Comments 111

Re: The Design Duo Behind Curse Of Monkey Island To Start Work On "New Comedy Adventure"


@slider1983 There was no real constructive criticism on that blog page - it was mostly just attacks and vitriolic complaints. If you can't understand why going to someone's face to tell them the thing they believe in sucks and that they're a terrible person is a problem, then maybe you should rethink a few things.

There's no way you would "criticize" someone like this:


Re: The Design Duo Behind Curse Of Monkey Island To Start Work On "New Comedy Adventure"


@MontyMole That's also true, but I feel the detraction has lessened a lot in recent years. I've seen more people praise Curse as one of the best in the genre, as many players' introduction to Monkey Island, and as the best Monkey Island game. If anything, a lotta vitriol I've seen has mostly been aimed at Return as of late. A shame, too - I think that one is also great.

Re: This New Unofficial PC Port Of Sonic Unleashed Could Be The Best Version Of The Game Yet


@smoreon I know Generations has a PC port, but it has some immense slowdown issues and they add up. They can be fixed with a mod, but I feel having to mod a 2011 PC game for it to run isn't exactly ideal. And yes, I'm aware that the ShadGens port runs better but I'm not keen on the changes in that version. I know. Nitpicky.

As for the Series X version, it still has some hiccups here and there. Nothing too bad but it sometimes has trouble with keeping a consistent frame rate - like in Adabat as you mentioned.

Re: New Playdate Update Showcase Airs This Halloween


@slider1983 The point is that there is no "point", it's very niche and Panic is very aware of that. As is, the 'date just exists to be a weird little handheld with a weird little crank and weirder little games and for some people(like me) that can be enough.

Re: Pre-Orders For FPGA N64 'Analogue 3D' Open Next Week, Will Cost $250


Kinda wish there was more color to it. The all black/white finish makes it feel sterile, and for a console design like the N64 I feel like that's the last thing you want from it.

I'm not as excited as I'd like to be - chalk it up to Analogue's inability to keep their products in good supply - but this is still pretty neat. Hope they can get to the Dreamcast at some point.