Comments 508

Re: Poll: What's The Best Handheld Of All Time?


I grew up with handhelds since the release of the Game Boy, unlike most of my friends who just played on consoles. So they’ve always had this very personal feeling to me. But the one that resonated with me the most was the 3DS. That’s the one I want to be buried with, lol

Re: Best Sega 32X Games Of All Time


Had a chance to buy a mint condition 32X in box for a very good price but passed it up at the time. I regret it now but in reality it’s no detriment to my gaming time and selection. Don’t need to accumulate everything I suppose

Re: SNESTang Is The World's Smallest FPGA 'SNES Classic'


FPGA is a pretty decent backstop to consoles not built to last a lifetime. Little did we know as young video gamers that we’d need them to last that long and longer, because the industry has been a whirlwind of fortuitous talent and financial investment that so rarely looks back.