Kind of wondering why Nintendo didn't partner with Iomega to make the 64DD use Zip Disks. But then again, this was hot of the heels of the Sony (and then latter Phillips) deal so....
Interesting how they labeled Puyo Puyo separately, it's lucky that they at least know (or hopefully) know that everything they don't already own of it is in D4's catalog.
That said, outside of music related stuff (Like Sonic 1-3), what's the biggest hole Sega might have when it comes to IPs?
@zeebor15 I must commend your work on untangling the messy web of "Who owns what in Gaming?" Salutes. (Though PLEASE add Toontown Online to the Walt Disney umbrella, been annoying me for a while seeing it missing)
@NinChocolate I honestly think it's the Jackson team that's causing issues for Sonic 3 and not the Jackson Estate. Still, I hope Sega goes back and makes the replaced soundtrack actually sound like it's from Sonic 3 and not Sonic 4.
I kind of have a feeling they should (or maybe they are) work on a remaster of "Strong Bad Cool Game for Attractive People", especially with the recent release of "Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate" (Relativity I mean)
@MysticX Legally speaking, they are in the clear if they release it as a patch. This has been the case for the other DX releases like with Mario Land 1 and 2.
@Andee Looking in the recent beta, there's an unused audio clip that has the Mario Brothers sounding more like they were in the DiC cartoon (Adventures of Mario 3). So I can guess that Animation Magic (The studio that made the "cutscenes") took more inspiration from those than the actual games. (It would also explain why so many YTPs mash the two together and they actually work well)
The fact that someone is doing a remake of Cluster's Revenge and not say, Beat'em and Eat'em, says a lot about a person. I'm all for smut games (even if it squicks me) but @PZT 's comment about the developer's past works... Yuck.
Ok, WHY do you need an actual 32X to play 32X games when it's on an FPGA? Like, there's another company in Brazil making a Sega Neptune FPGA without needing the add-on, why can't these folks do it too?
I think another reason why bad games like this disaster gets fan translations is well... It can't get any worse. By that I mean, there's little if any pressure that you might "screw up" the translation as the original text/story is already borked as it is.
Though @SnowyAria will you ever make a version of the game that fixes some of the bugs/audio issues or is that a no go?
My personal take on the 32X has two different scenarios.
Scenario A is just to have it never come out.
Scenario B is a bit more interesting. I would basically boost the power of the 32X to make it nearly or even completely make it into a Sega Saturn. That would make the Tower of Power much more appealing deal. Also consider that if the 32X and Saturn are more closely related that means it could also be backwards compatible with the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis. (Though not Master System since there's no Z80) Could be a massive marketing tactic against both the PlayStation 1 and the N64.
I don't know what surprises me more. People caring about bitcoin in 2024 or that the people making this device aren't slapping stuff about "AI" in the advertising.
@obijuankanoobie It's sort of a display item of sorts. Also, since it is quarter scale, it's a perfect fit for posing action figures and the like with it.
@ROBLOGNICK Nintendo doesn't usually go after ROM hacks, if it doesn't include the ROM of the game in question. It's a case of "This is a patch, so find your own ROM wink wink"
@DestructoDisk Sounds a lot like how the Sega/Mega CD worked with the Genesis/Mega Drive
@ArcadianLegend99 In his defense, he probably doesn't know how to dump something like this. Yes, he could use something like Imgburn to make an iso, but that's more for emulators and making ahem legal backup copies. Also, this is a CD-I disk, not a CD-ROM. While the formats are similar, they aren't the exact same thing and it's very likely that most CD and DVD computer drives can't read from CD-i disks.
It's less of a "I'm not dumping it until I'm popular." and more of a "Um, could you tell people about me so that someone with the know-how could help me get this archived?"
Comments 109
Re: This Amazing Case Turns The Logitech K380 Into A Game Boy-Style Keyboard
Yuck. Looks as bad to type on as a Sinclair computer.
Re: "There Is Only So Much I Can Take" - Creator Of Roland MT-32 Emulator MT32-Pi Calls It A Day
Well there goes another blow to the concept of a fair and just universe.
Re: 8BitDo's C64 & NES-Style Retro Mechanical Keyboards Are Getting European Layouts
@RupeeClock There is a separate numpad that pairs well with the keyboard, if you don't mind paying extra for it.
Re: Become A Travelling Salesman In 'Merchant 64' - A Cozy N64-Inspired Adventure For PC
@Zeebor15 When will we ever get an English version of the HD version...
Re: After What Feels Like A Lifetime, Amazon Is Cancelling Mighty No. 9 3DS And Vita Pre-Orders
Reminder that Mighty Number 9 is now owned by Level 5. I think that explains why they seem to have trouble actually releasing games these days...
Re: Best Of 2024: Unpacking The 64DD, Nintendo's Most Infamous Flop
Kind of wondering why Nintendo didn't partner with Iomega to make the 64DD use Zip Disks. But then again, this was hot of the heels of the Sony (and then latter Phillips) deal so....
Re: Sega Admits It Doesn't Know How Many Games It Owns
Interesting how they labeled Puyo Puyo separately, it's lucky that they at least know (or hopefully) know that everything they don't already own of it is in D4's catalog.
That said, outside of music related stuff (Like Sonic 1-3), what's the biggest hole Sega might have when it comes to IPs?
@zeebor15 I must commend your work on untangling the messy web of "Who owns what in Gaming?" Salutes.
(Though PLEASE add Toontown Online to the Walt Disney umbrella, been annoying me for a while seeing it missing)
Re: Linda Cube Rights Transfer Reignites Hopes That The Cult Classic RPG Could Get A Remaster
@Zeebor15 I honestly feel like this kind of thing deserves it's own website. Call it "Who Owns What" or "The Gaming Forest"
Re: Random: This $13,000 Set Of Scales Plays King Of Fighters '98
@Zeebor15 Wait. ALL of it? I thought it was like 10% at the most.
Re: Lunar Remastered Won't (Currently) Include The Original English Voice Acting, But It's Been Offered "For Cheap"
@NinChocolate I honestly think it's the Jackson team that's causing issues for Sonic 3 and not the Jackson Estate. Still, I hope Sega goes back and makes the replaced soundtrack actually sound like it's from Sonic 3 and not Sonic 4.
Re: SuperSega Boss Rocks Up In His Lamborghini To Beg For Your Pre-Order Cash
@ArcadianLegend99 🎵Gonna take yea for a ride 🎵
Re: Fan Creates A "First Of Its Kind" Xbox Portable Using Real Hardware
"This isn't a PC handheld" I hate to break it to you, but it is one. That's what an OG Xbox is. It has a Pentium III inside. It's a PC no matter what.
Re: Hotel Mario, One Of Mario's "Worst Games", Is Getting A Fan-Made Upgrade
I'm wondering if they have any plans to make an 8th hotel.
Re: Hotel Mario, One Of Mario's "Worst Games", Is Getting A Fan-Made Upgrade
@Bonggon5 The real crime is that it basically came out ten years too late. And also some janky hitboxes.
Re: Skunkape Would "Love" To Remaster Tales Of Monkey Island & Other Telltale Games
I kind of have a feeling they should (or maybe they are) work on a remaster of "Strong Bad Cool Game for Attractive People", especially with the recent release of "Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate" (Relativity I mean)
Re: Sonic CD Has Been Ported To The Sega Genesis
@Deuteros The Sonic CD PC port isn't that obscure as you think it is. In fact, the Sonic Gems Collection is based on that version of the game.
Re: Google's Gemini AI Assistant Is Pretty Awful At Video Game History
Need I remind you the last time Google tried to use AI for video game "history"? It made the Sonic Twitter account baffled.
Re: Modder Shrinks Saturn To Create The 'Sega Uranus'
@LP09 Considering that they used Titan as the name for a Saturn based Arcade, I could see that.
Re: Donkey Kong '94 Gets A 'DX' Game Boy Color Remaster, Thanks To Fans
@MysticX Legally speaking, they are in the clear if they release it as a patch. This has been the case for the other DX releases like with Mario Land 1 and 2.
Re: Interview: Say Hello To Jocelyn Benford, The First Person To Give Princess Peach A Voice
@Andee Looking in the recent beta, there's an unused audio clip that has the Mario Brothers sounding more like they were in the DiC cartoon (Adventures of Mario 3). So I can guess that Animation Magic (The studio that made the "cutscenes") took more inspiration from those than the actual games. (It would also explain why so many YTPs mash the two together and they actually work well)
Re: Rescue Force Is A Metal Gear Clone That Comes With A Remake Of Adult Game Custer's Revenge
The fact that someone is doing a remake of Cluster's Revenge and not say, Beat'em and Eat'em, says a lot about a person. I'm all for smut games (even if it squicks me) but @PZT 's comment about the developer's past works... Yuck.
Re: "We Are Waiting For A Reply From Sega" - SuperSega FPGA Console Team Talk Price, Release Date And More
@Guru_Larry Not surprised, considering how terrible AtGames' consoles were.
Re: "We Are Waiting For A Reply From Sega" - SuperSega FPGA Console Team Talk Price, Release Date And More
Ok, WHY do you need an actual 32X to play 32X games when it's on an FPGA? Like, there's another company in Brazil making a Sega Neptune FPGA without needing the add-on, why can't these folks do it too?
Re: The "Worst PlayStation RPG Ever" Is Getting A Fan Translation
I think another reason why bad games like this disaster gets fan translations is well... It can't get any worse. By that I mean, there's little if any pressure that you might "screw up" the translation as the original text/story is already borked as it is.
Though @SnowyAria will you ever make a version of the game that fixes some of the bugs/audio issues or is that a no go?
Re: Sega's Cancelled Neptune Console Is Getting Revived In FPGA Form
How come no one has made an FPGA Sega/Mega CD? As in, one that can either take actual disks or ISOs.
Re: 2000s MMO Game 'Habbo Hotel' Is Getting A Throwback Revival
But will the Pool close because of Stingrays?
Re: 8BitDo Just Dramatically Expanded Its Keyboard Range
Correction for the article. IBM never made a Model M computer. The Model M is the keyboard.
Re: Atari Purchases The Intellivision Brand, But Not The Delayed Amico Console
Like I said in NintendoLife, I wouldn't be surprised if they paid extra NOT to buy the Amico mess. (To put it lightly.)
Re: Disney's Canned Star Wars 'Playmation' Project Would Have Combined AR With Wearable Tech
Once again, Disney does NOT get Video Games. Perhaps its a good thing though.
Re: Random: This Mega Drive / Genesis Clone Looks Like An N64, Because Why Not
I wonder if it has the Mega/Sega CD expansion port.
Re: The Next Arcade Archives Game Marks 10 Years Of The Series, But It's A Secret
@Boopero sigh If only... If only...
Re: The Reason Sega Lost The 32-Bit War? The 32X, Says Yosuke Okunari
My personal take on the 32X has two different scenarios.
Scenario A is just to have it never come out.
Scenario B is a bit more interesting. I would basically boost the power of the 32X to make it nearly or even completely make it into a Sega Saturn. That would make the Tower of Power much more appealing deal. Also consider that if the 32X and Saturn are more closely related that means it could also be backwards compatible with the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis. (Though not Master System since there's no Z80) Could be a massive marketing tactic against both the PlayStation 1 and the N64.
Re: Kickstart, The World's Biggest Amiga Show, Is Back This Year
Not to start a flame war, but why does the Amiga have an active fanbase and the Atari ST doesn't?
Re: This $500 Game Boy-Style Handheld Is All About Bitcoin
I don't know what surprises me more. People caring about bitcoin in 2024 or that the people making this device aren't slapping stuff about "AI" in the advertising.
Re: CEX Is Launching Its Own Repair Service For Retro Consoles
@Sketcz Doesn't the CD-i get stuck in a boot loop with a dead battery?
Re: Controversial Retro Store DK Oldies Just Got Hacked
So... Nothing changed then?
Re: Praise The Sun! You Can Now Own The Gun From GBA Cult Classic Boktai
Bet you it's cheaper to buy the gun than the game.
Re: Mandalorian, Thor And Cowboy Bebop Writer Behind Upcoming Live-Action Pac-Man Movie
Welp. Looks like the first trailer is going to the decider if this will be good or bad.
Re: Rare SNES Game 'Dottie Flowers' Is Now Available To Download For Free
Kind of a dumb idea not to do it at first. Someone was going to dump the ROM anyways.
Re: Dungeon Keeper, Populous, & Even More EA Classics Come To Steam
The Gods are pleased with this offering.
Re: Elevator Action And Zoo Keeper Join The Quarter Arcades Range
@obijuankanoobie It's sort of a display item of sorts. Also, since it is quarter scale, it's a perfect fit for posing action figures and the like with it.
Re: Duck Hunt Gets An 'Enhanced' Remake For The Amiga
@Spider-Kev Considering it uses a mouse, I assume so.
Re: Super Mario Bros. CD Is A New ROM Hack Inspired By A Console That Doesn't Exist
@ROBLOGNICK Nintendo doesn't usually go after ROM hacks, if it doesn't include the ROM of the game in question. It's a case of "This is a patch, so find your own ROM wink wink"
@DestructoDisk Sounds a lot like how the Sega/Mega CD worked with the Genesis/Mega Drive
Re: Random: Facebook And Instagram Suppressing "Mega Drive" Searches Over Child Abuse Fears
laughs in American Genesis
@Hydra_Spectre It was a problem. Now it is a problem.
Re: Collector Finds Rare Philips CD-i Hotel Mario Prototype In Goodwill
@ArcadianLegend99 In his defense, he probably doesn't know how to dump something like this. Yes, he could use something like Imgburn to make an iso, but that's more for emulators and making ahem legal backup copies. Also, this is a CD-I disk, not a CD-ROM. While the formats are similar, they aren't the exact same thing and it's very likely that most CD and DVD computer drives can't read from CD-i disks.
It's less of a "I'm not dumping it until I'm popular." and more of a "Um, could you tell people about me so that someone with the know-how could help me get this archived?"
Re: Collector Finds Rare Philips CD-i Hotel Mario Prototype In Goodwill
Also, a correction to the article. The audio tutorial is in the final game, but it's unused.
Re: Collector Finds Rare Philips CD-i Hotel Mario Prototype In Goodwill
My god. This just opened up a new gold ore vain for YouTube Poops.
What a time to be alive.
Re: You Can Play This Fan-Made Sega Vs. Capcom Crossover Right Now
Does that mean they plan to have Red from Angry Birds as a playable character someday?
Re: Anniversary: 30 Years Ago, Sega Hijacked Groundhog Day To Mark Sonic 3's Release
@KingMike Unlike Sonic 2, it wasn't.
Re: 27 Years Later, Saturn Bomberman Fight!!'s Odious Hardware Lock Has Been Defeated
Willy Wombat? Wasn't that one of Crash Bandicoot's working names?