Comments 109

Re: Sega Admits It Doesn't Know How Many Games It Owns


Interesting how they labeled Puyo Puyo separately, it's lucky that they at least know (or hopefully) know that everything they don't already own of it is in D4's catalog.

That said, outside of music related stuff (Like Sonic 1-3), what's the biggest hole Sega might have when it comes to IPs?

@zeebor15 I must commend your work on untangling the messy web of "Who owns what in Gaming?" Salutes.
(Though PLEASE add Toontown Online to the Walt Disney umbrella, been annoying me for a while seeing it missing)

Re: Interview: Say Hello To Jocelyn Benford, The First Person To Give Princess Peach A Voice


@Andee Looking in the recent beta, there's an unused audio clip that has the Mario Brothers sounding more like they were in the DiC cartoon (Adventures of Mario 3). So I can guess that Animation Magic (The studio that made the "cutscenes") took more inspiration from those than the actual games. (It would also explain why so many YTPs mash the two together and they actually work well)

Re: The "Worst PlayStation RPG Ever" Is Getting A Fan Translation


I think another reason why bad games like this disaster gets fan translations is well... It can't get any worse. By that I mean, there's little if any pressure that you might "screw up" the translation as the original text/story is already borked as it is.

Though @SnowyAria will you ever make a version of the game that fixes some of the bugs/audio issues or is that a no go?

Re: The Reason Sega Lost The 32-Bit War? The 32X, Says Yosuke Okunari


My personal take on the 32X has two different scenarios.

Scenario A is just to have it never come out.

Scenario B is a bit more interesting. I would basically boost the power of the 32X to make it nearly or even completely make it into a Sega Saturn. That would make the Tower of Power much more appealing deal. Also consider that if the 32X and Saturn are more closely related that means it could also be backwards compatible with the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis. (Though not Master System since there's no Z80) Could be a massive marketing tactic against both the PlayStation 1 and the N64.

Re: Collector Finds Rare Philips CD-i Hotel Mario Prototype In Goodwill


@ArcadianLegend99 In his defense, he probably doesn't know how to dump something like this. Yes, he could use something like Imgburn to make an iso, but that's more for emulators and making ahem legal backup copies. Also, this is a CD-I disk, not a CD-ROM. While the formats are similar, they aren't the exact same thing and it's very likely that most CD and DVD computer drives can't read from CD-i disks.

It's less of a "I'm not dumping it until I'm popular." and more of a "Um, could you tell people about me so that someone with the know-how could help me get this archived?"