have about this game. I was playing it at a friend's house... I can't recall the exact situation, but I think I had brought the game over and we were just messing around with cheat codes. Anyway, we open a door and there's an enemy soldier standing right there. Startled, my friend shoots the enemy in the face with a machine gun and at exactly that moment his mom walked into the living room. She gasped and screamed and then started yelling for us to turn the game off, then she sat down on the couch and literally wept. She was extremely disturbed by the realism of the death animation, and I clearly remember her saying "How long before you can see the pain on their face?" Needless to say I did not bring Goldeneye back to that friend's house. I think he just came to my house to play it, lol.
Re: Sunsoft Announces Rebirth Plans, Reveals Three New Titles
Gimmick! Is a fantastic game, but it’s very difficult to get the good ending without save scumming and the like. This remaster sounds like it could be good; definitely something to keep an eye on.
Re: Poll: What's The Best Ridge Racer?
I can’t say I’ve played them all but of the ones I have played R4 is my favorite by far.
Re: Blazing Chrome Developers Reveal New Game Vengeful Guardian: Moonrider
I will most likely pick this up. I enjoyed Blazing Chrome and I thought Oniken and Odallus were quite good too.
Re: Feature: Git Gud Or Go Home: An Introduction To The 'SoulsBorne' Series
I’ve had trouble getting into these games, which is weird because they sound on paper like something I ought to like. People used to say they were like NES games, but more fair. I disagree, they seem much less fair than (good) NES games, like Ninja Gaiden or Castlevania. More punitive and more disrespectful of the players. I’d like to overcome this eventually though and really get into them.
Re: Feature: The Short Life And Untimely Death Of Robotech: Crystal Dreams
I was a big fan of Robotech and Macross back in the day. I remember reading about this game and being really excited for it. I kept waiting and waiting but it never came out. There was also a PS1 Macross game that was supposed to get a Western release. A demo made it onto one of the OPM demo discs. I played that demo over and over and kept waiting for the game to come out. It never did - but I kept that demo disc for many years. Eventually we got Battlecry.
Re: Poll: What's The Best Street Fighter?
I actually prefer the Alpha games. I had trouble choosing between Alpha 2 and 3... I ultimately voted for 3, but they're pretty much tied for me.
Re: CIBSunday: Ridge Racer (PS1, Japanese)
A retro bundle of the Ridge Racer games, up through, say, R4 would be an immediate purchase for me.