Comments 35

Re: Random: Incredible Archive Footage Shows Tetris Developer's Tour Of Nintendo HQ



(note: Merriam-Webster definitions of the word "word")

"a speech sound or series of speech sounds that symbolizes and communicates a meaning usually without being divisible into smaller units capable of independent use"

"the entire set of linguistic forms produced by combining a single base with various inflectional elements without change in the part of speech elements"

"a written or printed character or combination of characters representing a spoken word"

Re: Talking Point: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo Problem"?



"to two platform holders should get the attention…"

"Sure I understand it's a harder to sell 3 million on 31 million than on 102 million, but that is sort of the point Laidbackstrat, isn't.. the relative importance on the loved problem being seen to be far more important than the absolute performance on the gaming market.. ..."

(question: why the "..." and ".. ..." in these parts of some of the messages here)

Re: Poll: What Do You Think Of Jo's New Look In Perfect Dark?


"That's right – the knucklehead brigade appears to be out in full force because this version of Jo Dark (a character who, lest we forget, looks almost entirely different in each game she's starred in) doesn't meet their own personal fantasy of what the video game heroine should look like."

(question: why the insulting in this part of this article)

Re: ININ Games Teamed Up With Fans For Its Rainbow Cotton Remake


" 'It’s official guys, the work @DerekPascarella and I, along with the rest of our team, did for the fan translation is going to be included in an OFFICIAL rerelease of Rainbow Cotton coming to modern platforms in May. Hopefully they keep in Cotton swearing.' "

(suggestion: no hoping for "swearing")

Re: Arcade Archives' Nintendo eShop World Record Might Be Unbeatable



"I have about 25-30 of their releases. Their work is superb. Menus, options, emulation, everything's very well done and functionalities are great. If I could, I'd buy all their releases, just to support their preservation work, but I know I could use a sale or two from time to time."

(suggestion: buy for playing and fun)

Re: Random: Game Boy WiFi Cartridge Lets You Browse Wikipedia On A Pea-Soup Screen


"Using his technological know-how and plenty of cool programming tricks, Staacks has created a special cartridge that bestows Nintendo's classic handheld with the ability to browse the internet (well, Wikipedia, at least) wirelessly."

(gets reminded of a certain Wikipedia I would not describe as a reliable source of information; wonders about whether this cartridge could be used to for browsing at least one alternative to this Wikipedia (such as a certain Britannica (located at this World Wide Web address: