Comments 4

Re: Feature: What If The SNES PlayStation Had Actually Happened?


@Aromaiden Yeah, it was rather harsh. I mean, they basically publicly humiliated Sony. That's just mean. @hYdeks Sorry if I sounded harsh. Some of your posts that I've seen have just sorta come across as trollish to me. Sorry 'bout that.
Edit: In case you think it was just because you're opinion was different than mine, it wasn't. There's nothing wrong with having an opinion.

Re: Feature: What If The SNES PlayStation Had Actually Happened?


It really is interesting to think about ho different things would've been...would games like Ape Escape, Uncharted, God of War and Rachet & Clank all be on Nintendo consoles if things went differently? Would Microsoft have even entered the console market? Would Sega still be making consoles? Granted, it's still possible that the Xbox would come at some point, though maybe a bit later than originally. And given how stupid Sega has been when making decisions, they'd probably still not be making consoles, but probably last a bit longer without Sony.
@hYdeks Why are you even on a Nintendo site? I mean, I also looked at @JaniN83's post and found it a bit odd, and everyone's entitled to their opinion, but still, why are you even here?