Comments 8

Re: Review: Broken Sword Collection (Evercade) - A Pair Of Point-And-Click Classics


Shadow of the Templars is one of my favourite games of all time. I have just about every physical version ever released in the UK on various formats. I've got big-box editions, budget-release editions, handheld editions, signed editions, you name it and I've probably got it.

I'm probably going to end up getting this, just because, but I do think £30 is a bit steep for a couple of PS1 ISO dumps.

Re: You Can Now Run Your Entire PS2 Library From This $50 Memory Card


@Angelus3K slower than the DVD drive, but often depends on the game as to stutter etc. Way faster than USB though. On a fat PS2 I prefer the HDD option and a NAS running on a RPi on slim. But for convenience these memory card solutions are great. I don't know about this card, but some you have to be aware of SD Card compatibility and also Fat32 limitations for games over 4GB.