@Donutman You're also incorrect. The SNES was more powerful than the Genesis. Same with the N64 to the PS1 (Though the real bottleneck for the N64 was the cartridges. But by my understanding, on the whole, the N64 was indeed more powerful).
The GameCube was also more powerful than the PS2. So...the whole inferiority shtick really started with the Wii.
As for the Game Boy to the Game Gear, the Game Gear had a /lot/ of other issues. It was essentially a portable Master System (With some differences, but still). But the battery life was the real killer.
Comments 1
Re: Feature: What If The SNES PlayStation Had Actually Happened?
@Donutman You're also incorrect. The SNES was more powerful than the Genesis. Same with the N64 to the PS1 (Though the real bottleneck for the N64 was the cartridges. But by my understanding, on the whole, the N64 was indeed more powerful).
The GameCube was also more powerful than the PS2. So...the whole inferiority shtick really started with the Wii.
As for the Game Boy to the Game Gear, the Game Gear had a /lot/ of other issues. It was essentially a portable Master System (With some differences, but still). But the battery life was the real killer.