The only consoles that broke on me was my original NES, a FC Game Console which I accidentally fried with the wrong AC Adapter, a 2nd FC Game Console, a refurbished GameCube, a used 32X that was broken from the start, a used Dreamcast that wouldn't boot, a used DC that randomly resets on me unless I play ROM games like NES games that never need to load more than once, my PS, my fat PS2, my Slim PS2, my GBA, my Vita whose battery died, my New 3DS XL after my brother spilled rubbing alcohol all over it, & 3 Xbox 360s all repaired my Microsoft. I never once had issues with any other my other game consoles which far outnumber the broken ones.
@Yorumi I've bought, sold, and traded many Sega consoles. I never ever had a problem with a Genesis Model 1, Model 2, Sega CD, or Saturn. Only a single 32X and single Dreamcast gave me problems.
My 32X Collection is rather small. It includes Cosmic Carnage, Doom, Virtua Racing, Virtua Fighter, Star Wars Arcade, NFL Quarterback Club, Primal Rage, & Motocross Championship. At one time, I owned Knuckles Chaotix, but it was a used copy which would not load that I immediately returned to my local game store.
The game consoles that 100% died on me are: My original NES, my GBA, a used Game Gear I bought which died after 2 weeks, my used GCN, a FC Game Console I killed my plugging in the wrong AC Adaptor, my used Vita after 2 months, & a used 32X I bought which died as soon as I took it home so I returned it.
I've never had any permanent issues with my other game consoles. If you ask me, the highest quality console is the Genesis Model 2 which never seems to fail. N64 is a runner up.
Epic fail of a product. I just paid $19.99 for a AV to HDMI Box at Office Depot which works on All AV based game consoles. Sadly, I can't plug my PS2 or Xbox Component cables in it.
This is EXACTLY what I have been looking for. Not that piece of junk AT Games Genesis, not the fake ColecoVision, not the real ColecoVision re-release, not the probably fake Atari VCS, but this. I love the console price, game price, and controllers.
I wish Neo Geo had done this instead of that horrible SD emulated X system. If Neo Geo had made a console for $100 with built-in memory and released titles on cheaply made SD cards similar to DS, they would have done quite well.
Comments 19
Re: Trademark For Intellivision Amico Has Been Abandoned
I knew this console was never coming out just like the Coleco Chameleon. I'm shocked the Atari VCS is a real console, though.
Re: Intellivision Has Significantly Cut Its Staff To Help Amico Over The Finish Line
Look at Atari's graphics. Now, look at Intellivison's. Oh wait- We have no graphics. Or a system.
Re: Feature: Intellivision's Tommy Tallarico Wants To Follow In Nintendo's Footsteps, But Will He Get His Chance?
It sounds better than the Coleco Chameleon, but that's not saying much.
Re: Best Of 2019: Your Beloved Games Console Is Slowly But Surely Dying
The only consoles that broke on me was my original NES, a FC Game Console which I accidentally fried with the wrong AC Adapter, a 2nd FC Game Console, a refurbished GameCube, a used 32X that was broken from the start, a used Dreamcast that wouldn't boot, a used DC that randomly resets on me unless I play ROM games like NES games that never need to load more than once, my PS, my fat PS2, my Slim PS2, my GBA, my Vita whose battery died, my New 3DS XL after my brother spilled rubbing alcohol all over it, & 3 Xbox 360s all repaired my Microsoft. I never once had issues with any other my other game consoles which far outnumber the broken ones.
Re: Best Of 2019: Your Beloved Games Console Is Slowly But Surely Dying
@Yorumi I've bought, sold, and traded many Sega consoles. I never ever had a problem with a Genesis Model 1, Model 2, Sega CD, or Saturn. Only a single 32X and single Dreamcast gave me problems.
Re: Hardware Review: Capcom Home Arcade Is The Most Ludicrous Micro-Console Yet, And We're In Love
@Onion Same.
Re: Atari's Attempt To Relaunch The VCS Has Just Hit Another Brick Wall
I am so glad I decided against pre-ordering the VCS at the last minute before pre-orders started.
Re: Introducing The Playdate, Panic's New Handheld Video Game System With A Crank
I so can't wait to play Sega Bass Fishing on this thing!
Re: Introducing The Playdate, Panic's New Handheld Video Game System With A Crank
Crank it like a Soulja GameBoy.
Re: Hardware Classics: Unpacking The 32X, Sega's Most Catastrophic Console Failure
@JayJ I love the console, though it only cost $19.99 when I got one.
Re: Hardware Classics: Unpacking The 32X, Sega's Most Catastrophic Console Failure
My 32X Collection is rather small. It includes Cosmic Carnage, Doom, Virtua Racing, Virtua Fighter, Star Wars Arcade, NFL Quarterback Club, Primal Rage, & Motocross Championship. At one time, I owned Knuckles Chaotix, but it was a used copy which would not load that I immediately returned to my local game store.
Re: Feature: Your Beloved Games Console Is Slowly But Surely Dying
The game consoles that 100% died on me are: My original NES, my GBA, a used Game Gear I bought which died after 2 weeks, my used GCN, a FC Game Console I killed my plugging in the wrong AC Adaptor, my used Vita after 2 months, & a used 32X I bought which died as soon as I took it home so I returned it.
I've never had any permanent issues with my other game consoles. If you ask me, the highest quality console is the Genesis Model 2 which never seems to fail. N64 is a runner up.
Re: Feature: One Company Is Retrofitting Classic Systems With HDMI Output Without Costing The Earth
Epic fail of a product. I just paid $19.99 for a AV to HDMI Box at Office Depot which works on All AV based game consoles. Sadly, I can't plug my PS2 or Xbox Component cables in it.
Re: There's A New Intellivision Coming, And A Trio Of Former Nintendo Staffers Are Helping Launch It
This is EXACTLY what I have been looking for. Not that piece of junk AT Games Genesis, not the fake ColecoVision, not the real ColecoVision re-release, not the probably fake Atari VCS, but this. I love the console price, game price, and controllers.
Re: Flash Carts Could Be Slowly Killing Your Retro Consoles
I would merely use a 3rd party console to play them on instead of an actual 1st party console.
Re: Feature: The Making Of Micro Machines, The Best Racer On The NES
I rented the Gray cart game for my NES in 1991 and it worked great. I later bought a Gold cart version and it won't play.
Re: The Man Responsible For Sega's Blast Processing Gimmick Is Sorry For Creating "That Ghastly Phrase"
I loved Blast Processing. It made Contra Hard Corps and Sonic 2 speed past the competition.
Re: The Retro VGS Wants To Revive The Glory Days Of Cartridge-Based Home Consoles
Why on Earth are people surprised they are using an Atari Jaguar shell? Those shells have been showing up in dentists' offices.
Re: The Retro VGS Wants To Revive The Glory Days Of Cartridge-Based Home Consoles
I wish Neo Geo had done this instead of that horrible SD emulated X system. If Neo Geo had made a console for $100 with built-in memory and released titles on cheaply made SD cards similar to DS, they would have done quite well.