Comments 81

Re: Review: SAROO - A $60 Sega Saturn Flash Cart That's Worth Every Penny


As someone who has fully recapped and modded out close to a dozen sega saturns with ODEs, to all of you (including Damien who wrote this thus further spreading the misconception) there is nothing fragile about the cart slot on the saturn. Depress the cart slot flap, insert a jewelers philips head screw driver and loosen the screw on the left and right side of the cart slot about 8 complete turns. The slot is prone to flex from the RF shield and casing. Loosen those screws and it will work perfectly. You’re all welcome.

Re: Chromatic Is A FPGA-Based Game Boy From Palmer Luckey


This seems completely irrelevant when we have the analogue pocket, and i have not even felt the need to purchase one of those as it also feels like it made less of an impact than it would have had it come out before the mister fpga.
Definitely feeling like we are reaching the point of fpga oversaturation, especially with all the forks of mister that are occuring. These devices are going to be everywhere and turn into their own stupid format wars because eventually each fork of this stuff will have its own signature games and cores and exclusive features. Kinda like what happened with all the raspberry pi and odroid and every other ARM rombox people could hack together.
Lesson learned by anyone??? Never!

Re: Meet The Man Behind The $99 MiSTer Clone That's Changing FPGA Gaming Forever


Ive never understood the complaint about pricing for mister. After trying one out at a buddy’s house, realizing it really was as great as all the hype stated it was, i went home and sold my neo geo collection for 5 grand by itself, and then dumped 3 or 4 other consoles and game libraries and bought a mister. Hard to argue that a mister at a 600 dollar price point is hard to swallow when it allowed me to sell off 7 grand of crap by just having it.

Re: Random: This Bulk Slash FAQ Has Been Puzzling Fans For Almost 20 Years


Dude! I remember that same Sengoku 3 faq, it was horrible. He talked about combos that “really get the crowd going” as if anyone gave a ***** what he was doing as he hunched in the corner sweating all over the neo geo cabinet lmao. So crazy to see someone reference that faq. I guess it also made an impact on me for being so cringe because I readily remembered it when you brought it up.

Re: This Company Makes 35-Year-Old Game Boys Look Like New


I own one of Retrospekt’s Polaroid refurbs. Cost about 700 bucks, barely worked when it arrived, sent it back for repairs and then it worked properly for less than 10 packs of film before it stopped taking decent photos again. I don’t have the cash currently to have it once again repaired, but just saying I hope they do a better job with Gameboys than they seem to with Polaroids.

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