Comments 162

Re: Best Beat 'Em Ups Of All Time


A while ago I googled for lists of the Best Beat'em Up games. I looked for ranked lists at least 25 games long. I found 5 qualifying lists, assigned points based on rank and added it all up. I was left with 58 unique titles.

Here are the top 25 games without a main entry on this page:

  • Final Fight
  • The Simpsons Arcade Game
  • Streets of Rage 2
  • Double Dragon
  • Golden Axe
  • River City Ransom
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Arcade Game
  • Captain Commando
  • The Punisher
  • Streets of Rage
  • Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
  • Double Dragon II: The Revenge
  • Knights of the Round
  • Spider-Man: The Video Game
  • Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage
  • Captain America and the Avengers

Re: Poll: Are Game Boy Games Still Worth Playing In 2023?


I was a kid through the NES era and just before, my first system was ColecoVision and loved playing Atari 2600 at my cousins' house.

I traded my Sega Genesis for a week to a friend in return for his Game Boy. I believe he had Tetris, Spider-Man & Metroid. Just about immediately, I couldn't wait to get my Genesis back.

The tiny, blurry, pea-soup screen meant you couldn't play it unless you crouched directly under a lamp light. Maybe it was passable entertainment at school recess or on a car/bus trip or waiting for your turn at a birthday bowling party, but even a Tiger electronic handheld game could manage that. I'd honestly rather play 2600 on a tv than play Game Boy.

So, to answer the question: "Are Game Boy Games Still Worth Playing In 2023?" I didn't think they were worth playing in 1989.

But the Advance games look a lot better, and are comparable to SNES games, so I'm excited to check those out.

Re: Random: Why Acclaim Almost Killed This Arnold Schwarzenegger Video Game


A while ago I googled for lists of the best Sega Genesis games. I looked for long lists each at least 50 games long, that were ranked. I assigned points based on rank and added them all up. I was left with 16 lists, 396 unique games and 1,465 total entries.

True Lies ended up tied for #313 best Sega Genesis game.
I guess it's a VERY hidden gem?

Re: Best Neo Geo Games


A while ago I googled for lists of the best Neo Geo games. I looked for ranked lists at least 25 games long. I ended up finding 7 qualifying lists with 132 unique games and a total of 410 separate entries. I assigned points based on rank and added it all up.

Here (in order) are the games from that Top 25 that didn't get an entry here:

  • Metal Slug X: Super Vehicle-001 (enhanced version of Metal Slug 2)
  • Aero Fighters 2 / Sonic Wings 2
  • The Last Blade 2
  • The Last Blade
  • Top Hunter: Roddy & Cathy
  • Baseball Stars 2
  • Samurai Shodown
  • Spinmaster
  • Waku Waku 7
  • Sengoku 3
  • Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001
  • Magical Drop III

Re: Gaiares Is Getting A Physical Re-Release With The Help Of The Kid Who Promoted It 31 Years Ago



The Top 10 were:
1.) Streets of Rage 2 / Bare Knuckle 2
2.) Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles
3.) Sonic the Hedgehog 2
4.) Contra: Hard Corps
5.) Gunstar Heroes
6.) Sonic the Hedgehog
7.) Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium
8.) Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
9.) Shining Force II
10.) Beyond Oasis / The Story of Thor: A Successor of the Light

All of them except for Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles are available on the Switch via the Nintendo Switch Online and/or the Sega Genesis Classics Collection.

Re: Gaiares Is Getting A Physical Re-Release With The Help Of The Kid Who Promoted It 31 Years Ago


@WeltraumDreamer "Never heard of it, but since I'm a Gradius and R-Type fan, I will give it a try."

A while ago I searched the Internet for lists of the best Sega Genesis/Mega Drive games. They had to be ranked lists, at least 50 games long. I found 16 qualifying lists, assigned points based on rank and added it all up.

I ended up with 397 unique titles and 1,465 entries.

Gaiares ended up a Top 60 Sega Genesis/Mega Drive game. It finished just above Panorama Cotton which was another shmup recently released on the Switch.