Comments 162

Re: This Week's Arcade Archives Game May Be Worth Skipping


Razieluigi wrote:

It's just... there are like a billion ways to play Othello.

There is another Othello game on Switch, and it is cheaper than the Arcade Archives release.

And if you're mad about classic board games and card games, then you probably already own Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics, which has a version of Othello called Renegade.

Re: The Making Of: James Pond: Codename Robocod


Glad you found it interesting!

Sketcz wrote:

What I find fascinating and VALUABLE in your data, is you've collated all the different lists, so as to create a more... Robust? Reliable? Averaged? Accurate? A better list, that softens over egregious entries in others, and helps raise other titles which maybe made the list at various places, but only lower down.

Yeah, it's like the wisdom of crowds jelly bean effect. If you take a big jar of jelly beans, and ask passersby to guess how many there are (winner gets a prize), and ask a large enough # of people, then even though some guesses will be bizarrely big and others bizarrely small, when you take the average of all the guesses, you'll get an eerily accurate answer.

Same kind of thing here. If you get someone dedicated enough to rank their top 50 favourite Genesis games, then you're getting a very well-informed opinion. Lump a bunch of those together and you'll get a good list.

What other systems did you research? Did you do the same as you did for the Mega Drive?

Yeah I did a few others.

Here is Top 20 Sega Master System Games:

Here is Top 26 Best Neo Geo Games:

I also just did a TurboGrafx-16 / PC Engine list. I can type that out if you'd like.

Did you keep a list or URLs of where the original lists were found?

Yup. Since I made them, some of them have disappeared or been changed.

Re: The Making Of: James Pond: Codename Robocod


I think I've only posted my top NeoGeo games list on Reddit.
Here are the Top 25 Genesis games since you're interested:
1.) Streets of Rage 2 / Bare Knuckle 2
2.) Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles
3.) Sonic the Hedgehog 2
4.) Contra: Hard Corps
5.) Gunstar Heroes
6.) Sonic the Hedgehog
7.) Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium
8.) Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
9.) Shining Force II
10.) Beyond Oasis / The Story of Thor: A Successor of the Light
11.) Thunder Force IV / Lightening Force: Quest for the Darkstar
11.) Castlevania: Bloodlines
13.) Alien Soldier
14.) Rocket Knight Adventures
15.) Landstalker: The Treasures of King Nole
16.) Comix Zone
17.) Ristar
17.) M.U.S.H.A. / MUSHA Aleste
19.) Ranger X
20.) The Revenge of Shinobi / The Super Shinobi
21.) Dynamite Headdy
22.) Disney's Aladdin
23.) Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse
24.) Road Rash II
24.) World of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck

I believe 21 of those 25 are available on Switch. Only Ranger X, Road Rash II and the 2 Mickey games are currently lost to time.

Re: A Rare VHS From Data East & Capcom's 'Fighter's History' Trial Has Been Found


Coming soon to a VHS tape near you:

"Pikachu, from the 'Pokemon' games, is a small and cute mouse-like creature, yellow, with sharp pointy ears, a tail shaped like a lightning bolt with a brown tip, and no weapons."

"Sparkit, from the 'Palworld' game, is a bipedal cat-like pal resembling a tiger or a tabby. Its body is covered with light yellow fur with a white muzzle. It has a bushy tail, and a big ****ing gun."

Re: Talking Point: Is There Such A Thing As "Bad" Nostalgia?


bobby_steurer wrote:

There are many thoughtful comments in this thread, and I think you really touched on something with “the internet taught me.” In my younger days, I was pretty vulnerable and definitely “unliked” a lot of things I personally loved because “the internet taught me” it sucks/is lame. Bands, movies, games. Took me longer than I’d care to admit to get over all that and just be true to myself. (At least I think that’s what you sort of meant. If I got it totally wrong, my apologies.)

Yeah, I think both things can be true. Like for example, Dragon's Lair was a phenomenon at the time. I remember first seeing it in a convenience store, a bunch of older teens crowded around it, but I got the full view from the 2nd monitor on top. "They're playing a cartoon?!?" The creator, Don Bluth, thought it was the future of video games. He was wrong of course, because the gameplay is very limited. But I'll be damned if it wasn't incredible at the time.

As for movie examples, Star Wars: Episode I has a consensus negative opinion now in retrospect. But it was all theatres PACKED with cheering crowds at the time. We were just happy to have a new Star Wars film for the first time after such a long wait since Jedi. That was when having more Star Wars movies to look forward to was not guaranteed!

Another one is Star Trek: Generations. Now it's looked at as "one of the odd numbered Trek movies to 'skip' ". But at the time? Picard and Kirk together? It was incredible. Also, that was the first time I downloaded a movie script from the Internet, BEFORE it hit theatres!

So, now I can intellectually accept criticisms of those things, but no one can take away the rush, the thrills, the happy memories that they gave me at the time, and still do nostalgically.

Re: Talking Point: Is There Such A Thing As "Bad" Nostalgia?


One day my friend called me and said "I got a Genesis!"

I biked right over and marveled at what I saw on the screen.
It was Altered Beast. "It looks just like the arcade!" I exclaimed. The sprites were so massive compared to the NES that the quality of gameplay didn't matter. Actually it wasn't until years later that the Internet taught me that "Altered Beast sucks".

Re: Console Wars The Card Game Aims To Turn Fan Toxicity Into Something Positive


Interesting theme. But without solid gameplay mechanics, it would just be a gimmick...which is unfortunately what I assume it is.

Are the designers familiar with all the latest in modern "German-style" board and card games? And they made a wonderfully fun game that just happens to have this theme?

Or did they just say "Hey, let's create a video game brand-themed card game!" And then slapped some UNO-like game together?

Re: JALECOlle Famicom Edition Brings Jaleco NES Classics To Switch



Yeah, the people that throw a fit over $8 Arcade Archives prices are annoying, acting like it's some great injustice.

I don't mind people not thinking that's a good value for them though. Especially because there are 10 releases planned. For me that would be $100 CAD total. I'd rather wait 6 months (or whatever) to get them each for half off.

Because they aren't "A-tier" games, I think it would have been a better value and make more sense in a Jaleco curio bundle, like the Taito Milestones collections.