Comments 68

Re: GoldenEye, Quake, & Others Listed Among This Year's World Video Game Hall Of Fame 2025 Finalists


Quake for me. Even though I actually couldn't play it on my pc at time of release and. Didn't have a N64. I can actually remember playing angry birds on my phone and was amused I could get around the adverts by just turning off the WiFi or data. COD4 I had for my ps3 and it was indeed seismic. But after having played nighdives excellent quake remaster I think it would be the perfect addition. But that's me.

Re: Interview: "We’ve Certainly Made Mistakes" - Limited Run's Boss On Winning Back The Trust Of The Community


Only ever bought 2 standard edition games from them. Quake 2 and tomb raider remaster. Both arrived, both worked, everything about the boxes, printed media and disk seemed absolutely fine. And I was content with the pricing and have no issue with the wait time as I've too many games to play as is and I've struggled to find time to game at the minute anyway. all I can say is I've been satisfied with the service, but all this feedback from others certainly tempers my opinion of them.

Re: This $200 Gaming Handheld Pays Tribute To The Iconic Nokia N97


Didn't care for the n97. Now the N95? That was my last ever nokia before i finally jumped ship from symbian to android.The damn thing was a beast. What i would consider to be my first true smart phone. I dropped it down the stairs once and while it did survive it also sorta blew apart. no worries though all more or less went back together and sourced a new screen off ebay and all fixed. Ha no chance of doing that with all the android phones i've had.

Re: Taki Udon's Groundbreaking FPGA PS1 Gets Detailed, Pricing Starts At $149


I'm going to be a little critical of this.
1) I'm not keen on the styling. This is a personal thing of course. But it's too close to the PS One. Not the original boxy ps1. But I can see why the decision was made to sort of blend the two together.
2) not having a drive for disks as part of the main design is a big negative to me. Yes I realise that would push up production etc but wouldn't it be nice to just have it all in one rather than having to tack on extra gubbins?

I could have lived with point 1 but not 2. Though I wonder would the drive allow you to play PS2 disks? Is that how mrfpga works? Otherwise it would be cool to see a PS2 design by taki

Re: Retro Computer Museum Hit By "Devastating" Flood Damage


Absolutely gutted by this. I hope some things can be restore. bad times for resilliance in game preservation. LGR's private collection got hit by a hurricane. Fire's in arcades in Japan. Not good.

And you can just bet given the insurance industry in the UK they will do what they can to weasel out of paying out. Regardless of that ive sent a few quid via the donation page.

Re: Team17 Co-Founder Martyn Brown Has Passed Away Aged 57


As a native of the west riding it always made me immensely proud that just up the road there was a games studio making some quality titles. I only recently started to follow Martyn on Facebook after stumbling across him. Probably via a time extension article. It was to follow his home arcade antics. I never realised until now he had fallen under ill health and that might have reflected in some of his Facebook posts, I just never realised. A legacy that will hopefully live on if we strive to preserve and keep playing and remember.

Re: Of Course The Dreamcast's "Most Powerful VMU" Can Play Doom


Better frame rate than the SNES version. HAHAHA. Well as true as that is it was still the only way some people could experience doom up to a point. Me being one of those people. And i still have a soft spot for it. DOOM on things will always be a thing.

Because you are not a thing unless you can run doom. doom all the things. because DOOM.

Re: The Making Of: Worms, The Bedroom-Coded Classic That Spawned A Million-Selling Series


The Ossett legends. Yeah be careful if you say Wakefield. We get very parochial in Yorkshire. Folk in Ossett will quickly correct you (and rightly so 😉).

Worms was one of the first games I had on my ps1. Myself and pals played it to absolute death. Another friend had it on his Amiga too. I got worms 2 on release for my pc and loved it. We even ran it on our high school network less than 10 miles away from Team17 hq. 😂 Loved the series. And own a classic T17 logo t-shirt that hangs proudly in my wardrobe next to a Pysgnosis one.

Re: SAM Coupé Designer Bruce Gordon Has Passed Away


I do not remember this at all! It didn't get mentioned in my computing circle of friends. And i never saw one in my pokey corner of west yorkshire growing up. Looking forward to reading about it though and gutted for the community and Bruce's family and friends.

Re: Doom II Comes To The SNES, Thanks To Fans


@Blast16 totally forgot 32x had one too. That did irk me back in the console warz days haha. Not one bit now. Glad mega drive owners got to have some fun too. And lets be fair getting it to even run on either platform? chefs kiss

It's not as epic as the 3DO port like haha.

Re: Doom II Comes To The SNES, Thanks To Fans


Ah man such conflicting feelings on the snes port. when it came out the only real exposure i had to doom was doom 2 on a neighbours computer. They didn't even have a soundcard. BFG sounded hilarious. Anyway eventually i found out it was coming to snes and leapt at getting it. Surely the mighty super FX chip can deliver? Well sorta. I see those limitations more now these days but my teenage eyes didn't so much. I enjoyed it but the lack of cheats and bad controls made it a hard to love version. In the end a playstation came along with its excellent port and then the pc. Funny enough this is why i also seem to have DOOM on EVERYTHING.

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