I feel relieved... onto nly because the cell phone survived the fire and had lost games, but also tha the games could be preserved. This also gives more proof that even old, broken phones hould be preserved.
Frankly, I expected that Before Crisis, the Lost Episode, and Kingdom Hearts: coded be dumped. Th is a year that has had YUUGE progress on preserving cellphone games.
A this point, Wonderland from Kingdom Hearts V-Cast being dumped is a matter of rather little time.
I read the article title, immediately clicked on the article, read tha the book is going to be a free download, scrolled to the Tweet, imediately clicked on the link, clicked on the redirect, and clicked on the Download button. I did this in a panic. I just hope that Bitmap Books does the same thing.
I looked forward to this console ever since the GPL fiasco from the Retron 5. I only feel rather bad that the console is not a true clone. I wonder if the Retro Freak respects the GPL, though...
The fault is not his, though, but rather the ones that corrupted the phrase 'blast data into the DAC's'. Arguably, Marty Franz also had some fault due to his discovery.
Comments 25
Re: Last Super Famicom Game 'Metal Slader Glory: Director's Cut' Gets English Fan Patch
I was hoping that I would be able to play this translated.
Re: Square Enix Staff Discover Cache Of Pristine Retro Games, Some Of Which Date Back 30 Years
I wonder if any prototypes or unreleased games are in there...
Re: Sega Wanted Phantasy Star IV To Flop In The West, Hence The Sky-High $100 Price
Wait... why did they want Phantasy IV to fail to the point of rejecting the game at first?
Re: Lunar Remastered Won't (Currently) Include The Original English Voice Acting, But It's Been Offered "For Cheap"
I actually suppor this. After all, WorkingDesigns had a very loose approach to localisation and voice acting... great in his time, but not oday.
Re: After Surviving A House Fire, This Mobile Phone Has Helped Fully Preserve A Lost Professor Layton Game
I feel relieved... onto nly because the cell phone survived the fire and had lost games, but also tha the games could be preserved. This also gives more proof that even old, broken phones hould be preserved.
Re: Zephyr's Pass Dev Offers Update After "Unfortunate" Last-Minute Bug Discovered
That is big dedication.
Re: GameStop Announces Launch Of New "Retro GameStop" Stores
After seeing them destroy old consoles, I do no trus them.
Re: Shinji Mikami Wants To Remake The Game That Inspired Resident Evil
After that enormous influence Sweet Home had, I feel that game needs a remake.
Re: This Adorable New Super Mario Fan Game Looks Absolutely Incredible
'I've never been so turned on in my life.' —xkcdsw
Re: Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII & 18 Other Previously Lost i-Mode Games Have Been Preserved
Frankly, I expected that Before Crisis, the Lost Episode, and Kingdom Hearts: coded be dumped. Th is a year that has had YUUGE progress on preserving cellphone games.
A this point, Wonderland from Kingdom Hearts V-Cast being dumped is a matter of rather little time.
Re: Sega Almost Ported Shining Force 1 And 2 To Saturn
...I feel that is an appropriate name of that console. The Sega Saturn was that much a negative influence on Sega.
Re: This $30 PS2 HDMI Module Is Mod-Free And Lag-Free
reads title
reads subtitle
[laugh track]
Re: The Quest To Preserve And Document Tectoy's Zeebo Console
I would like to know more abou those Unreleased Zeebo games he mentioned.
Re: Anniversary: Castlevania Classic Dracula X: Rondo Of Blood Is 30 Today
I remember people hankering over this game being released on Virtual Console.
Re: Poll: Handheld Or TV - How Do You Play Retro Games?
I prefer DS and 3DS games on their actual consoles.
Otherwise, I use a MisterFPGA nd a Steam Deck.
Re: Best Pokémon ROM Hacks And Fan Games
I remember when my comment abou the translation of Mother 3 got removed.
Now there are actual articles on ROM hacks, complete with links.
Re: Is This The Coolest Nintendo GameCube Mod Yet?
The Laser Bear is the coolest part.
Re: Developer Shares Incredible Images From Cancelled Game Boy Color Platformer Stip
I feel bad tha the ROM remains unreleased, though.
Re: Nintendo 64 FPGA Core In Development For MiSTer
I was resigned to the idea that N64 would neve reach the MisterFPGA... all tha talk about ho weak the MisterFPGA is...
Re: The Making Of: BMX XXX - "We Were Building This Beautiful Skate Park And Ended Up With A Strip Club"
I still wish tha they stuck wi the original plans of BMX 3.
Re: Greyfox Books Release Mega Drive Book For Free After Sega Issues "Cease And Desist"
I read the article title, immediately clicked on the article, read tha the book is going to be a free download, scrolled to the Tweet, imediately clicked on the link, clicked on the redirect, and clicked on the Download button. I did this in a panic.
I just hope that Bitmap Books does the same thing.
Re: Hands On: Retro Handheld Face-Off - Anbernic R351 Vs Retroid Pocket 2
I prefer the Anbernic RG351P.
Re: Hardware Review: GB Boy Classic And GB Boy Colour: The Best Way To Play Game Boy Today?
@neufel I read that you can also remove the chip inside that has the pirate ROMs.
Re: Hardware Review: Cyber Gadget Retro Freak
I looked forward to this console ever since the GPL fiasco from the Retron 5.
I only feel rather bad that the console is not a true clone.
I wonder if the Retro Freak respects the GPL, though...
Re: The Man Responsible For Sega's Blast Processing Gimmick Is Sorry For Creating "That Ghastly Phrase"
The fault is not his, though, but rather the ones that corrupted the phrase 'blast data into the DAC's'. Arguably, Marty Franz also had some fault due to his discovery.