Comments 68

Re: CIBSunday: Amstrad GX4000


My cousin went from a CPC 464 to 6128+ while I still had the regular 6128. The cartridge slot on the side vexed me. But by then I'd started to transition to consoles anyway. Still don't regret having an amstrad, even if a lot of the ports were awful! This attempt at a console though was maybe a bit ill conceived... 😂

Re: 10 Forgotten Gaming Magazines That Are Worth Remembering


I vividly remember Go as part of CVG. But never considered it separate to the mag itself. Used to throughly enjoy picking up cvg every month when dragged to morrisons in Pontefract for the big shop with my mam. I used to get the Amstrad magazine posted to the house so i assume my mam signed me up for this. But can't find any copies in my old house.

Yeah i really wish i hadn't binned any of them now. Same with my Beano's and Dandy's

Re: Peter Molyneux Declined McDonald's Video Game Because "Kids Imagine Ronald Skewering Them"


heh, can't imagine it would have been great anyway. My mum bought me the NES mcdonalds game (global gladiators was it?). It was ok but passable. The amusing thing is they bought me that but refused to take me in McDonalds because the food wasn't served on plates with knives and forks. Hence we only ever went to wimpy. Hahahaha. it sounds very middle class but i can assure you we are not.

Re: Soapbox: The Trouble With Limited Run Games, And How To Fix It


To date i have purchased only one LRG product and that was quake 2. I have fond memories of playing the ps1 version. And i wanted to see what the pc one played like on modern equipment. Plus nightdive so woo! I was aware of the lead time on the disks and i suppose to my good fortune everything shipped when it was supposed to and it arrived just fine. I only wanted a normal retail physical version i could play on my ps4 and 5. So i was happy. The only other thing i would consider getting would be a dark forces remaster physical. But mind you i still have the big box pc copy....

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