Comments 9

Re: Saturn Cult Classic Princess Crown Is Getting An Uncensored Translation


@Daniel36 People typically don't use "damn" in a religious sense or with any religious connotations, though. By that logic, people shouldn't say "good-bye" in a game without gods because that phrase is a contraction of "god be with you". I mean, to take it further, they shouldn't be speaking English in the first place since there's no England in the setting; clearly it's in English so we can understand it, as if it's been translated from whatever language they actually speak, so they can use whatever English idioms make sense for the meaning. If there's an explicit, unambiguous reference to something from our world, I agree that shouldn't be in it - like if Tifa said she likes French cooking.

Re: Feature: How Pirate Television Helped Sega Beat Nintendo In The UK


Very nostalgic stuff. Interesting to see Sony mentioned since it was always clear to me and my friends that Sony took over from Sega in the way they seemed like the cool one whereas Nintendo were, to quote the article, the disco vicar.

Talking as a Sega kid, it's obvious in retrospect that 8- and 16-bit Nintendo were way better than Sega, yet Sega did have a far more appealing image in the 90s. Nintendo kids were the ones that had to be in bed early, you had to take your shoes off at their door, there was this atmosphere in their house that you were in a US sitcom type of household. That stereotype held up very reliably.

Plus, it didn't hurt Sega that many of the things that made the SNES so good weren't released in the UK, like Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Chrono Trigger, etc. But then Sony came along and beat Sega at their own game, and the Saturn might as well have not existed. I didn't know a single person that had one.